研究生英语(提高版)课后习题及翻译 下载本文


第1课 A

1、For some______reason,she was attracted to Paul,a narrow-minded gug. 2、With major life_______like losing a loved one,for instance,the mind’s first reaction is denial.

3、Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic_______equipment. 4、They used pressure_______to force them to return,including cutting food and water supplies.

5、I was _______with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 6、Police said they believed the attack was in_______for the death of the bombing.

7、He ________hasty note to his wife.

8、Captical punishment justifies________by suggesting that our duty to the survivors of murder is finished when another life is taken. 9、Meanwhile,here I am in Angus for the first time ahd am ashamed to admit that I wanted to see some________visitors so that the headline for this piece could be “Angus Tourists Bitter”。

10、Babies lose heat much faster than adults,and are especially_______to the cold in their first month.


1、IP______________about four years of being addicted to video games. 2、I’m quiet surprised that I’ve believed the whole thing has been_____________although,of course,some people know.

3、It took about half a year for them to ______________how to build the equipment.

4、Security forces remined ______________until far into the night. 5、Feelings there have been running high______________last week’s killing.

6、Campaigners______________leaflets on passive smoking.

7、The power immediately ignited and ______________a chain reaction of explosions.

8、Security is being _____________to deal with the increase in violence. 9、If someone tells you to______________,they are warning you to be careful about how you behave or what you say so that you do not get into trouble.

10、 It’s time to_______________and get something done.



1、Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that the“chance Israel will be hit”during an Iraqi war“is very small,but we have taken all necessary precautions as if we were in_________danger. 2、Drake ___________that there are some 10,000 high-tech worlds scattered among the Milky Way’s 100 billion or more stars.

3、Bill puts his arm around her and tenderly says:“If she grows up as much a lady as her mother,some___________will be a happy man.” 4、There is this image,particularly cultivated by opponents of the monarchy in this country,that it’s an_____________expensive and wasteful institution. 5、Especially for those___________lovers,Valentine’s Day is made easier by the publishing companies that come to their aid by distributing cards they could use to stir hearts.

6、There is an account of a woman who believed herself to be freezing to death in the Arctic nighe,only to find,when day broke,that she had_________onto the Sahara Desert.

7、In the mid-fifties,when we’d go to restaurants or out shopping,my father would constantly be approached by sports fans seeking_________. 8、I’m so _________when I meet him in person.Whenever I meet him,I become speechless,but chatting with him on the Net would be less intimidating. 9、We may be suffering from cultural differences,but we are__________to be in the new environment,seeing new sights,hearing new sounds and language,eating new kinds of food.

10、 Sleepy,__________,unable to fix a bicycle tire,or walk across a room,he was stripped of his true self by drink.


1、Why don’t you learn to _____________your superior’s moods and act accordingly?It may be good for your career.

2、In their legal system,factual issues_________________be resolved by the jury,not by the court.

3、I read Dreiser’s Jennie Gerhardt and Sister Carrie and they revived in me a vivid sense of my mother’s suffering;I was____________. 4、It was only a _____________out that’s all it took for Secret Service agent Sean King’s attention to wander and his “protecte”,Clyde Ritter,to die.

5、The annumal coming-of-age ceremony in Japan was once a solemn rite of passage,but today’s events will highlight a growing generation gap between adults and youths who are______________rite or passage. 6、New ________________storage devices can store hundreds of megabytes of date on a single disk,cassette,or card.

7、They may be poorly informed________________public affairs,but they

know enough to believe that their political system is badly in need of reform. 8、The American soldiers charged with prisoner abuses at a U.S.-run prison complex near Baghdad are being______________by the press.

9、______________is annoying when someone is doing it for some sort of gain such as better treatment or just plain bragging.Sometimes it is not cultured to talk about“who you know”.

10、 The objective of that grand program passed by Europe’s leaders can be illustrated with the motto:Let’s______________America and overtake it!

第6课 A

1、Another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker is trying to_________conversation:“Sure is hot here,isn’t it?” 2、Napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yet again,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms.So here is Napster’s__________:Still not ready.

3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by the Food & Drug Administration is a long and__________process. 4、When I was a child,I always refused to write thank-you notes for birthday presents from a faraway relative.My mother would__________me and say,“Paul,you must learn to be polite.”

5、A(a)__________memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness.

6、There’s still a great deal of ___________on the weapons of mass destruction,which despite what President Bush and Prime Minister Blair say,have not yet been found.

7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can be harmful.Teens who exercise___________are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.

8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.But others were_________,driving the young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.

9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many different nationalities__________and exchanging greetings in an international airport.

10、When Dallas police notified the hospital that President Kennedy had been shot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a_____________.


1、He picked up things that he thought people were throwing away and still

had life.He was very upset that people were very quick to__________things of value.

2、Looking for life elsewhere is tough task.The good news is that the scientists are ___________for extraterrestrials signs and scientific tools to search for extraterrestrial life are advancing rapidly. 3、They are not so ____________their studies that they avoid sports.On the contrary,they juggle their crowded hours to play on a variey of teams.

4、People remember only what is interesting and useful to them,what helps them make sense of the world,or helps them___________in it. 5、My husband reacted with irritation because he felt the comments implied:“Yours is not a real marriage.I am _____________you because my wife and I have avoided your misfortune.”

6、Airlines are _____________the plan to modernize Los Angeles International Airport because their financial problems would make it difficult for them to pay for the renovation.

7、The Green Party of Pennsylvania(GPPA)has ______________the political scene in 2001 with unprecedented energy and vigor and Green voter registration has more than quadrupled. 8、Before he went to university,Prince William had gone off to the jungles of South America and worked on rather____________farms in England. 9、_____________,we tend to get remain the same or change it to your advantage!

10、 Following the terrorist attacks,there have been reports of beatings and killings of Arabs.As an African American,I am outraged by the_____________Arab Americans and Muslims.

第9课 A

1、When she arose to speak in their assemblies,her commanding figure and dignified manners___________every trifler into silence.

2、In many of his paintings of towns,harbors,and rivers,Marquet showed a particular gift for simplification that seized___________upon the essentials in the scene before him.

3、The old gentleman was so much immersed in business,that he was unable to ___________much attention upon me.

4、The most famous_____________whiteface clown is Felix Adler,who performed in the early and mid-20th century.

5、By the 1st century B.C,Roman power was growing and Greek influence had begun to ______________.

6、To starboard,at Hurghada,behind______________ranks of coral reefs,lay the important Marine Biological Station of the University of Egypt.

7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive to high interest rates.But__________,the loss of income in these areas had a ripple effect throughout the economy.

8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;the chanters who sing and ____________for the puppets;and the players of the three-stringed instrument.

9、This is your daily life;to me it is like a scene from a play,over which one sighs to see the curtain fall-all_____________,all light,all happiness. 10、“It was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.“But these newcomers are ______________the rural atmosphere.”


1、Sudden gestures would drive sharks away for a moment,but they came back almost at once.If we turned our backs to them,they would__________at our legs.

2、The male___________produces his courtship song by rubbing a grooved ridge on the underside of one of his front wings against the sharp edge of the other front wing.

3、Early ballpoint pens did not write well;they tended to skip,and the slow-drying oilbased ink__________easily.

4、In August,the enemy’s drive against the city,which had been__________by floods in late June and July,was renewed. 5、In an ionic substance,the positive ion often____________the electrons on the negative ion. 6、The risk of a heart attack for patients with a history of heart problems goes up by 35~50 percent during the winter months,so doctors warn heart patients to ____________the cold.

7、Last month,protected CDs with technology designed to discourage customers from making copies on their PCs quietly ____________stores. 8、On January 21,2001,thousands of people______________the National Mall


to be witness to the inauguration of the 43 president George W·Bush. 9、In low visibility,the diver never knows what he will find on any dive and may suddenly see a huge ship_______________out of the underwater fog.

10、 Inside the airport hundreds of passengers are still____________by the snowstorm.



1、I am determined never to be___________from doing my duty by threats. 2、Whisky is such a wonderful liquid.The old man___________for it;and when he drank it he savored every drop,and afterwards he would feel his soul

swimming in indescribable happiness.

3、The argument is based on such obvious shaky ground that doesn’t require a particular ______________.

4、We often _____________our energies in trivial occupations.

5、He hoped that the affair could be settled without either of them having____________to legal peoceedings.

6、He claimed to be a democrat,but secretly he____________for absolute authority.

7、Only when this evil political system has been_____________will it be possible to do away with poverty,unemployment and war.

8、She didn’t know the beautiful garden behind the courthouse was ___________property for all to enjoy.

9、The June night was short;but it seemed an ______________to those who waited and watched.

10、On his own ________________he was taken part in the robbery.


1、I haven’t a penny lefe;buying all those books has completely_________me________________.

2、So many young men have been_____________in this terrible war.

3、Don’t go in yet.Father is _____________about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.

4、Claiming to represent the majority,he demanded____________of the privileges of the few.

5、After a lifetime in the noisy city,Mr·Steward_____________of the privileges of the few.

6、When the drunkard started to fight,the barman_____________him out of the pub.

7、If you set the law at_____________,you will find yourself behind bars. 8、We watched helplessly the flames_____________the entire building. 9、I was so anxious that every moment seemed an____________. 10、The court met again after an_____________of two weeks.



1、The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible to make foods that are less likely to _trigger_________ allergies.

2、The relationship between men and their cars would terminate________ in the event of irreparable mechanical breakdown(equivalent to the death of a spouse).

3、The combination of miscommunication,ignored warnings and general hubris__________virtually guaranteed disaster.

4、Despite an occasional glimmer____________of hope,this campaign has

not produced any results. 5、These kids,their wealthy families had further insulated__________them from reality with the privilege that money could buy.

6、I found myself constantly pondering____________the question:“How could anyone do these things?”

7、Interactive technology augments traditional methods with new and yet-to-be invented collaboration_____________tools ranging from e-mail to Web logs to digital video to peer-to-peer systems. 8、For people who feel too intimidated____________or shy to ask questions during class,the Internet creates a “safe environment”to speak their mind.Online,nobody knows who you are.

9、On this day after September 11,most planes were still grounded;the skies were eerily__________ quiet.

10、 Considered by many archaeologists to be the first human civilization,Sumer has yielded many huge stone carvings.Deciphered___________,they described “gods”who came from another planet in flying machines.


1、 Gone were the days when dogs ran free and were considered

animals,_________beloved animals,rather than furry little people. 2、 It is through our nervous system that we adapt ourselves to our

environment and to all external____________.

3、 The Board of Aldermen soon will ______________$4.3 million to dozens

of nonprofit organizations and city departments that serve families,homeowners and businesses in struggling neighborhoods. 4、 If the hypothesis is correct,it might explain why Homo

erectus ,survived to____________modern humans while other relatives such as Paranthropus,that lived alongside for hundreds fo thousands of years,died out.

5、 The astronomers say that the radio signal picked up by a search for

extraterrestrial intelligence may ___________to be an unknown astronomical phenomenon.

6、 In a report published in 2000,a committee of the National Academy

of Sciences ranked a 30-meter telescope first on a ____________of new instruments for the coming decade.

7、 No metter who you asked whether you can take on tobacco,you get the

same answer:“You can’t do that.It’ll be hard.it’s a __________. 8、 The London Underground is offering“Baby on Board”badges to pregnant

females._____________this is a great move,but behind the initiative are a number of depressingand troubling assumptions. 9、 Technofutures:How ____________Technology Will Transform Business in stthe 21 Century is about how technology will continue to bring impacts

and changes,both economically and socially,to our lives.

10、 Personal computers have changed a lot in the last few decades,but

not in the way that people communicate with them.Typing on a keyboard,with the help of a mouse,remains the most common__________.



1、In the Renaissance,fresco painting on walls and ceilings largely gave way to ___________painting in oils,but wall painting returned to popularity in the 20th century.

2、White marble busts of Shakespeare,Dickens,Hawthorne and Irving____________through the trailing ivy from the various corners. 3、As Hank ventured this last remark in a cautious manner,he scraped the_______________of the walk with one foot while he slyly noted the reception of his venture by an upward cast of his eye.

4、They had an air of dignity and independence in their manners,which formed a striking contrast to the_____________and servile appearance of the Slave.

5、The sun coming down the heavens was scattering its beams full and fair against the vine clad______________and windows.

6、Drunkenness is temporary suicide;the happiness that it brings is merely negative,a _____________cessation of unhappiness. 7、Though he looked thin and weak,he could run___________fast in the 1,000 meters race.

8、He was seated in the rear lobby,_____________by cushions in a comfortable rocking chair. 9、The darkness came very early.Then the electric lights_______________. 10、 All of us were very surprised to find that they had completed the difficult task in ____________haste.


1、We should all ______________to the hero as a role model of devotion to duty.

2、The students were surprised that this time the principal gave a ____________speech instead of his usual long ones.

3、The ____________of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke.

4、Peterson knew in front of the Nazi soldiers he had to persist because this was the_____________test of loyalty to his mother country. 5、A psychological ____________of a job applicant does help a lot in the job seeking.

6、See me safe up:for my coming down,I can __________for myself.

7、You must dress yourself quickly and be sure that your jewelry


8、People don’t _________________other people’s property in the same way as they do to their own.

9、The teacher was already _______________hearing his another excuse for being late.

10、 He was afraid that they couldn’t arrive at the port on time as the sail of the little boat____________crazily from one side to the other in the wind.



1、Yesterday,s terrorism darkened,marked and forever altered the way Americans live

their lives.


2、\to manage fear at a cultural and national level,\said Charles Figley,a professor of trauma A at Florida State University. \getting a lesson in the way fear works.\


3、In a country long proud and even boastful of its openness -- a country where an ordinary citizen can stroll through the U.S. Capitol unescorted -- the terrorist attacks are likely to force Americans to watch their steps and look over their shoulders. We already do a lot of that. Metal detectors now mark the front door of many government buildings,and security guards are a fixture in the lobby of most large office buildings.

美国是一个一向以开放自豪甚至洋洋得意的国家,在这里,人们可以独自在美国国会大楼里闲庭信步,而现在,恐怖袭击很有可能迫使美国人处处小心,惶惶不可终日。其实我们 很大程度上已经是这样了。许多政府大楼的前门装设的金属探测器已然成为一道风景线,大部分的办公大楼里也必备保安。

4、But retaliation carries the risk of setting off a tightening spiral of violence and counter violence not unlike the Middle East or Northern Ireland. Unlike countries that have had to learn to live with violence,\are new at this,\said Florida’s Dr. Figley, who heads a project that has trained trauma teams in Yugoslavia.\fear is we will overreach and make things worse rather than better by retribution,revenge,racism and marginalizing ethnic groups.\


5、Fear of terrorism is likely to lead Americans to tolerate more government

surveillance -- such as overhead video cameras at sporting events -- than they have to date. \very likely in the wake of today’s events that we’re going to see a greater acceptance on the public’s part -- and on the court’s part -- to approve certain kinds of police tactics,\Law School professor.



1、 Dave got there first and he slaughtered me later about how the maitre d’had changed his tone completely when Dave told him who he was supposed to be meeting,It went from: \second .When we got there,the snappers were doing their stuff outside.Dave was starting to take the mickey out of me for being a face at this expensive London restaurant when we looked across the room and saw Our Man at the same time.


2、 An amazing part of my life—of life with Victoria—is that,sometimes,those

people I’m nervous before meeting and tongue-tied when I do turn out to become friends.


3、 They’re incredibly generous:almost the first thing Elton did the afternoon I

met him in Italy was to offer Victoria and me their place in the South of France as somewhere to go if we ever needed to get away from it all.


4、 I’d have been happy listening to his opinion on that and anything else for the

rest of the day.We all know his story but,looking into his eyes,catching his smile,following the lines across this incredibly handsome face,you couldn’t help wanting to hear it from him.


5、 By the time we stumbled off the coach back at the hotel,having been up before

dawn,our lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me.The afternoon drifted past in a dream.



1、 John Forbes Nash,Jr.----mathematical genius,inventor of a theory of rational

behavior,visionary of the thinking machine----had been sitting with his visitor,also a mathematician,for nearly half an hour.


2、 He had been staring dully at spot immediately in front of the left foot of Harvard

profrssor George Mackey,hardly moving except to brush his long dark hair away from his forehead in fitful,repetitive motion.


3、 Over the next decade,a decade as notable for his supreme faith in human

rationality as for its dark anxieties about mankind’s survival,Nash proved himself,in the words of the eminent geometer Mikhail Gromov, “the most remarkable mathematician of the second half of the century”.


4、 Geniuses,the mathematician Paul Halmos wrote, “are of two kinds:the ones who

are just like all of us,but very much more so,and the ones who,apparently,have an extra human spark.We can all run,and some of us can run the mile in less than 4 minutes;but there is nothing that most of us can do that compares with the creation of the Great G-minor Fugue”.Nash’s genius was of that mysterious variety more often associated with music and art than with the oldest of all sciences.


5、 Compulsively rational,he wished to turn life’s decisions----whether to take

the first elevator or wait for the next one,where to bank his money,what job to accept,whether to marry----into calculations of advantage and disadvantage,algorithms or mathematical rules divorced from emotion,convention,and tradition.


6、 His remoteness was punctuated by flights of garrulousness about outer space and

geo-political trends,childish pranks,and unpredicatable eruptions of anger.But these outbursts were,more often than not,as enigmatic as his silence. “He is not one of us”was a constant refrain.


7、 Nash’s insight into the dynamics of human rivalry----his theory of rational

conflict and cooperation----was to become one of the most influential ideas of the twentieth century,transforming the youny science of economics the way that Mendel’s ideas of genetic transmission,Darwin’s model of natural selection,and Newton’s celestial mechanics reshaped biology and physics in their day.



1、 Still,it tugs at our minds.If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon,huge and

yellow over the horizon,we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence.And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.


2、 But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority.Its

complexion changed from red,to orange,to gold,to impressive yellow.It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth,for as it rose,the hills and valleys belows grew dimmer.By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon,full chested and round and the color of ivory,the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. 然而当月亮缓缓升起,离开山头,它变得坚定、威严;它的面孔也由红变成了橘红,


3、 Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties.To watch it,we must slip into an

older,more patient sense of time.To watch the moon move inexorably higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves.Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space,the immensity of the earth and huge improbablity of our own existence。We feel small but privileged.

月出是缓慢的,充满神奇。观看月出,我们得回到过去那种对时间的耐心中去。观看月亮不可阻挡地升到空中就能让我们内心安宁,我们的神思能让我们看到宇宙的广漠和大地的宽阔,能让我们忘掉自己。我们觉得自身渺小,却又深感大自然的厚待。 4、 Moonlight shows us none of life’s harder edges.Hillsides seem silken and silvery,

the oceans still and blue in its light.In moonlight we become less calculating,more drawn to our feelings.


5、 I return often to the rising moon.I am draw especially when events crowd ease

and clarity of vision into a small comer of my life.


6、 Lovers and poets find deeper meaning at night.We are all apt to pose

deeperquestions---about our origins and destinies. We indulge in riddles,rather than in the impersonal geometries that govern the day-lit world.We become philosophers and mystics.


7、 At moonrise,as we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens,enchantment steals

over us.We open the vents of feeling and exercise parts of our minds that reason locks away by day.We hear,across the distances,murmurs of ancient hunter and see the visions of poets and lovers of long ago.



1、 That hanging a man (or frying him or gassing him) is a dreadful business, degrading

to those who have to do it and revolting to those who have to witness it.


2、 It may be quite necessary to society for all that.


3、 These persons, and particularly the first group, are concerned only indirectly

with deterring other criminals. The thing they crave primarily is the satisfaction of seeing the criminal actually before them suffer as he made them suffer.


4、 Every law-abiding citizen feels menaced and frustrated until the criminals have

been struck down---until the communal capacity to get even with them, and more than even, has been dramatically demonstrated.


5、 Why should he wait at all? Why not hang him the day after the last court dissipates

his last hope? Why torture him as not even cannibals would torture their victims?



1、 Take another look at those cables:They snake into the back of the computer and

then out again,terminating in a cap on the monkey’s head,where they receive signals from hundreds of electrodes butied in its brain.The monkey is directing the robot with its thoughts.


2、 For decades scientists have pondered,speculated on,and pooh-poohed the possi

bility of a direct interface between a brain and a machine----only in the late 1990s did scientists start learning enough about the brain and signal-processing to offer glimmers of hope that this science-fiction vision could become reality.


3、 The notion of decoding the brain’s commands can seem,on the face of it,to be

pure hubris.How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life?


4、 But most researchers assumed that each type of movement was governed by a specific

handful of the brain’s billions of neurons----the need to monitor the whole brain in order to find those few would make the successful decoding a practical impossibility.


5、 Thus everthing that was known at the time suggested that brain-machine interfaces

were a fool’s errand.Everything,it turned out,was wrong.



1、 Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing

the gardens and the sea.


2、 Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the

rain and slipped back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the rain.


3、 Outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping

green tables. The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on.


4、 She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints. She liked his



5、 Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel

very small and at the same time really important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance.
