(人教pep版)六年级下册英语unit1单元测试卷3 下载本文

Sarah has many friends. She is _______ than John. Zhang Peng is ______ 、______ Sarah. Lily is ______ 、______ Sarah. Mike’s feet ________、______Sarah’s. Wu Yifan’s feet _______ 、_______ 、_______ Mike’s.

十三、 Writing. (写作) 根据图和汉语提示,写出5句正确的话语。

提示语: 我家(family)有五口人(people)。爷爷(grandpa)、爸、妈、妹妹和我。

我比我妹妹更高。妹妹比我瘦。我妈妈比我 爸爸更年轻。我爸爸比我妈妈更重。







一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词。)

1. What size are your shoes? Size 350 2. I like the little monkey. 3. The monkey has long tail. 4. I’m 45 kg.

5. My math teacher is funnier than me.

二、Listen and judge.(听音,在正确答案上打“√”。)

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1. I’m shorter but stronger. I often do sports on weekend. Who is the boy?

2. The elephant’s ears are bigger than the deer’s. Who has smaller ears?

3. The man is older than the girl.

4. This dog is thin. That dog is heavy. Which dog is thinner? 5. My hair is short. Your hair is long. Whose hair is longer?

三、Listen and choose.(听音,选答语。)

1. How old are you? 2. How tall are you? 3. How long are your legs?

4. How heavy is the big elephant? 5. What size are your shoes?

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填空。)

1. His tail is shorter.

2. Line up from younger to older. 3. John is heavier than Jim . 4. My dad is stronger than me. 5. Who’s taller than you?

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