(完整word版)高中英语人教版必修三第一单元导学案 下载本文

the spirits of dead people.

西方的节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。(P2) (1)origin n.起源;由来;起因

What was the origin of the quarrel?这场争吵的起因是什么?

The origins of some words are unknown.一些词的起源是不知的。 He is a Dane by origin.他原籍丹麦。 拓展 original adj.最初的;本来的 (2)belief n.信任;信心;信仰

My belief is that the visiting team will lose.我看客队会输。 He has lost his belief in God. 他已不相信上帝了。 belief in相信;信心 beyond belief难以置信 believe vt.相信;认为 believe in相信;信任 believe it or not信不信由你 拓展 【现学现用】完成句子


They are searching for the clues about of life on Earth. ②他们的居住条件实在令人难以置信。

The conditions they are living in are .

3.If the neighbors do not give any sweets,the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也不给,孩子们可能会捉弄他们。(P2) play a trick on搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑

Watching the old man, she was going to play a trick on him. 看着那老人,她决定捉弄他一把。

Besides, if you stay there, the thief might play a trick on you. 而且,如果你待在那里的话,那个贼可能会嫁祸于你 play a joke on sb.取笑某人 拓展 make fun of取笑某人 trick sb.into doing sth.哄骗某人做某事 trick sb.out of sth.骗取某人某物 【现学现用】完成句子


Then Portia thought that she would her husband.



Several days later, the rich man decided to______ _____ ______ ________Jack. 4.The country covered with cherry tree flowers looks as though it is covered with pink snow. (节日里)整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。 (1)covered with cherry tree flowers是过去分词在句中作后置定语,表示被动。其与句子的主语country构成动宾关系,相当于定语从句which is covered with cherry tree flowers。

I will never forget the days spent in the countryside. 我永远不会忘记在农村度过的日子。

The girl is reading a novel written by Han Han. 这个女孩正在读一本韩寒写的小说。

2)as though好像,在句中引导方式状语从句。

as though和as if没有什么区别。as if用得更普遍些,可引导方式状语从句和表语从句,其从句谓语常用虚拟语气。

He looked about as though (he was) in search of something.


It looks as if it’s going to rain.看样子天要下雨了。

温馨提示:as though和as if从句用虚拟语气还是用陈述语气。完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气。

The child talks as if she were an adult.

那孩子说话的样子好像她是个大人。 【现学现用】完成句子


I like the films Zhang Yimou very much. ②他们待我像亲生女儿一样。

They treat me I their own daughter. 课后巩固练习案:

一 能力提升

( )1.Great changes ____in the small city in the last 20 years.

A. have taken place B. took place C. had taken place D. are happening ( )2.They set up a monument ____ the soldiers who died World War II. A. in need of B. in danger of C. in search of D. in memory of

( ) 3. The naughty boys would play ___ trick on ___ neighbours who didn’t give

them any sweets on Halloween. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; / D. /; the ( ) 4.With nothing on, the Emperor walked in the parade, thinking he ___ the most

beautiful clothes in the world.

A. was dressed himself B. dressed C. was dressed inD. was dressed


( ) 5. Li Ming speaks English well___ he were an English boy.

A. so that B. even though C. as though D. now that ( ) 6. She was _____ the Nobel Prize for her contribution in medicine. A. awarded B. recognized C. regarded D. rewarded ( ) 7. The days we have been looking forward to ______ soon. A. coming B. will come C. come D. have come

( ) 8. Many people ___ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies.

A. were starved to B. starved to C. were starved D. both A and B ( ) 9 .To my surprise, the mayor of the American city is Chinese by _____. A. nature B. resource C. origin D. source ( ) 10. Every now and then I went to the library to ___information about the subject. A. gather B. collect C. together D. connect

二 预习 learning about language and using language

三 课后反思:1本节收获: 2 存在问题:

Period 3 Learning about language and using language


Read the text on P7 and tell the following statements true (T) or false (F).

1. Li Fang was angry because he thought Hu Jin didn’t keep her word. ( ) 2. Li Fang with his girlfriend watched TV in the coffee shop happily. ( ) 3. On his way home,Li Fang gave Hu Jin some beautiful flowers. ( ) 二.课内探究案 语言点讲解

1....he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. ……他不想屏息等她来道歉。 hold one’s breath屏息;屏气

All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election. 全欧洲屏息而待,看谁能赢得这场选举。 How can you hold your breath under the water? 你在水下能屏息多长时间? out of breath上气不接下气 拓展 lose one’s breath喘不过气来 draw/take a deep breath深呼吸

When we got to the top of the mountain we were nearly .

A. taken a deep breath B. lost our breath C. caught our breath D .out of breath 2.As Li Fang set off for home, he thought, “I guess Hu Jin doesn’t love me. I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away. I don’t want them to remind me of her.” 李方动身往家走,心里想“我想胡瑾是不爱我了,把这些鲜花和巧克力都扔了吧。我



set off出发;动身;使爆炸

If you want to catch that train we’d better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。

Do be careful with those fireworks the slightest spark could set them off. 那些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 set aside留出;把……放在一边 set up建立;设立 set out动身;开始做 set down写下,记下 set about doing开始做 拓展 3.She would never forgive him.她恐怕永远也不会原谅他了。 forgive vt.原谅;宽恕

He forgave her for what she had said to him. 他原谅她对他说过的那些话。 拓展 forgive sb. for sth.原谅某人某事 【词语辨析】excuse, pardon, forgive 这些动词均有“原谅”之意。


Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.如果我还有什么问题没有回答你的话,请原谅。


Pardon me for not writing to you sooner. 请原谅我未能及早给你写信。

③forgive侧重从心里宽恕某人,暗示放弃一切愤恨和要求报偿的权利。 I will never forgive you for what you have done. 我永远不会原谅你做过的一切。 【即学即用】

I’m sorry,but I didn’t mean to hurt you. Can you me? A. gain B. apologize C. forgive D. satisfy 课后巩固练习案:

一能力提升 一.选择题

( ) 1. The teacher apologized _____ late. A. to his students to arrive B. to his students for arriving C. at his students to arrive D. at his students for arriving