自动化终端对电网的作用 下载本文

西南交通大学网络教育毕业设计(论文) 2


With the deepening of the rapid development of science and technology as well as the

reform of the country, people power quality and power requirements for safety and reliability is also growing, short-term power outages and voltage fluctuations can cause huge economic losses. The application of modern computer and communications technology, run automated distribution network (distribution automation), can effectively improve power quality and production management efficiency. Distribution terminal is an important part of the automation system, located in the base layer. Real-time data automation system failure criterion handled automatically, switching equipment operating conditions and other data are derived from the distribution terminals, distribution terminals operating reliability, timeliness directly affect the entire automation system reliability and timeliness. With the continuous development of social and economic water, the implementation of distribution automation is the inevitable choice of the electricity sector. Therefore, requires a combination of power grids to achieve distribution automation in the distribution network in order to improve the distribution network management level, for the majority of electricity users to provide quality uninterrupted power.

This paper analyzes the current situation and development prospects distribution network automation system for distribution automation system characteristics were studied, and the terminal grid distribution automation are described in order to be able to play a constructive for the development of the national grid effect.

Keywords: Grid; Distribution automation; Automation terminals;Action

西南交通大学网络教育毕业设计(论文) 3

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题意义




1.2 本文的主要内容


西南交通大学网络教育毕业设计(论文) 4

第二章 配电自动化及自动化系统





2.2 配电自动化系统总体结构


图2-2 配网自动化系统结构示意图

西南交通大学网络教育毕业设计(论文) 5


当前的远方测控终端主要有馈线远方终端、配电变压器远方终端、配电自动化远方终端。配网测控终端设备主要包括 (1)馈线远方终端

馈线远方终端包括FTU(Feeder Terminal Unit)和DTU (Distribution Terminal Unit)。FTU安装在配电网馈线回路的柱上、开关规等处,DTU安装在开闭所、配电所等处,具有遥信、遥测、遥控和故障电流检测功能。


配变远方终端TTU(Transformer Terminal Unit)是应用于配电变压器的各种运行参数采集、测量的远方终端。




