仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1-Topic1单元测试题 下载本文


Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.


一. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)

A. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。 1. Yao Ming is my favorite basketball __________ (play).

2. Would you like _____________ (watch) the football match with us tomorrow afternoon?

3. This is our ____________ (one) English speech competition (竞赛) this term, so everyone is very nervous (紧张的).

4. All of us are very ___________ (excite), because we are going to have a picnic this afternoon.

5. We must eat ____________ (health) food every day.

B. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。

6. I want to be a teacher like Miss Wang when I g__________ up. 7. Bill is the captain (队长) of our football t____________. 8. Welcome to j____________ our English Learner Club.

9. Jay Chow is a very p______________ singer. Many young people like listening to his songs.

10. Listening to the soft music can r___________ yourself.



C. 从方框中选择合适的短语完成句子,使句子完整、通顺。 leave for, keep fit, pretty well, in the future, play against dancing and she dances __________.

12. My parents and I are ____________ Beijing to visit my grandparents. 13. Running is a good way to _________. You’d better run every morning. 14. I hope your dream will come true ___________.

15. There is going to be a football match, and we will _______________ Class Three.

二.从A. B. C. D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 16. On the playground all the students are _______ their players _____.

A. cheering; on

B. putting; away




C. cheering; down D. calling; on

( ) 17. There ______ a parents’ meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. is going to have B. has C. is going to be

D. be

( ) 18. You will take part in the basketball match. I hope _______ the match.

A. to win

B. you to win

D. win

C. you’ll win

( ) 19. — Does your friend skate much?



— Yes, ____________. A. seldom C. hardly

B. quite a lot D. never

( ) 20. _______ is good _______ you to take exercise every day.

A. It; with C. It; for

B. This; to D. That; of

( ) 21. My English teacher asks me _______ at least half an hour ____

English every day. A. spend; reading C. take; to read

B. to spend; reading D. spending; to read

( ) 22. Does your sister play basketball _______ Saturday afternoon?

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. /

( ) 23. Hurry up! There is _______ time left.

A. few

B. a few D. a little

C. little

( ) 24. Tracy ______________ a volleyball player when she grows up.

A. is

B. wants

D. wants to

C. is going to be

( ) 25. Sandy likes _______ in the mountains with his friends during holidays.

A. go swimming

B. going to swim

D. going hiking

C. going to hiking



( ) 26. — Linda’s father is a basketball coach. What about _______, Lily?

— My father is a teacher.

A. you B. him C. yours D. your

( ) 27. — Which color do you ________, blue or white?

— I like white better. A. likes

B. want C. use D. prefer

( ) 28. — How long can I ______ the e-dictionary?

— For two days.

A. borrow B. lend C. get

D. keep

( ) 29. — When did they arrive ______ the hospital?

— At 5:00 yesterday afternoon. A. on

B. at

C. in D. to

( ) 30. — Would you like to go to the wildlife park (野生动物园) with us?

— __________. A. No, I won’t

B. No, I don’t

D. Of course I do

C. Yes, I’d love to

三.按括号中的要求完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 31. Julia will go to visit her uncle this weekend. (改为同义句)

Julia _____________________ her uncle this weekend.

32. Which season do you like better, summer or winter? (改为同义句)

Which season do you ____________, summer or winter?
