研究生英语(提高版)课后习题及翻译 下载本文

7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive to high interest rates.But__________,the loss of income in these areas had a ripple effect throughout the economy.

8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;the chanters who sing and ____________for the puppets;and the players of the three-stringed instrument.

9、This is your daily life;to me it is like a scene from a play,over which one sighs to see the curtain fall-all_____________,all light,all happiness. 10、“It was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.“But these newcomers are ______________the rural atmosphere.”


1、Sudden gestures would drive sharks away for a moment,but they came back almost at once.If we turned our backs to them,they would__________at our legs.

2、The male___________produces his courtship song by rubbing a grooved ridge on the underside of one of his front wings against the sharp edge of the other front wing.

3、Early ballpoint pens did not write well;they tended to skip,and the slow-drying oilbased ink__________easily.

4、In August,the enemy’s drive against the city,which had been__________by floods in late June and July,was renewed. 5、In an ionic substance,the positive ion often____________the electrons on the negative ion. 6、The risk of a heart attack for patients with a history of heart problems goes up by 35~50 percent during the winter months,so doctors warn heart patients to ____________the cold.

7、Last month,protected CDs with technology designed to discourage customers from making copies on their PCs quietly ____________stores. 8、On January 21,2001,thousands of people______________the National Mall


to be witness to the inauguration of the 43 president George W·Bush. 9、In low visibility,the diver never knows what he will find on any dive and may suddenly see a huge ship_______________out of the underwater fog.

10、 Inside the airport hundreds of passengers are still____________by the snowstorm.



1、I am determined never to be___________from doing my duty by threats. 2、Whisky is such a wonderful liquid.The old man___________for it;and when he drank it he savored every drop,and afterwards he would feel his soul

swimming in indescribable happiness.

3、The argument is based on such obvious shaky ground that doesn’t require a particular ______________.

4、We often _____________our energies in trivial occupations.

5、He hoped that the affair could be settled without either of them having____________to legal peoceedings.

6、He claimed to be a democrat,but secretly he____________for absolute authority.

7、Only when this evil political system has been_____________will it be possible to do away with poverty,unemployment and war.

8、She didn’t know the beautiful garden behind the courthouse was ___________property for all to enjoy.

9、The June night was short;but it seemed an ______________to those who waited and watched.

10、On his own ________________he was taken part in the robbery.


1、I haven’t a penny lefe;buying all those books has completely_________me________________.

2、So many young men have been_____________in this terrible war.

3、Don’t go in yet.Father is _____________about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.

4、Claiming to represent the majority,he demanded____________of the privileges of the few.

5、After a lifetime in the noisy city,Mr·Steward_____________of the privileges of the few.

6、When the drunkard started to fight,the barman_____________him out of the pub.

7、If you set the law at_____________,you will find yourself behind bars. 8、We watched helplessly the flames_____________the entire building. 9、I was so anxious that every moment seemed an____________. 10、The court met again after an_____________of two weeks.



1、The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible to make foods that are less likely to _trigger_________ allergies.

2、The relationship between men and their cars would terminate________ in the event of irreparable mechanical breakdown(equivalent to the death of a spouse).

3、The combination of miscommunication,ignored warnings and general hubris__________virtually guaranteed disaster.

4、Despite an occasional glimmer____________of hope,this campaign has

not produced any results. 5、These kids,their wealthy families had further insulated__________them from reality with the privilege that money could buy.

6、I found myself constantly pondering____________the question:“How could anyone do these things?”

7、Interactive technology augments traditional methods with new and yet-to-be invented collaboration_____________tools ranging from e-mail to Web logs to digital video to peer-to-peer systems. 8、For people who feel too intimidated____________or shy to ask questions during class,the Internet creates a “safe environment”to speak their mind.Online,nobody knows who you are.

9、On this day after September 11,most planes were still grounded;the skies were eerily__________ quiet.

10、 Considered by many archaeologists to be the first human civilization,Sumer has yielded many huge stone carvings.Deciphered___________,they described “gods”who came from another planet in flying machines.


1、 Gone were the days when dogs ran free and were considered

animals,_________beloved animals,rather than furry little people. 2、 It is through our nervous system that we adapt ourselves to our

environment and to all external____________.

3、 The Board of Aldermen soon will ______________$4.3 million to dozens

of nonprofit organizations and city departments that serve families,homeowners and businesses in struggling neighborhoods. 4、 If the hypothesis is correct,it might explain why Homo

erectus ,survived to____________modern humans while other relatives such as Paranthropus,that lived alongside for hundreds fo thousands of years,died out.

5、 The astronomers say that the radio signal picked up by a search for

extraterrestrial intelligence may ___________to be an unknown astronomical phenomenon.

6、 In a report published in 2000,a committee of the National Academy

of Sciences ranked a 30-meter telescope first on a ____________of new instruments for the coming decade.

7、 No metter who you asked whether you can take on tobacco,you get the

same answer:“You can’t do that.It’ll be hard.it’s a __________. 8、 The London Underground is offering“Baby on Board”badges to pregnant

females._____________this is a great move,but behind the initiative are a number of depressingand troubling assumptions. 9、 Technofutures:How ____________Technology Will Transform Business in stthe 21 Century is about how technology will continue to bring impacts

and changes,both economically and socially,to our lives.

10、 Personal computers have changed a lot in the last few decades,but

not in the way that people communicate with them.Typing on a keyboard,with the help of a mouse,remains the most common__________.



1、In the Renaissance,fresco painting on walls and ceilings largely gave way to ___________painting in oils,but wall painting returned to popularity in the 20th century.

2、White marble busts of Shakespeare,Dickens,Hawthorne and Irving____________through the trailing ivy from the various corners. 3、As Hank ventured this last remark in a cautious manner,he scraped the_______________of the walk with one foot while he slyly noted the reception of his venture by an upward cast of his eye.

4、They had an air of dignity and independence in their manners,which formed a striking contrast to the_____________and servile appearance of the Slave.

5、The sun coming down the heavens was scattering its beams full and fair against the vine clad______________and windows.

6、Drunkenness is temporary suicide;the happiness that it brings is merely negative,a _____________cessation of unhappiness. 7、Though he looked thin and weak,he could run___________fast in the 1,000 meters race.

8、He was seated in the rear lobby,_____________by cushions in a comfortable rocking chair. 9、The darkness came very early.Then the electric lights_______________. 10、 All of us were very surprised to find that they had completed the difficult task in ____________haste.


1、We should all ______________to the hero as a role model of devotion to duty.

2、The students were surprised that this time the principal gave a ____________speech instead of his usual long ones.

3、The ____________of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke.

4、Peterson knew in front of the Nazi soldiers he had to persist because this was the_____________test of loyalty to his mother country. 5、A psychological ____________of a job applicant does help a lot in the job seeking.

6、See me safe up:for my coming down,I can __________for myself.

7、You must dress yourself quickly and be sure that your jewelry