2011至2015河南大学专项学分学术报告 下载本文


时间:2013/11/1,下午3:30~5:00地点:经济学院一楼院史馆(A101)主讲人:李杰(暨南大学)题目:Managerial Diversion, Product Market Competition and Firm Performance摘要:Previous research seeks to answer whether managerial diversion is a rent seeking behavior that reduces shareholder value. This paper investigates manager’s decision to diversion and its impact on product market performance in Cournot model. We find that, in firms with weak incentive plan and corporate governance, managerial diversion is more likely to occur and the diversion will boost product market performance. The relation between profits and the extent of diversion is inverse-U shape in these firms. A large panel of Chinese manufacturing firms from 180 three-digit industries is used to test the theory and we find the supportive evidence.For Chinese SOEs, the impact of diversion on product market performance is positive and statistically significant. The relationship between diversion and profits is inverse-U shape for SOEs. For the private firms, we don’t find the similar results.主讲人介绍:李杰,现为暨




时间:2013/10/31,下午3:30~5:00地点:经济学院一楼院史馆(A101)主讲人:徐恺(浙江大学)?题目:Barriers to Comparative Advantage in Agriculture and International Productivity Differences摘要:It is well known that productivity gaps between rich and poor countries are much larger in agriculture than in non-agriculture. This paper argues that barriers to intra-national trade in agricultural goods could play an important role in explaining the observed large productivity gap. Based on a calibrated general equilibrium model of intra-national agricultural trade, I find that differences in internal trade barriers alone increase the productivity gap in agriculture by a factor of three. Moreover, endowing poor countries with the benchmark rich country's trade barriers reduces the productivity gap in agriculture by

about 75% and by 30% in the aggregate economy.主讲人介绍:徐恺,加拿大西安大略大学博士(2011)。曾任教于西安大略大学,其中开设中级宏观经济学、?国际金融和国际商业比较等本科课程。现为浙江大学经济学院副教授,研究领域为国际贸易、国际宏观经济学和发展经济学。个人主页:http://mypage.zju.edu.cn/kaixu


时间:2013/10/9,下午3:30~5:00地点:经济学院一楼院史馆主讲人:邵明亮(河南大学)题目:The Gini Index and Fair Division of Income Distribution摘要:I measure income inequality by the two dimensions of a point on the?Lorenz Curve, where the?Lorenz curve?has unit slope. It is called fair division point, which involves the fair population share and the fair income share. The difference between the fair population share and the fair income share approximates the Gini index of an income distribution. The fair (mean) population share goes up as an economy gets developed (GDP), but the corresponding income share does not change much. Those people of low (mean) income group were relatively worse off as they were building a richer economy.主讲人介绍:邵明亮,

迈阿密大学经济系博士(2011),博士论文为“Skills, Occupation Inequality and Development”。现为河南大学经济学院教授,开设高级宏观经济学、高级计量经济学等课程。研究领域涉及宏观经济学、发展经济学等。请各位老师和同学进入邮箱下载主讲人的ppt,邮件名称为\。邮箱用户名:henuecon2013@163.com,密码:wangzhan。

报告题目:“第一奇书”《金瓶梅》纵谈主 讲 人:张进德 教授时间与地点:2013年3月24日上午9:00,金明校区综合教学楼6305教室2013年3月24日下午2:30,明伦校区综合教学楼509教室主讲人简介:张进德,河南汝阳人。河南大学文学院教授,古代文学教研室主任,中国《金瓶梅》研究会副会长,中国古代散曲研究会理事,河南省古代文学学会理事。主要致力于元明清小说、戏曲的教学与研究,主持、参加全国高校古委会项目及省社科项目多项。发表戏曲、小说、散曲等方面的学术论文60余篇,多篇被人大复印资料《中国古代、近代文学研究》全文转载。在《金瓶梅》研究方面用力较多,出版专著《<金瓶梅>新论》。主编《中国古代文学史》、《中国古代应用文甄体赏鉴》、《中国古代作家作品专题研究》等教材多部。长期工作在教学第一线,为研究生及本科生开设的课程有:中国古代文学史、古代文学作品选、中国小说史、小说观念与小说批评、《金瓶梅》研究等,曾获河南大学教学质量工程一等奖,主持的教改项目“中国古典文学的时代构建与教改探索”获省级优秀教学成果一