江苏省扬州市邗江区2018届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(附答案)$825026 下载本文

“Poor Tom, he wasn’t really bad, he never 43 any harm, and he had a good heart.” Aunt Polly said and began to cry. They were going to wait until 44 for their funerals(葬礼).Tom had a new plan in his head, then he went back to his 45 and told everything to Joe and Huck.

That Saturday afternoon, Aunt Polly’s family prepared their 46 funeral clothes for the next day with great sadness. Even the weekend was 47 for children, who had no pleasure in their games.

When Sunday school finished, funeral began in the town church. Almost all the villagers came in black and nobody remembered 48 the church had been so full. Everybody thought they have made a mistake to see only 49 in the boys, people all cried.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise, people all turned around and saw the three“dead”boys walking up the doorway. Aunt Polly, Joe’s and Huck’s families 50 their boys with kisses and thanks. 36. A. nobody 37. A. Moreover 38. A. difficulty 39. A. food 40. A. hope 41. A. dirty 42. A. slowly 43. A. prevented 44. A. Wednesday 45. A. island 46. A. black 47. A. happy 48. A. why 49. A. noise 50. A. covered

B. anybody B. Therefore B. peace B. tools B. need B. clean B. comfortably B. meant B. Friday B. home B. red B. difficult B. when B. wisdom B. beat

C. everybody C. However C. friendship C. boys C. refuse C. clever C. safely C. offered C. Saturday C. river C. gray C. usual C. where C. problems C. watched

D. somebody D. Otherwise D. crime D. boat D. like D. foolish D. wisely D. took D. Sunday D. school D. white D. important D. how D. sadness D. paid




Films in Grand Movie Theater This week HAPPY POTTER(Ⅲ) American film Director(导演): Alfonso Cuaron Stars: Daniel Redcliffe, Rupert Grint. Emma Waston Time: From Monday to Wednesday. At 6:00 p.m Ticket Price: $ 4.5 A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES Chinese film Director: Feng Xiaogang Stars: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p.m. Ticket Price: $ 6(Half on Sunday for children) KUNGFU HUSTLE Chinese Hong Kong film Director: Zhou Xingchi Stars: Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua. Liang Xiaolong Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p.m. Ticket Price: $ 5 TROY American film Director: Wolfgang Peterson Stars: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. Ticket Price: $5.5 51. There will be in Grand Movie Theater this week. A. one Chinese film B. two Chinese films C. three American films D. a lot of foreign films

52. If a man with a child goes to Grand Movie Theater on Sunday, they will pay for the film.

A. $12 B. $9 C. $6 D. $5

53. If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film in Grand Movie Theater. A.KUNGFU HUSTLE B.A WORLD WTTHOUT THIEVES C.TROY D.HAPPY POTTER(Ⅲ)


There used to be countless Tibetan antelopes(藏羚羊) in Hoh Xil(可可西里), Qinghai province. However, back in 1997, the number of Tibetan antelopes was smaller because tens of thousands of them had

been killed by some people and they sell their wool to make clothes.These rare Tibetan antelopes

should be protected.

Tsering, a soldier who has just left the army, arrived in Hoh Xil in 1997. He had heard about the illegal hunting there, then he made a decision to protect the antelopes there. The central area of Hoh Xil, where Tibetan antelopes give birth, lies around the Zhuonai Lake and Taiyang Lake. There, the weather can change rapidly .The temperature can go as low as-46C.Even in summer, the temperature during the night is about -17 C. Over the 20 years, Tsering and his team have been on duty there to protect antelopes .

He says that he has a really deep love for the land and the animals after so many years. Back in late 1990s and early 2000s, when the Tibetan antelope protection center had not been built, the men and the baby antelopes would all live together. \take their first steps, but I have not seen how my two daughters stood up or took their first steps,\he says. \wild donkeys and Tibetan gazelle walking casually along the Qinghai-Tibet railway line and highway. There are many heavy trucks on the road but the animals are used to the traffic and noise. After 20-years protection they know that most humans won't hurt them.

Thanks to Tsering and his men’s efforts, not a single shot has been heard in Hoh Xil since 2006. And the number of Tibetan antelopes has risen from 20,000 to more than 60,000.

54What does the underlined word “illegal” mean in paragraph 2?

A. 人为的 B. 违法的 C. 残忍的 D. 病态的 55. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ___________.

A. the temperature in Tibet changes quickly. B. where Tibetan antelopes give birth. C. it is very cold in Hoh Xil all year round. D. it’s difficult to protect the Tibetan


56. According to paragraph 4 , which of the following is not true? A. Tsering has a really deep affection for the land and the animals. B. Tibetan antelopes were afraid that humans would hurt them 20 years ago. C. Tsering loves the Tibetan antelopes instead of his daughters. D. Tsering knows a lot about the Tibetan antelopes. 57. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Protecting Tibetan antelopes. B. Hoh Xil, a perfect home for Tibetan antelopes

C. Tsering and his team. D. Deep love for Tibet.


Taylor Walker-Lear,an 11-year-old Australian schoolgirl, was born with cerebral palsy(大脑瘫痪), a disease that affects movement and balance. For her, the Great Wall, one of China's best-known faces, is a magic ladder which carried her closer to her dream.

In March 2016, she climbed the highest mountain in Australia at 2,229 meters above sea level. When her mother asked her what her next goal was, she answered: \little too hard right now, but maybe the Great Wall.\

On June 6 this year, her dream came true. With the help of her parents, sponsors(赞助商), and a group of primary school volunteers from Beijing, Taylor realized her dream in China by climbing the Mutianyu part of the Great Wall .

In preparation for her Great Wall dream, Taylor spent several months strengthening her legs and practicing swimming. She also received an important operation. After that, she was able to stand straight like other children.

The journey started near Watch Tower No 14. During her climb, a group of Chinese primary school students followed Taylor closely. Before she started out, they gave her a red chicken doll to bring her good luck. In the tower, Taylor listened to the guide telling the long history of the Great Wall. Her parents lifted her and encouraged her to keep going. It was obviously painful for her to walk so far along the Great Wall. However, she succeeded.

Taylor hoped that foreigners could better understand China and the Chinese. Taylor now has a new aim: take part in the swimming events at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. The walk on the Great Wall has given her __________.

58. Where can we mostly find this passage?

A. A travel journal B. An education column C. A news website D. A science book 59. Why the Great Wall is a magic ladder for Taylor Walker-Lear ? A. Because it’s hard for her to climb up. B. Because it helps her realize her dream.

C. Because the Great Wall is one of best-known faces.