[走向高考](天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module3 Lit 下载本文

Module 3 Literature


1.These books are ________ (打算) for the students. 2.Some people are ________ (分发) handbills on the street. 3.We have ________ (完成) all we expected to do.

4.Many people died of ________ (饥饿) during the war times. 5.Did you see the cat ________ (抓住) the mouse?

6.Finding some strange men h________ about, the woman quickly locked her door, very scared.

7.“Dinner will be s________ in a minute,” said the cook. 8.Not all of them were successful in e________ from prisons. 9.The small chair isn't strong enough to s________ that heavy man. 10.He entered the country i________ without any permit. 答案:1.intended 2.distributing 3.accomplished

4.starvation 5.seize 6.hanging 7.served 8.escaping 9.support 10.illegally



_______________________________________________________ 2.他用很低的声音告诉我那个坏消息。(in a...voice) _______________________________________________________ 3.你可以挑出你最喜欢的那本书。(pick out)

_______________________________________________________ 4.我们得到了人们的大力支持。(a huge amount of) _______________________________________________________ 5.我们都担心她的安全。(concern)

_______________________________________________________ 答案:1.The tiger escaped being caught. 2.He told me the bad news in a low voice. 3.You can pick out the book that you like best. 4.We have got a huge amount of support from people. 5.We are all concerned about her safety. Ⅲ.单项填空

1.She leaned over and ________ something in his ear.

A.whispered C.spoke

B.answered D.talked

答案:A 动词辨析题。C、D项均为不及物动词,可直接排除,B项表示回答,不合句意;而whisper sth. in one's ear表示“跟某人耳语”。

2.My son is so tall that I can ________ him ________ from the crowd. A.pick; up C.pick; out

B.work; out D.choose; from

答案:C 短语辨析题。pick up“捡起”;work out“算出”;choose from “从……中选择”,from之后要跟整体;pick out“挑出,认出”。从句意“我儿子很高,我从人群中一眼就能把他认出来。”可知选C。

3.No sooner ________ asleep ________ she heard a knock at the door. A.she had fallen; than C.she had fallen; when

B.had she fallen; than D.had she fallen; when

答案:B no sooner...than...表示“一……就……”,且no sooner 放于句首时,需部分倒装,故答案为B。

4.Having been ________ to see her son for a long time, the mother became ________. A.eager; eager C.eager; anxious

B.anxious; anxious D.anxious; eager

答案:C anxious与eager是相近的形容词,eager带有更多的热切的情绪,而anxious带有焦虑的情绪。

5.“Run!” Jack shouted, ________ her arm by force. A.seized C.caught

B.seizing D.grasped

答案:B Jack与seize之间为主动关系,故用v.-ing形式,seizing在此处作伴随状语。

6.The T-shirt ________ on the chair is mine. A.having hung C.hangs

B.hanging D.being hung

答案:B 句意:挂在椅子上的T恤衫是我的。“hanging on the chair”此处是分词短语作后置定语。

7.(2011·西南师大附中)On no account________to the teacher. A.is this the first time he has lied B.this is the first time he has lied C.is this the first time has he lied

D.this is the first time he is lying

答案:A 考查倒装和“某人第几次做某事”句式。on no account“绝不”放在句首,主句倒装;该题主句是“某人第几次做某事”句式,该句式的主句是this is the first time,所以其倒装结构应该以this is the first time进行变化。

8.(2013·山东省实验中学高三诊断测试)The movie originally ________ for children under 12 is now being used to educate adults.

A.intended C.to be intended

B.being intended D.having been intended

答案:A 主句是The movie is now being used to educate adults.过去分词短语 originally intended for children under 12作后置定语修饰the movie.短语be intended for……打算为……所用, 预定给……。

9.The project ________ by the end of 2012 will expand the city's telephone network to cover 20, 000, 000 users.

A.accomplished B.to be accomplished C.being accomplished D.having been accomplished

答案:B accomplish与the project之间存在被动关系,而且2012年还未到来,表示将来应用不定式的被动式作定语。

10.The weather station ________ warn people of the coming of strong winds and predict their movement.

A.serves to C.serves as

B.serves for D.services

答案:A 从空缺处后的动词warn可知B、C两项错误,D项services(名词)表示服务机构,与station在语义上重复,而A项serve作谓语,to warn...and predict作目的状语,合乎语义与语法,serve to do“产生……的效果或结果;作……之用;有助于……”,答案为A。

11.(2011·山西太谷中学摸底考试)I don't expect anything in ________; I did it because I enjoyed it.

A.award B.reward C.prize D.praise

答案:B 句意:我不期望任何回报,我之所以做是因为我喜欢。in reward表示“作为报答;作为回报”。

12.(2010·重庆一中高三月考)—I'd like to go to the movie with you, Dad. —Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are ________ into the cinema.

A.designed C.admitted

B.intended D.contained

答案:C 答语的意思是“只有成年人才被允许进入电影院”。此处admit表示“允许”;design“设计”;intend“打算”;contain表示“包含”。

13.(2010·福建福州三中高三月考)After the ________ journey from Jiuzhaigou, Tom returned home, ________.

A.amazing; excited C.amazed; excited

B.amazing; excitedly D.amazing; exciting

答案:A 句意:在九寨沟神奇之旅后,汤姆兴奋地返回了家。amazing表示“令人惊奇的”修饰物;excited表示“感到兴奋的”,是形容词作状语。

14.(2010·杭州地区七校期中联考)Although a large ________ of money was used and a ________ of doctors and nurses lost their lives in fighting against SARS, Chinese people were able to win the battle in the end.

A.number; amount C.number; number

B.amount; number D.amount; amount

答案:B 句意:虽然在抗击非典中花费了大量资金,很多医生和护士还失去了生命,但是中国人民最后取得了战斗的胜利。a large amount of和a number of都可以表示“大量”,前者用来修饰不可数名词,后者用来修饰复数可数名词。

15.(2010·江西抚州一中高三同步考试)Large amounts of water ________ been pumped from the mine where an explosion happened yesterday.

A.had B.would have C.has D.have

答案:D 句意:已经从昨天发生爆炸的煤矿中抽出了大量的水。此句的主语是amounts,所以谓语动词用复数形式。假如选择A项,意味着在爆炸之前已经从煤矿中抽出了大量的水,显然不符合语境。



Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little school education. In spite of this, he became the most famous writer of his time. He made millions of dollars by writing. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but he is better known all over the world as Mark Twain, his pen name.

Mark Twain was born in 1835 and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother's tender care, he managed to survive. As a boy, he caused much trouble for his parents. He used to play jokes on all of his friends and neighbours. He didn't like to go to school,