PMP考试官方样题 下载本文

B. 核实是否能够变更范围 C. 更新工作分解结构 D. 更换团队成员

19.A company’s president asks a project manager to implement a new financial system. What technique should the project manager use to obtain a high-level project scope? A. Perform a make-or-buy analysis

B. Meet with the director of information technology to conduct an analysis C. Define requirement with the company’s finance experts and business owners D. Collect requirements from financial application vendors

19. 公司总监要求项目经理实施一个新的财务系统。项目经理应使用什么技术获得高层次项


A. 开展自制或外购分析

B. 与信息技术总监开会开展一项分析

C. 与公司的财务专家和企业所有者定义需求 D. 收集财务应用程序供应商的需求

20.After negotiation with resource manager, project manager develops the project management plan. In the kick off meeting, resource manager says the resource only can be available in the late state of project period, what should the project manager do next?

A. Add the resource risk into risk register

B. Record the change, review and update the project management plan

C. Communicate the resource availability delay and manage the stakeholder

participation levels D. Do not take any action, since the issue has been discussed in the kick off meeting 20. 在于资源经理协商之后,项目经理制定项目管理计划。在项目启动大会上,资源经理称

一名资源在进度计划后期才可用。 项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 在风险登记册中添加该资源风险

B. 记录该变更,并审查和更新项目管理计划

C. 在资源可用性中沟通该延迟,并管理干系人的参与水平 D. 不采取其他行动,因为该问题已在项目启动大会上讨论过了

21.The conflict among some project member may delay the project, what should the project manager do next?

A. Solve the conflict in advance in private

B. Delay the conflict, and evaluate if it will impact the project in future C. Report the conflict to function manager

D. View the human resource management plan and take the corrective action 21. 一些团队成员的内部冲突可能延迟项目,项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 提前并私下解决冲突

B. 延迟冲突,评估其是否将会在后期影响项目 C. 将冲突上报给职能经理

D. 查看人力资源管理计划并采取纠正措施

22.A project is near completion and another US$120,000 is needed to finish the project. Even though US$1 million has already been spent on the project, the project sponsor requires the project manager to stop the project for various circumstances In this case the actual costs are: A. Direct costs for the project

B. Part of the project’s contingency reserve C. Indirect costs for the project

D. Sunk costs not taken into account for this decision

22. 项目接近完工,但另需120,000美元来完成该项目。虽然该项目已经花费100万美元,

处于各种情况,项目发起人要求项目经理停止该项目。 在这种情况下,实际成本为: A. 项目的直接成本

B. 项目应急储备的一部分 C. 项目的间接成本

D. 该决定不考虑沉没成本

23.A storm damages a data center, causing a delay to the project. as a result of this unexpected event, what should the project manager do next? A. Use management reserve funds to generate a workaround B. Delay the project and wait for management’s directions C. Update the schedule and advise the project sponsor

D. Meet with the project team to discuss the immediate response

23. 一场风暴损坏了数据中心,导致项目延迟。由于这是一个意外事件,项目经理下一步该


A. 使用管理储备金来生成一个权变措施 B. 延迟项目,并且等待管理层的只是 C. 更新进度,并且通知项目发起人 D. 与项目团队开会讨论直接的应对措施

24.A project manager works on a US$3 million project which involves two suppliers. The project manager creates a statement of work(SOW) for each supplier Which of the following needs SOW? A. Risk management plan B. Project charter

C. Procurement management plan D. Supplier scope statement

24. 项目经理正在管理价值300万美元,涉及两个供应商的项目。项目经理为每名供应商创

建了一份工作说明书(SOW). 下列哪一项需要SOW的信息 A. 风险管理计划 B. 项目章程 C. 采购管理计划

D. 供应商范围说明书

25.The project management plan is distributed to all key stakeholders. However, the project sponsor and the customer have comments and want to make some changes Who should receive this feedback and take the appropriate actions A. Change control board B. Project sponsor C. Project manager D. Project team

25. 已将项目管理计划分发给所有关键干系人。然而,项目发起人和客户有意见,并希望做


谁应负责收取该反馈并采取适当的行动? A. 变更控制委员会 B. 项目发起人 C. 项目经理 D. 项目团队

26.An unexpected risk occurs during a project. After analyzing risk, the project manager finds that mitigating the risk to make the project success, but will increase the project cost

What should the project manager do next?

A. Get the approval from top management to increase the project budget

B. Arrange a project meeting to discuss the reason why the risk wasn’t included

in the risk register

C. Get the approval of top management to use contingency reserve to mitigate the


D. Arrange a project meeting to discuss how to push project according to the plan 26. 项目期间发生了意外风险。分析风险之后,项目经理发现为了让项目成功有必要减轻风

险,但是会增加项目成本。 项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 获得高级管理层的批准,增加项目资金

B. 安排一次经济项目团队会议,讨论该风险未包含进风险登记册的原因 C. 获得高级管理层的批准,使用应急储备减轻风险 D. 与项目团队安排一次会议,讨论推进项目的计划

27.While estimating an activity cost, the team members estimate US$5,000 to hire a consultant for the next year, divided as follows: US$4,500 - Consultant fee

US$200 – Inflation allowance for next year US$300 – Buffer for unforeseen costs What should the project manager do next? A. Estimate US$4,700

B. Estimate US$5,000 with an explanation

C. Estimate US$5,000 and update the cost baseline

D. Estimate US$4,800

27. 估算一项活动成本时,团队成员估算下一年要花费5000美元聘用一名顾问,划分如下


200美元-下一年的通货膨胀余量 300美元-不可预见成本的缓冲 项目经理接下来应该怎么做? A. 估算4700美元

B. 估算5000美元,并附加说明 C. 估算5000美元,并更新成本基准 D. 估算4800美元

28.A project is planned for four days with an allocated budget of US$4,000. The project manager allocated a resource for US$1,000 per day to complete the work in the scheduled time. At the end of the second day, the amount of work performed is evaluated at US$1,600.

If the productivity rate of the resource remains the same, when is the project expected to be completed?


A. 6 day


B. 5 day


C. 4 day


D. 3 day

28. 项目预算工期为四天,分配的预算为4000美元。项目经理按每天1000美元分配一项资

源以按计划时间完成工作。在第二天结束时,所执行的工作量预估金额为1600美元。 如果资源的生产率保持相同,项目预计将于何时完成? A. 第6天 B. 第5天 C. 第4天 D. 第3天

29.After identifying a risk with the company’s standard template for contract statements of work(SOW), the steering committee decides to use a special SOW template for all project contraction which of the following should the committee the special SOW template?

A. Primary contractor agreement

B. Change order to the project management plan C. Procurement management plan D. Risk management plan

29. 识别到使用公司合同工作说明书(SOW)标准模板存在风险之后,指导委员会决定为所

有项目合同使用一种特殊SOW目标。委员会应在下列那一项保持特殊SOW模板? A. 主承包商协议

B. 对项目管理计划的变更单 C. 采购管理计划 D. 风险管理计划