初中英语语法(深圳2018) 下载本文


My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks. 我的一位美国朋友在学着用筷子吃饭。



1. He went to Canada 2008.

2. There’s a cat lying the ground. 3. Why don’t we go there car instead? 4. They have lived in China three years. 5. You can see it your own eyes.

考点二 常用的含有介词的词组 1. 动词+介词

Look after/at/for/like;laugh at; listen to; hear from/of; wait for; worry about; talk about/to/with; think of/about; pay for; knock at/on; shout at/to; arrive at/in; get to; ask for; send for; play with; come/be from; work on; agree with; add to; belong to; devote to;do/deal with; call on/in 2. 介词+名词

By train;on foot; at the end of; at last/first;in the end;in trouble;in danger;in surprise;at table; at breakfast;in hospital;in/on time;on one’s way to;with pleasure;at times;for example;for fun;in bed;in public; on earth;on business;on duty;on foot;on show;on sale;in style 3. be+形容词+介词

Be afraid of; be good at; be good/bad for; be late for; be interested in; be angry with; be full of; be sorry for; be worried about; be famous for;be mad at; be ready for;be different from;be busy with; be strict with/in; be proud of;be opposite to



1. We all agree you. Let’s start at once.

2. my surprise, the twins have nothing common. 3. I called my math teacher this afternoon.

4. the help of the police,he found his son last. 5. Mary often worries making mistakes.

6. It was a great day but we did not enjoy it the beginning.

考点三 易混介词归纳

(1)词语辨析:in, on 与at


在某个时间 介词 in 适用范围 表示在某年、某月、季节、世纪、上午、下午、晚上等 在具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上等 例子 in 2012,in September,in summer, in the 1990s, in the morning/afternoon/evening on Monday, on Tuesday thafternoon, on May 4, on the thmorning of July 6, on a windy night at six o’clock, at ten thirty at noon, at midnight, at first, at last, at night, at the age of, at the beginning of on at 跟具体的钟点 at用于和时间有关的固定短语 (2)词语辨析:in,after

在??之后 in+一段时间 指从说话时算起来的一段时间之后 after+一段时间 以过去时间为起点的一段时间之后 与将来My sister will come back in 时连用 three weeks. 我姐姐将在三周后回来。 与过去时连用 She came to Shanghai last month and after a week she flew to New York. 他上个月来的上海,一周后她就飞往纽约了。

(3)词语辨析:since, for

Since和for都可与现在完成时连用,since表示从过去的某一时刻一直延续到现在,后面跟过去的时间状语;for表示动作延续贯穿整个过程,后面跟一段时间。 Mr Green has worked in this city since 2000. 自2000年以来格林先生就在这个城市工作。 I have studied here since three years ago. 自从三年前我就在这里学习。

Bob has collected stamps for ten years. 鲍勃收集邮票有十年的时间了。 2. 表示方位的介词

(1)词语辨析:in,on 与to 三者的区别可用图示表示如下:


in表示在范围内,eg: B is in the east of A. on表示两地接壤,eg: C is on the east of A.


to表示在范围外,eg: D is to the east of A.

(2)词语辨析:above,over,on,below,under,beneath Above,over与on意思都是“在??的上面”,below,under与beneath意思都是“在??的下面”。Above表示在某物体的上方,但与物体不接触也不一定垂直,其反义词是below.over表示在某物体的正上方,与物体垂直但不接触,其反义词是under。On表示在物体的表面之上,与物体相接触,其反义词是beneath。 Planes fly above the white clouds. 飞机在白色的云朵上面飞翔。

All the fields are below the planes. 所有的田地都在飞机的下面。

There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。 My shoes are under the bed.我的鞋在床下面。 My books are on the desk.我的书在课桌上。

(3)词语辨析:in front of 与in the front of, behind与at the back of in front of behind 在范围之外 在?? 在?? 前面 后面 in the front of at the back of 在范围之内 There is a library in front of/behind the post office. 在邮局的前面/后面有一个图书馆。

Mike sits in the front of/at the back of the classroom. 迈克坐在教室的前面/后面。 (4)词语辨析:between,among

Between强调在两者之间,但后面接三者或三者以上时,是把物体分别看待,表示每两者之间;among强调在三者或三者以上之间。 用图示表示为: among between

The cinema is between the bank and the library. 电影院在银行和图书馆之间。

The teacher usually stands among us. 老师通常站在我们中间。

3. 表示方向的介词

词语辨析:across, through与over


单词 across 意思 横过 方式 指从这边到另一边 从一个物体的空间里穿过 从物体上方经过,翻过 例句 Be careful when you walk across the street. 当你横穿街道时要小心。 The boy looks at things through his glasses. 这个男孩通过他的眼睛看东西。 Who can jump over the wall? 谁能翻过这面墙? through 穿过 over 翻越 4. 表示交通方式的介词:by, in 与on

By后面直接跟交通方式的名词;如果名词前面有限定词修饰,则用on或in。 My father goes to work by bike every day.

5. 表示手段或工具的介词:by,in与with 介词 by 用法 表示使用某种方式或手段,名词前面不加任何冠词 表示使用某种语言或某种材料,名词前面不加任何冠词 后面跟具体的工具,名词前需加冠词或形容词性物主代词 例句 I like to eat the dumplings made by hand. 我喜欢吃手工包的饺子。 Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说它吗? I do my homework with a pen. 我用钢笔做我的家庭作业。 in with 6. 与“制成”有关的介词短语

词语辨析:be made of, be made from,be made into, be made in Of+材料(能看出原材料)(??由??制成) (1)成品+be made From+材料(不能看出原材料)

(2)材料+be made into + 成品(??被制成??) (3)某物+be made in + 地点(某物产于某地) This kind of wine is made from grapes. 这种酒是用葡萄酿成的。 The house is made of wood. 这座房子是用木头制成的。 Glass is made into glasses. 用玻璃制成玻璃杯。 7. 表示“除了”的介词

词语辨析:except与besides except表示“除??外”,指除去的不算在内,except的宾语排除在外;besides表示“除??外,还有”,besides的宾语也算在内。but表示“除外”时,与except同义,但是but常和no one, nobody,nothing等表示否定意义的词连用。 They went there except Tom. 除了汤姆他们都去那里了。

Besides math, I like Chinese and English. 除了数学,我还喜欢语文和英语。

There is nobody in the classroom but Li Lei. 除了李磊,教室里没有人。