新编实用英语综合教程 - - 教案 下载本文

教 案

2015~2016 学年第 1 学期

课程名称: 公共英语 课程类别: 英语 所属系部: 公共教学部 任课教师: 姚伏生 职 称: 助教 授课班级:

使用教材: 《 新编实用英语 》


二○一五 年 十 月

章节或项目名称 Unit 1: Unit 1 Hello, Hi! 授课类型 授课进度 班级 地点 周星次 期 理论 √ 实验 □ 实训 □ 其它 □ 教学目标(知识目标/能力目标) 符合 √ 超前 □ 滞后 □ 停补 □ 5 4 5 1 节次 5 1、 5 The students should be able to read and translate business cards in English, understand all the dialogues and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people, and master some expressions in greeting and introducing people. 教学的基本内容 1、 listening and speaking: self introduction by students; introduction of this course and requirements; 2、 reading: fast reading and the structure of passage; 3、 intensive reading: warm-up activities; text understanding; language study; exercise; 4、 Writing and grammar: writing practice; grammar learning; exercise.


Vocabulary of text A; phrases and sentence structure; 教学重点和难点 verb tense; registration form 教学过程 I.Imitating Mini-talks 1. pair work 2. The teacher may give more expressions for the students to practice. II. Acting out tasks Pair work. The students make short conversations by following the above mini-talks. III. Studying Invitation cards and letters 1. The students read the invitation cards and answer some questions. 2. The students read the letter again and then translate it orally under the guidance of the teacher. IV Following sample dialogues The students read the dialogues and speak out the following sentences of making an invitation and giving a reply to it in the dialogue. Then the students will be asked to practice them. V Putting language to use The students do the exercise 5 according to the knowledge they have mastered in the dialogues. 思考Exercise of text A and Text B preview the next unit 题、作 业 参考资《新编实用英语教程》 教师用书, 料 章节或项目名称 Section Ⅱ Being All Ears Section III Trying Your Hands 授课类型 授课进度 班级 地点 周星次 期 理论 √ 实验 □ 实训 □

Unit 1 Hello, Hi! 节次 符合 √ 超前 □ 滞后 □ 3

6 1 6 1/4

其它 □ 教学目标(知识目标/能力目标) 停补 □ 6 5 1. Practice listening comprehension skills through exercises. 教学的基本内容 5、 listening and speaking: self introduction by students; introduction of this course and requirements; 6、 reading: fast reading and the structure of passage; 7、 intensive reading: warm-up activities; text understanding; language study; exercise; 8、 Writing and grammar: writing practice; grammar learning; exercise. Enable students to understand the listening materials and master some useful words and sentences. Help the students understand the listening materials 教学重点和难点 effectively. 教学过程