长郡中学实验班选拔考试试卷(英语) 下载本文



第一节:单项选择(共40题;每小题1分,满分40分) 21.When he saw me then ,he asked me what_____ . A.the matter was B.the matter is C.is the matter D.was the matter 22.Mother was______ doing the cooking when I came in .

A.made B.told C.busy D.ready 23.You'd better stop doing the job if it goes______ your will . A.with B.away C.against D.for

24.You should grow different plants in_____ same field _____ each ether . A.the ,next B.a ,the next C.x ,next to D.the ,next to 25.—What's the weather going to be like at the weekend ? — ______ .

A.I don't think we have had much snow B.The storm won't last too long . C.It's going to be very cold and cloudy D.We are to be caught in a heavy rain 26.—What's your new classmate like ? —He is______ .

A.a student B.very handsome C.Xiao Ming D.an old friend of Wang Hua's 27.The teacher asked the children_____ they_____ the things in the lad that morning . A.if ,had touched B.where did ,touch C. when ,touch D.when did ,touched 28.—Is there anything else I can do for you ? — ______ .

A.Never mind B.No, thanks C.Nothing for you D.Yes ,thanks a lot

29.The Great Wall in China is one of the few _____ objects on the earth _____ from the moon . A.man-made ,that can be seen B.man-making ,that can see C.men-made ,that can be seen D.man-make ,which can see 30.Pop music is _____ he likes most .

A.music B.the music C.one D.the one 31.Our country is no longer what it _____ .

A.used to be B.would be C.used to D.is 32.How long did the concert ______ ? A.go B.last C.take D.make

33.The shoes are made in Wuxi City , ______ is famous for it's products of light industry . A.where B.it C.that D.which

34.I ______ going for a walk after supper . Do you want to go together with me ? A.had to be B.would like C.feel like D.prefer to

35.In the end I ______ a good effort to pass the examination . A.did B.had C.made D.used

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36.Although Linda tried hard in the exam ,she did ______ than her brother . A.more badly B.much better C.much badly D.much worse 37.The progress he has made in maths is much greater than ______ in English . A.the one B.that C.he has D.it 38.I'll never do ______ .

A.things of this sort B.these sorts of a thing C.this sort of the thing D.this sort of a thing 39._____ seen ,it will never be forgotten.

A.Once B.After C.Though D.Unless 40.______ progress you have make this term!

A.How big B.What great C.How rapid D.What a rapid

41._____ of the two brothers would like to take _____ of the two apples on the table . A.None ,the bigger B.No one ,a bigger C.Each ,the biggest D.Neither ,the bigger 42.There are many islands______ the coast of China. A.in B.from C.off D.away 43.—What's the young man? —______ .

A.He is friendly B.He's a teacher C.He's fine D.He's Tom 44.—Why have you changed so much ?

—You don't know I ______ a hard life in the last ten years . A.had B.led C.had lived D.have led

45.Generally , the weather in Britain is_____ too cold in winter _____ too hot in summer . A.not only ,but also B.neither ,nor C.either ,or D.both ,and 46.The baby always sleeps with his eyes half _____ . A.open B.opening C.to open D. opened 47.—I'm sorry I've forgotten to post your letter . —Never mind . _____ post it myself .

A.I'm going to B. I am about to go and C.I'll go and D.I am to go to 48.Only 5 _____ of the population of America _____ farmers . A.percent ,are B.percents ,is C.percent ,is D.percents ,are 49.—Would you mind my sitting here ? — ______ .

A.Yes ,sit here B.No ,you can't C.No ,of course not D.Yes ,you are welcome 50.Will it be_____ before the professor returns ?

A.some times B.sometime C.some time D.sometimes 51.It was _____ weather that all o them stayed at home . A.Such a fine B.So fine a C.such fine D.so fine 52.We'll get _____ to put them in .

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A.something big enough B.enough big something C.something enough big D.big something enough 53.—Have you started writing your composition yet ? —No ,I really don't know ______ .

A.what to write about B.what to write C.what to write with D.what to write in 54.The lost boys were last seen _____ by the riverside . A.play B.to be playing C.playing D.to play

55.I don't think that _____ has been said on how to use these idioms and expressions . A.few B.many C.enough D.a few 56.—I'm sure _____ pass the exam this time .

—Are you sure _____ that? You haven't spent much time on your study. A.to ,to B.of ,of C.about ,of D.to ,of

57.They made_____ to meet and have a meeting on Sunday evenings . A.it a rule B.that a rule C.this a rule D.it rule 58.How could you go to the palace ball without _____ ?

A.be invited B.inviting C.to be invited D.being invited

59.The children go to school_____ and now they are doing their _____ homework . A.every day, everyday B.everyday ,every day C.everyday ,everyday D.every day ,every day 60.—_____ the sports meet might be put off. —Yes, it all depends on the weather .

A.I've been told B.I've told C.I'm told D.I told


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 In the year 1840 ,the world's first stamps for letters were used in England .From then on, many people all (61)the world have enjoyed (62)stamps .Boys and girls ,and older people (63),save them .It's easy (64)start collecting stamps .Ask your friends or parents to save (65)envelopes for you .When you get some ,keep the ones (66)stamps (67)you like .

Don’t try to pull the stamps (68)the envelopes .Cut off the stamp corner of the envelope .Leave the stamp corner in water (69)night .(70)morning ,the stamps will come right off the (71).Then put the wet stamps on soft paper .Put more soft paper (72)them .Place a book on top to keep the stamps (73)curling(卷)as they (74)(75)you have many stamps ,you will want to sort(分类)them .They can (76)by color ,size ,place ,or by how much they (77)for. They can also be sorted by the kinds of pictures on (78).Every picture on a stamp has (79)in it (80)stamp tells us a story.

61.A.over B.in C.of D.from 62.A.to collect B.collecting C.collected D.collect

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63.A.either B.also C.too D.at the same time 64.A.in B.for C.at D.to 65.A.used B.using C.use D.to use 66.A.with B.have C.has D.having 67.A.it B.that C.one D.what 68.A.away B.of C.off D.leave 69.A.throw B.at C.during D.all

70.A.In the B.By C.That D.Tomorrow 71.A.paper B.envelope C.letter D.comer 72.A.above B.over C.under D.below 73.A.in B.from C.for D.of 74.A.wet B.dried C.dry D.drying 75.A.When B.As C.For D.Because 76.A.sorted B.sort C.sorting D.be sorted 77.A.buy B.get C.sell D.to sell 78.A.it B.which C.those D.them 79.A.flowers B.animals C.buildings D.meaning 80.A.All B.One C.The D.Each




Mr. Baker lived in an old and low house. His wife was blind in both eyes and the two children were very young. All his family often went hungry. He had nothing but a small piece of field. One autumn he grew some wheat in his field. He hoped it would do well because all family would depend on it. The whole winter it often snowed. And the next spring the wheat was doing well. Mr. Baker was happy. One day Mr. Baker went to watch his wheat. To his surprise, a lot of crops were eaten up by a horse. He became angry but could not find out whose horse had eaten them. He thought the horse would go there again. So he decided to stay in his field and tried to catch the horse.

A few days later a yellow horse came in his field again and began to eat the wheat. Mr. Baker ran after it quickly, with a stick in his hand. But the beast ran much faster than he. He tried his best, but could not catch up with it.

The next morning, when Mr. Baker was working in his field, he saw the yellow horse pulling carriage on the road. He picked up a stick at once ,ran closer to the horse and began to beat it up. The driver was surprised and stopped him. He asked“Why are you beating my horse?” “It has nothing to do with you,”Mr. Baker said angrily.“The beast knows why I’m beating him!”

81.What was Mr. Baker?

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