2014-2015学年八年级英语(新目标,上册)Unit1+测试题(单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达,含答案) 下载本文


Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 选择填空 (15分)

( )1. — What did you buy yesterday, Lucy?

— I bought umbrella. umbrella is very nice. A. an; The

B. a; A

C. a; The

D. an; An

( )2. — David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you’ll get .

— OK, Mom. A. cold

B. dry

C. wet

D. warm

( )3. — I can’t learn English well. What can I do, Mr. Smith?

— Tom, is difficult if you work hard. A. something B. nothing

C. anything D. everything

( )4. — Can I go shopping with you, Mom? I feel very at home all day.

— Sure! Let’s go to the supermarket, dear. A. interested A. but

B. excited B. so

C. relaxed C. because

D. bored D. if

( )5. We didn’t enjoy the day the weather was so bad. ( )6. — Did you enjoy at the party yesterday, Karen?

— Yes. I had a good time. A. myself

B. yourself

C. me

D. you

( )7. — I am free tomorrow. So I to go to the movies. Would you like to go with me?

— I’d love to, but I have too much homework. A. decide

B. listen

C. shout

D. talk

( )8. — How terrible the weather is! I don’t like rainy days. — I it, either. Because I can’t go to play soccer.

A. dislike

B. disliked

C. liked

D. like

( )9. — What do you think of this one?

— It looks nice. But I why you choose (选择) this one for me. A. think

B. hope

C. wonder

D. wish

( )10. — Did you try paragliding yesterday?

— Yes. I I was a bird. It was so exciting!

B. made sure

C. thought of D. felt like

A. looked like

( )11. — Is there in the book?

— Yes, the story is very exciting.

A. something interesting

B. interesting something

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything A. call; aren’t C. called; were

( )12. I you yesterday morning, but you at home.

B. am calling; are D. called; weren’t

( )13. — David often plays alone (独自). He has friends.

— Yes. He is too shy to make friends.

B. a little

C. a few

D. few

A. little

( )14. — Where Tina go on vacation last summer?

— She to Hainan.

B. does; went

C. did; go

D. do; go

A. did; went

( )15. — Mom, I am hungry. May I have some bread?

— . But don’t eat too much.

A. That’s a good idea B. Of course C. You’re welcome D. I’m sorry 二. 完形填空 (10分)

Hello, my friends! I’m back from my vacation. I went to a 16 with my parents. We 17 two weeks there. We lived in a hotel. Our room faced (面向) the sea, so we could see the sea at 18 time of day! There was a shopping street and many restaurants around. We bought many things and enjoyed lots of seafood (海味). I 19 something special for all of you.

The 20 in the hotel were nice. They always answered our questions 21 a smile (微笑). They were very friendly. We had many kinds of food and drinks for 22 . They were 23 , so I ate a lot every morning. The Happy Hour was waiting for us after we 24 from the beach! Everything was perfect (完美的). 25 I go to the beach next time, I will stay at that hotel again!

( )16. A. beach ( )17. A. took ( )18. A. any ( ) 19. A. tasted ( )21. A. at

B. mountain B. shopped B. some B. ate B. with B. lunch

C. museum D. cinema C. spent C. every C. saw C. on

D. went D. no D. bought D. to

( )20. A. students B. friends ( )22. A. supper

C. visitors D. workers C. breakfast D. dinner C. terrible D. bad C. worried aboutD. came back C. Because D. And

( )23. A. expensive B. delicious ( )24. A. arrived at B. got up ( )25. A. If

B. Where

三. 阅读理解 (30分)


Do you want your children to eat fresh (新鲜的) food? Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm. What you can do For children: Learn about different vegetables, fruits and animals; Pick vegetables and fruits and feed animals; Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmer’s house; Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving. For parents: Grow up with children; Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food; Go outdoors (在户外) and relax. When 9:30 a.m. ~ 8:30 p.m. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends From April to October Cost (费用) $42 for a child and $22 for a parent Email: hawthornevalleyfarm@gmail.com


( )26. The advertisement (广告) is for . A. parents B. students

C. doctors D. teachers

( )27. Children can on the farm. A. ride horses

B. feed animals C. have breakfast D. go swimming

B. four D. six B. $53

( )28. The farm is open days each week. A. three

C. five

( )29. Little Bob and his mother need to pay if they want to have fun on the farm. A. $42

C. $64 D. $86


( )30. Which of the following is TRUE about the farm?

A. It has the best horses.

B. It is a place for children to make new friends. C. It isn’t open in September. D. It has an email address.

Biff was reading a book in her room when her friends Wilf, Chip and Wilma came to visit her. There was a small house in Biff’s room, and they found a key next to it. It was a magic (神奇的) key. The magic started working. The children got smaller and smaller.

Biff opened (打开) the door, and then they saw the sea. They ran to the sea. Wilf and Chip played on the beach. Biff climbed up a tree. Wilma played in the sea. Suddenly (突然), they saw a pirate (海盗).

“Oh, help!” the children shouted. They felt frightened. “I want to have a party,” said the pirate,

“but nobody wants to come. Would you like to come to the party?”

The children went to the party on a big ship (船). It was a good party. They loved it! 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )31. Biff was when her friends came to visit her. A. sleeping

B. reading a book C. cleaning her room D. having a party

( )32. Where did they find the key? A. In the small house.

B. Under the small house. D. Next to the small house.

C. In the front of the small house.

( )33. The children got after the magic started working. A. taller and taller

B. fatter and fatter D. bigger and bigger

B. 可耻的

C. 荒唐的

D. 骄傲的

C. smaller and smaller

( )34. The underlined word “frightened” means (意为) “ ” in Chinese. A. 害怕的

( )35. From the passage we can learn . A. Wilf climbed up a tree