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仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 Unit 5 Feeling Happy - 9 -

任务四:总结本课出现的重点短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 诞生;形成 充满了… 受…的欢迎 对…产生兴趣 与某人和解 以…结尾 以…开始

Topic 2 I feel better now

Section A

任务一:I 1a,听录音补全下面的短文。

Helen is w________ about Li Hong. She is so u__________ , and she is crying because she did b_________ in the English exam. She is very s__________ with herself. She is n_____ here. She is quiet and s_______. She feels very l_________ because she has no f________ to talk with. So she feels s________. Miss Wang thinks she should have to talk with her.

II. 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “Anything wrong?” 意思是____________________, 这一句省略了there be, 全句应该是_______________________________.

2. “What seems to be the problem?” 意思是___________________________, 句中短语seem to be … 意思是_______________, 例:这道题对你来说似乎太难了。This problem ______________________ for you.

3. “because she did badly in the English exam.” 意思是______________________, 句中短语do badly in sth./doing sth. 意思是_____________________, 例:他期末考试表现很糟。___________________________ the final exams.

4. “She is very strict with herself.” 意思是___________________, 句中短语be strict with sb. 意思是___________________. 如果要表达对某事要求严格,则应当用be strict about sth. 例:我的父亲对我的学习要求很严格。My father _______________me ________ my study. 5. “because she has no friends to talk with.” 意思是________________________, 句中friends to talk with 意思是____________________, 我们发现这一句中to talk with 起到了修饰friends 的作用,这种用法叫动词不定式做后置定语。例:在春节前有许多的新电影可以看。There’re lots of new movies _____________ before the Spring Festival. 这里我们需要注意的是,如果这个动词是动词+介词构成的短语,则介词一般不可省略。例:他没有可以住的房间了。He has no ________________. 而如果被修饰的名词是place 或space 则介词也常可以省略。例:The people’s park is a good place to have fun (in).

6. “I should have a talk with her.” 意思是__________________________, 句中短语have a talk with sb. 意思是____________________.

7. “I’m really worried about her.” 意思是_______________________, 句中短语be worried about … 意思是___________________. 例:你担心即将到来的考试么?______ you

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________ _________ the coming exam?

任务二: 2 仿照例句,根据图片,用方框中给出的词和句型写句子来描述图片。 任务三:3 听录音,补全Helen写给Li Hong 的电子卡片。并完成下面的解析。

1. “take it easy” 意思是______________________, 常用来劝解他人不要因为某事而紧张、心神不宁或过于兴奋。例:上台的时候不要紧张。__________________when you are on the stage.

2. “Try to talk to others,” 意思是___________________, 句中try to do sth. 意思是_______ ________________, 句中talk to sb. 意思是_________________, 其中介词to 也可以换成_________。而talk about 的意思是_________________. 任务四:总结本课出现的重点词组和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 有什么麻烦么? 似乎是… 在某事上表现很糟 对某人要求严格 对某事要求严格 和某人谈一谈 为……担心 不着急、别紧张、放轻松 尝试做某事 和某人交谈

Section B

任务一:I 1a,听录音完成下面的表格,并回答下面的问题。 Name. Li Hong Feeling Reason _______ the English exam Suggestions _______ to someone about it 1. Who can she talk to and make friends with? ______________ 2. Why?

Because she is ____________, She always tells ___________ to Li Hong and makes her __________ . She seems ___________ ____________ Li Hong. 3. How does Li Hong feel now? She is feeling __________ now. II 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “because I failed the English exam.” 意思是_________________________, fail +n./ to do 意思是_____________. 例:1. 他没有通过驾照考试。He _________ his driving test. 2. 医生们没能拯救这个女孩的生命。Doctors _________ _________ ________ the girl’s life. 2. “Everyone gets these feelings at your age.” 意思是_______________________________, 句中at your age 意思是___________________. 例:在你(们)这个年龄,我的吉他已经弹的很好了。I played the guitar ______________________.

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3. “Who do you want to make friends with?” 意思是__________________________. 句中make friends with sb. 意思是___________________________. 例:我想和Helen交朋友。_______________________________.

4. “She always tells me jokes” 意思是_____________________. 句中短语tell sb. jokes 意思是_____________________. 如果要说“讲一个笑话”,表达为____________________. 需要注意的是play a joke 意思是开玩笑,如果要说“同某人开玩笑”,其表达为play a joke/jokes on sb. 例:1. 他很擅长讲笑话。_____________________. 2. 别和我开玩笑。____________________.

同时joke 还可以当动词,意思是说笑,或者开玩笑。例:I was just joking. 我只是在开玩笑。

5. “There, there! It’ll be OK.” 意思是_____________________, 句中There, there! 意思是_______________________.

任务二:I,2a, 读课文,完成下面的解析。

1. “ They may have unhappy feelings after some bad experiences.” 意思是________________ _______________________, 句中的experiences 意思是______________. 需要注意的是experience 当经历讲时时可数名词,当经验讲时是不可数名词。例:1. 我从过去的经历总学到很多。I learned a lot from the _____________ in the past. 2. 她没有教学的经验。She has no _______________ in teaching.

2. “but I don’t know how to stop these unhappy feelings.” 意思是______________________, 句中 how to stop 意思是__________________, 这是__________+__________ 的结构,这一结构常用来做动词的宾语。例:你能告诉我怎么去医院吗?Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ to the hospital?

3. “It’s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.” 意思是___________________ ___________________, 句型It’s normal to do sth. 意思是:_________________________, 例:在长途旅行之后感觉累是正常的。____________________ tired after a long trip.

句中something bad 意思是________________, 在这一句中bad 修饰something 放在something 的_________. 规则:形容词修饰复合不定代词要放在他们的后面。 句中happen to sb. 意思是________________. 注意happen 的主语必须是事情。例:他昨天出车祸了。A traffic accident ___________ __________ him yesterday.

4. 在文中出现了很多”It’s … to do…” 的句型,该句型的意思往往是_________________. 例:1. 向你的儿子道歉是没关系的。_________________________________________

2. 在夏天出去是很开心的事。________________________________________ 5. “please call me at 2676790” 意思是______________________, 其中句型 call sb. at …. 意思是______________________.


1. “Be afraid of speaking English in public.” 意思是____________________________, 句中短语be afraid of doing sth. 意思是_____________________. 例:别害怕犯错误。_______________________.

句中短语in public 意思是___________________.

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2. “Have difficulty talking with your parents.” 意思是____________________________. 句中短语have difficulty (in) doing sth. 意思是_______________________________. 例:他学数学有困难。He __________________________ Maths. Your suggestions:

(1)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (在公共场合说英语感觉紧张是正常的,多加练习后就会好很多。要相信自己,别怕犯错误。)

(2)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (很多同学因为忙于功课而没有时间从事爱好。但如果我们学会计划时间,并且设法让自己学得又快又好,我们就可以有很多的空闲时间了。) (3)请选择以下任意一条,给出你的建议。

_________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 任务三:请总结本课出现的重点词组和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 在你(们)这个年龄 和某人交朋友 给某人讲笑话 好啦好啦,一切都会好起来。 做某事是正常的 发生在某人身上 做某事怎么样 给某人拨打 害怕做某事 做某事有困难 亲密的朋友 和某人争吵、打架

Section C

任务一:I, 1, 读李宏写给小芳的信,完成下面的解析。 1. “How time flies!” 意思是____________________. 2. “What’s more,” 意思是________________.

3. “I couldn’t sleep as well as usual.” 意思是________________, 句中as … as … 意思是______________. 这个句型常用来进行同级的比较,在as … as 的中间加形容词或副词的原形。例:我认为汉语将会和英语一样重要。I think Chinese will be __________________ English.

句中的as usual 也可以作为一个单独的短语,意思是像往常一样。例:他像往常一样早早去上班了。 He went to work early _____________.