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仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 Unit 5 Feeling Happy - 21 -


任务四:总结本课出现的短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Section D

任务一:I. 1a, 读课文,完成下面的表格。

How to Stay in Good Spirits Things that may affect our feelings Why should we be in a good mood.? How to get energy? How to keep healthy? Colors, _________, news and the _____________. to _______ or ________ better. How to get help? How to avoid making mistakes? How to be happy? 和…相聚 充满;装满 太…以至于不能… 入睡 有朝一日 II 再读一遍课文,完成下面的解析。 1. “How to stay in good spirits?” 意思是____________________________. 句中短语 stay in … 意思是_____________。那么“保持身体健康”可以说___________________. 句中的spirit 与mood 意思相同,原句中的spirits也可以替换成moods.

2. “It is very important for us to be in a good mood.” 意思是__________________________, 句型It’s … for sb. to do sth. 意思是________________________. 例:对于现代人来说学会使用电脑非常重要。_______________________________________________________.

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3. “get help from newspapers, magazines, TV or the internet.” 意思是____________________ _____________________. 短语get help form … 意思是______________________. 例: 当你遇到麻烦的时候,你可以去警察局从警察那里获得帮助。When you are in ___________, you can go to police station and ________ _________ _________ the police.

4. “Think it over before making an important decision.” 意思是________________________, 句中think over 意思是__________________. [注意] 如果加代词作宾语,则一定要放在think over 的_____________(中间/后面)。

句中短语make a decision 意思是____________________. 例:对我来说要做这个决定很困难。It’s _________ for me _______ _________ ________ __________.

5. “Get back to your daily activities. It will help you bring back a sense of happiness.”意思是_________________________________________________________________. 句中短语get back to … 意思是_________________. 例:我们回到旅行的话题好么?Shall we _________________the topic of traveling?

句中bring back 意思是_______________. 例:做早操将会帮助你找回健康。Doing morning exercises will help you _________________ your health.

句中a sense of … 意思是________________. 例:Michael 的方向感不好,他经常迷路。Michael has a poor _________ ___________ direction and he often gets lost.

III. 根据第一步表格中的问题复述课文。 任务二:2 听录音,选择正确的答案。 任务三:总结本课出现的短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 保持好心情 对某人来说做某事怎么样 从……获得帮助 仔细考虑… 做决定 继续;回到某事中来 找回;带回 …的感觉 仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling - 23 -

Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip

Section A


1. What are they going to do for their spring field trip? The are going on a ____________ visit to Mount Tai. 2. How long will it take to go there by bike?

It will take _______ ________ _________ to get there by bike. 3. What is the best way to get there? It’s hard _______ ________.

4. What is Kangkang and Michael’s task? Find our the cost to go ________ _________. 5. What is Helen’s task?

Find out the cost ________ ________. 6. How would Jane love to get there? She’d love to go ________ _________. 7. What will they do tomorrow?

They’ll ________ on the best way to go on their field trip. II. 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. 在课文当中用到了很多的动词不定式,动词不定式在英语中的运用非常的广泛,可以用来做宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、主语和目的状语。下面我们来分别看他们的用法。 (1)做宾语: 许多动词后面要加动词不定式做宾语,如:want to do, would like to do, plan to do, decide to do, hope to do, learn to do, refuse to do… 等等。请你找出对话中动词不定式做宾语的例子:__________________________

(2)做宾语补足语:动词不定式做宾语补足语分为带to 和不带to两种情况。带to的有ask sb. to do sth. / tell sb. to do sth. /want sb. to do sth. /would like sb. to do sth. / help sb. (to) do sth. 等。不带to的有make sb. do sth. / let sb. do sth. / see sb. do sth. /hear sb. do sth. 等。在本课对话中,并没有to do 做宾语补足语的例子, 请你自己造一个句子:______ ____________________________________

(3)动词不定式做表语:当描述某人的task , job , duty,wish, plan 是什么的时候,常用动词不定式做表语,如:My wish is to travel around the world./ Your duty is to clean the windows. 请你找出对话中动词不定式做表语的例子:_____________________________. (4)动词不定式做定语:当动词不定式修饰名词的时候,通常放在名词的后面。如:I have lots of work to do. / Could you lend me a pen to write with. 请你找出对话中动词不定式做定语的例子:________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________________ ___________________________________ (5)动词不定式做主语,如文中的句子:It’s too far to cycle. 这句话可以说成To cycle is too far. 但是在英语中,当动词不定式做主语时,常用It 来代替做形式主语,然后把真正的主语 to do 放到表语的后面,构成It’s … to do sth. 的句型。请你找出对话中其他动

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词不定式做主语的例子:_________________________________________________ ___________________________________

(6)动词不定式做目的状语,用来表达目的,通常放在句尾。My mom went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables. / I sat in the front to see the blackboard clearer. 在对话中并没有动词不定式做目的状语的例子,请你自己举一个例子:___________________ ____________________.

(7)除此之外,我们还学习过动词不定式的否定形式,not to do. 例:妈妈叫我不要再接上玩耍。 Mom told me ________________ in the street.

(8)疑问词+ to do 构成的短语也常用来做宾语。如:我不知道该做什么?I don’t know _______________________. 让我来告诉你如何应对坏情绪。 Let me tell you __________ _______________ bad spirits.

2. “We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.” 意思是___________________________, 句中短语go on a visit to … 意思是__________________________. 句中three-day 是一个_____________(形容词/名词), 用来修饰___________. 【注意】带有连字符的合成词,名词必须用____________(复数/原形)。例:我们将会去北京旅行七天。We are going ________________________ to Beijing.

3. “It will take us a few days to get there by bike.” 意思是____________________________. 句中take 用来表示话费,只能花____________(钱/时间). 句型是____________________. 例:完成这项工作需要花两天的时间。____________________________________.

4. “There are other vehicles for us to choose.” 意思是____________________________. 句中for sb. to do sth. 的复合结构很常见,对于这个结构无需计较太多语法,大家想到了用就可以。例:这个箱子太重,她提不动。 The box is too heavy for her ________ ________. 在商店里有许多款式的衣服供你选择。There are many types of clothes for you ________ ________.

5. “Let’s find out some information about the cost.” 意思是__________________________, 句中短语find out 意思是______________. 句中的cost 是一个__________(名词/动词), 意思是____________. Cost 也可以用来做动词,表示花_________(钱/时间),句型是:sth. cost sb. … 或 It cost sb. … to do sth. 例:这件衬衫花了我100元。__________________. 做飞机去哪里要花多少?How much doest it _________________________________. 6. “I’ll ask the airline over the phone.” 意思是______________________, 句中短语over the phone 意思是_________________.

7. “We’ll decide on the best way to go on our field trip.” 意思是_______________________. 句中decide on 的意思是____________________. 例:你决定了要买哪一台电脑了么?Do you ________ _________ which computer to buy?

III. 1b, 根据图片,和所给出的例句,两人一组问答,并选择出你认为最好的出行,并解释原因。


任务三:根据提示完成答句,并说明在四个答句中,动词不定式分别充当什么成分。 1. _______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. _______________