2017~2018学年北京东城区初二下学期期末英语试卷 下载本文


1. Betty enjoys singing very much. It brings a lot of happiness.

A. him

B. her

C. you

2. — How long have you been ill? — Monday.

A. On

B. For

C. By

3. You can go with us, you can stay at home. A. or

B. so

C. but

4. I find this blue dress is much than the red one.

A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. most comfortable

D. the most comfortable

5. — do you go to the movies?

— About once a month. A. How many

B. How much

C. How often

6. — Look! Tom a new bike.

— Yes. He got it as a birthday gift last week. A. ride

B. rides

C. is riding

7. There billions of stars in the Milky Way.

A. is

B. are

C. was

8. They were poor ten years ago and in a small house.

A. lived

B. are living

C. live

9. My mother often tells me my homework carefully. A. to do

B. do

C. doing

D. them

D. Since

D. and

D. How longD. will ride

D. were

D. will live

D. does

10. — I called you about an hour ago, but you didn't answer.

— Sorry, I A. cook

in the kitchen and didn't hear the phone.

B. cooked

C. was cooking

D. have cooked

11. — It seems you know this museum very well.

— Yes, I A. visit

it several times.

B. visited

C. was visiting

D. have visited

12. They haven't decided

A. where they went

for the holiday. B. where they will go

C. where did they go

D. where will they go



Learning to Run

I hated running at secondary school. I found it very tiring to run around the sports field, and I was always the last student to cross the finish line. Then, in the first year at college, my friend asked me if I would like to run a 10K event( 项 目 )with him. My immediate answer was, \running.\

But later I thought, \ to give running another try. I told my friend I would like to 3 the 10K event. He was pleased to hear that. He advised me to look for a running program on the Internet to learn how to run.

There were lots of running 4 on the Internet. I chose one that would last for 14 weeks. I had to run three times a week for different periods( 时 段 )of time. At the beginning I ran for short periods and had long breaks in between. Then as the weeks went on, I had to run for 5 periods and the breaks in between got shorter.

I enjoyed following the running program because I could see 6 in my running each week. I went from not being able to run for more than 30 seconds to running for over 30 minutes! I went from hating running to loving running!

On the day of the 10K running event I was both excited and 7 . I could hear my heart beating. It was time to put my new skills into practice. My friends and family came to support me. I managed to finish the 10k in 72 minutes. It was hard but I felt very proud for having tried it.

From this 8 I learnt it was a good idea to try something before saying I hated it! It turned out that I really enjoyed running. I went on to do another 10K, an 8K and a half marathon. Today I still enjoy running.

1. A. finish 2. A. asked 3. A. enter 4. A. programs

B. miss B. decided B. avoid B. videos

C. hate C. helped C. forget C. competitions

D. try

D. remembered D. watch D. lessons

5. A. more 6. A. value 7. A. surprised 8. A. plan

B. fewer B. success B. nervous B. result

C. longer C. pleasure C. satisfied C. chance

D. shorter D. progress D. comfortable D. experience




My Cousin Laura

My cousin Laura is five years older than me, so she's 19 now and she lives in Bristol. She's very friendly and confident. She's got long, brown hair and brown eyes. She's slim and very fit because she's a dancer.

She's danced since she was 6 years old and trains every day at her dance school. She wants to be a dancer. She often dances in shows and I've been to watch her several times. Her favorite type of dance is modern dance. It is sometimes a bit strange, but I love watching her dance. Laura works so hard. I believe she will become a dancer.

Laura is very busy because she also studies photography at university. She's a really good photographer and has taken lots of wonderful photos of me and my family. Her photos have won a few prizes and last year one of her photos was on show at an art gallery (美术馆) in London.

She's also trying to learn German because she wants to go to Germany next year to do a photography course. She is sure to be a better photographer. (1) Laura started to dance when she was

A. 5 B. 6 C. 14 D. 19

(2) The writer thinks Laura will become a dancer because she is

A. confident B. beautiful C. hard-working D. modern

(3) Laura wants to go to Germany next year to

A. learn German B. give a dance show C. visit an art gallery D. learn photography




15. B

An Honestly Fun Camp

It was early August, and Will was at a summer camp. His dad went to the camp when he was a boy and loved it, but Will didn't like it. He had enough of the horse, the camp food, the baseball games and the canoeing.

He wrote to his mom and asked her if she would pick him up early, but he didn't want his mom to tell his dad. She replied, \

telling your dad. I am always honest with him. If you really want to leave, I will talk to him about it.\

Will was worried about disappointing ( 使 失 望 ) his dad, so he told his mom he would stay for the last two weeks and try to make the best of it, and asked her to make his favorite meal when he got home.

During the last two weeks, every time he ate a camp meal he imagined he was eating his mom's cooking. Suddenly, the food didn't taste so bad.

Will decided to be honest with his camp counselors ( 辅 导 员 ) . He told the horseback counselor that he wasn't comfortable with the horse. The counselor asked Will to choose another horse, and he started to enjoy horseback riding.

Will told the baseball counselor he didn't like playing 1st base, and the counselor changed him to play catcher. Will started to like baseball.

As for canoeing, Will always sat in the front of the canoe. He told his counselor that he would like to sit in the back. Once he sat in the back, he started to enjoy canoeing.

When Will's parents came to pick him up from the camp, he said to them, \was the best camp ever.\And he couldn't wait for next year's camp.

(1) Will decided to stay at the camp for the last two weeks because

A. he didn't want to disappoint his dad B. his mother refused to pick him up early C. he enjoyed the camp activities very much D. his mother told his father about the matter

(2) What do we know from the passage?

A. Will preferred to sit in the front of a canoe. B. Will liked to play 1st base in a baseball game. C. The horseback counselor let Will change the horse. D. The camp food was better than Will's mother's cooking.

(3) What helped Will change the situation?

A. His father's hope.

B. The counselors' suggestions. C. His mother's encouragement.
