2018-2019年人教版新目标初中英语九年级Unit8单元同步检测卷有答案 下载本文

D. Edward.


Max reads more than anyone he knows. He loves to read during all of his free time. His friends always tease him because he likes to read more than to play video games, but his parents and his teachers are proud of him. They say reading is important and it will help him learn about the world around him. They also tell him reading is a good habit.

One day Max read a magazine article about volcanoes (火山). He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes them to erupt (爆发). The very next week, his class were asked to do a science project about volcanoes. Guess who everyone wanted in their project group? Max's friends weren't teasing him anymore. Max ended up being in a group with Liz, Anna and Josh.

Max brought that magazine he read before to school, so his project partners could read about volcanoes too. They also went to the library to look for more information about volcanoes. The group met at Anna's house that night to organize the information and decide what they wanted to put in the project. They all asked Max what he thought was most important. The next night they met at Josh's house to build their model volcano.

The model volcano looked great. Max, Liz, Anna and Josh were very proud of their hard work. When they gave their project to their teacher, their teacher was proud too. Thanks to Max's reading habit, they got an A+ for their project.


( )56. What does the underlined word “tease” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese? A. 激励 B. 支持 C. 揭发 D. 取笑

( )57. How many students were there in Max's science project group? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

( )58. Where did the group build their model volcano? A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C. At Josh's house. D. At Anna's house.

( )59. What did the teacher think of the group's project? A. Excellent. B. Not bad.

C. Needed to be improved. D. Terrible.

( )60. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Max's good habit B. Max and his friends C. How to do a science project D. What causes volcanoes to erupt


Australia, also known as “the Land Down Under”, is a country, an island and a continent (大陆). It's the world's smallest continent and the sixth largest country. But only about 24 million people live there. The first people there were the Aborigines (澳大利亚土著居民). In the late 18th century the British arrived. Today the British influence on Australia is still very strong. For example, the national language is English and drivers drive on the left side of the road.

Australia was cut off from the other continents a long time ago, so a lot of Australia's animals, like the koala and the kangaroo aren't found anywhere else in the world. Australia also has some of the most dangerous animals in the world. There are poisonous (有毒的) snakes and spiders. In the north there are huge saltwater crocodiles, and in the sea, around the coast, there are sharks and poisonous jellyfish.

The largest city in Australia is Sydney with its famous Opera House and Harbour Bridge. The 2000 Summer Olympics were held in Sydney. But Sydney isn't the capital (首都) of Australia. The capital is Canberra.

Australia is a huge country, but most Australians live in the south-east corner between Sydney and Melbourne. This is because most of the land is very dry. Australians call this dry area the outback. There are some huge farms there with millions of sheep. The children who live on these farms can't go to school, because the nearest town is too far away. They study at home with the School of the Air. They used to talk to their teachers by the radio and, nowadays, on the Internet. There is also a “flying doctor” service. The doctor comes to the outback by plane.

根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。 61. What's the population of Australia?

__________________________________________ 62. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

__________________________________________ 63. Is Harbour Bridge in Sydney or Canberra? __________________________________________ 64. In which part of the country do most Australians live? __________________________________________ 65. Where do children living in the outback study? __________________________________________ Ⅸ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)

根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。 value, prevent, land, medicine, wolf 66. ______ are dangerous animals. They live on meat. 67. Brian did something ______ the accident, but he failed. 68. There are 100 doctors and 150 nurses in the ______ team.

69. There is still no news about the missing plane. It could have ______ in someplace.

70. Candy likes her present job. She thinks she can get a lot of fun and ______ experience from it. Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 71. 有时妈妈选择穿蓝色套装。

Sometimes Mom chooses to ______ ______ ______ ______. 72. 这个新公园于8月10号开始接待游客。 The new park begins to ______ ______ on 10th August. 73. 伯特一定在北京待过很长一段时间。

Bert must have stayed in Beijing for ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. 74. 老师告诉孩子们不要在教室里互相追赶。

The teacher told the children not to ______ ______ each other in the classroom. 75. 大家都认为乔治是个工作努力的人。

Everyone thinks that George is ______ ______ ______. Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


easy, message, good, start, divide, if, they, safe, excite, avoid, problem, sit The new year brought new desks for students at a school in California, USA. The school's classrooms have all changed (76)______ seated desks to standing desks. “It's now the first all-standing school,” Juliet Starrett

says. She (77)______ the group StandUp Kids and wanted to have every US public school kid using a standing desk in the next 10 years.

Starrett's daughters are both at that school. They are (78)______ about their desks. “You feel happier, you're less tired and you're more active,” one of the girls says.

Some of the desks have wheels. Wheels allow the desks to be moved (79)______. The desks are also able to be set at different heights. Kids take breaks by (80)______ on the floor or on stools (凳子).

Mark Benden is an expert who studies how to make things easy and (81)______ to use. According to him, standing workers are more focused (注意力集中的) and healthier. Researchers in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom had similar findings.

But not everyone believes standing is (82)______ than sitting. Some parents and teachers worry that kids will get tired and that standing for long may cause (83)______. And standing desks are more expensive.

Benden says both sitting and standing desks can cause problems (84)______ they are not the proper height. “Our (85)______ should not be ‘Sit less, stand more',” he says, “but ‘Sit less, move more'.” Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)

假如你叫李华,你校英文报下一期专栏的话题是“讲述一件令人难忘的事情”。请根据下面提供的开头部分,发挥你的想象力就此话题续写该短文,然后向该专栏投稿。 要求:1. 文中使用情态动词表示推测的句子至少两句;

2. 文中应体现你由恐惧到惊喜的情感变化过程。 3. 词数90左右。开头部分已给出,但不计入总词数。

I had a frightening and exciting experience last Thursday night. After finishing my homework, I was going to bed. Just then, I heard the sound of footsteps outside my door. I wondered who it could be. 参考答案

Ⅴ. 21-25 ACBCA 26-30 BDBCD 31-35 ACBAC Ⅵ. 36-40 DBCAA 41-45 DCADC Ⅶ. 46-50 DEABF

Ⅷ. 51-55 BDCBB 56-60 DBCAA 61. About 24 million.