2021版高考英语大一轮必考知识点复习Book 1 Unit 3 下载本文



1.你建议的路线; 2.你的理由; 3.你的祝愿。


第一步 审题谋篇 1.审题


(2)本文使用的人称主要是第一人称和第二人称。 (3)本文使用的时态主要是一般现在时和一般将来时。 2.谋篇

通过审题,根据题目和内容要求可以从以下三个方面来写作。 开头:点明写此信的目的。 主体:给出你的建议路线和理由。 结尾:你的祝愿。 第二步 要点句式


I’m delighted to learn that you have dreamt about visiting China ever since graduation and that you have made up your mind to come to China. 2.对你的到来,我感到非常兴奋,并迫不及待地给你一些建议。 I’m excited about your coming,so I can hardly wait to give you some advice. 3.相比泰山之旅,我更喜欢长江之行。

I prefer the tour along the Yangtze to the trip to Mountain Tai. 4.通过长江之行,你会更好地了解中国的历史和人民。

Through the trip to the Yangtze you will have a good knowledge of the history of China and its people. 5.长江沿岸不仅风景非常迷人,而且空气呼吸起来很新鲜。

Not only are the views along the river very attractive,but also the air is fresh to breathe. 6.我坚持认为长江之行是更好的选择。 I insist the trip along the Yangtze is a better choice. 第三步 句式升级


Excited about your coming,I can hardly wait to give you some advice. 2.用强调句改写句4。(强调状语)

It is through the trip to the Yangtze that you will have a good knowledge of the history of China and its people. 第四步 衔接过渡

本文可运用以下过渡词语进行衔接 1.我认为 (1)in my opinion (2)in my view

(3)as far as I’m concerned (4)personally 2.而且 (1)besides (2)what’s more (3)in addition 3.因此 (1)so (2)therefore 第五步 组句成篇 Dear Jim,

I’m delighted to learn that you have dreamt about visiting China ever since graduation and

that you have made up your mind to come to China.Excited about your coming,I can hardly wait to give you some advice.

In my view,I prefer the tour along the Yangtze to the trip to Mountain Tai.It is through the trip to the Yangtze that you will have a good knowledge of the history of China and its people.Besides,not only are the views along the river very attractive,but also the air is fresh to breathe.Therefore,I insist the trip along the Yangtze is a better choice.

I hope my advice is of help to you and you will have a wonderful time in China.

Yours, Li Hua