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但我们现在已经在扩大奖学金范围But we are now in expanding the scope of the scholarship.。事实上,过去几年,中国学生来英国留学生人数大大增加了,这说明奖学金难归难,你们还是有办法来留学的。

我想教育交流在未来会非常重要,我也希望,每一次外国学生来英国学习,回去时就像是一个英国大使The British ambassador,到他的国家为我们宣传,不管是在中国,俄罗斯还是哪个国家。所以我们在扩大教育规模,吸收更多海外留学生Absorb more international students。所以你们继续申请奖学金So you continue to apply for a scholarship,我们会尽力帮助的。

Q: Mr. Blair, welcome to Tsinghua University. I was deeply impressed by your support for Sino-British中英的 educational exchanges, but I was also sorry to learn that some universities in northeastern Britain have decided to cancel the major of Chinese Culture and Language, among them the University of Durham. Will this affect cultural and educational cooperation between our two countries? If so, what is your solution?

A: 讲到学校的课程When it comes to the school curriculum,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事。要把想做的事都办成,钱总是不够的。不过我可以向你保证,我们会一如既往as always地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。 Lesson 5

5.3 Premier Wen’s Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization温总理的讲话在开幕式上的


Mr. Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, All Delegates代表(, ladies and gentlemen,

At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery风景 in the fresh air and clearest weather, the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.// 表达我们的热烈祝贺此次会议召开

Tourism is a nice and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care. Tourism has been developing all along with the progress of the times. Since the middle of the 20th century, modern tourism has been growing at a fast pace around the world. The number of tourists has ever been on the rise在上涨, the scale of the tourism industry has been in constant expansion旅游业的规模在不断扩大, and the position of tourism in the economy has clearly risen. Tourism serves gradually as an important bridge of cultural exchange, friendship and further exchanges, and exerts more and more extensive influence on `the human life and social progress among various countries. //

As a country with a civilization文明with a long history, China is also a big oriental [??r?'ent(?)l; ?r-] n. 东方人country full of modern vitality现代活力,, not to mention its unique, rich and varied tourism resources. Besides the picturesque独特的 natural scenery, profound history and extensive culture, China embodies the different folk customs of 56 nationalities. Currently, there are 29 places that have been listed as World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Thanks to the further push by the opening up and reform改革开放

, China’s modern construction现代建筑 is surging ahead领先, and the cities and the country are experiencing daily changes这个国家正在经历每天变化。. The

ancient glory of China and its modern boom add radiance and charm to each other, joining to create most favorable conditions for developing our domestic and international tourism. //

The first 20 years of the 21 century represent代表 an important strategic period for China to achieve the all-round construction of a well-off society小康社会 and to speed up its socialist modernization社会主义现代化建设 . It also provides a favorable time for the further development of China’s tourism industry. We shall promote tourism as an important industry in China’s national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources利用旅游资源 and try to achieve sustainable tourism development. The Chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit China. We shall do our best to protect their health and safety; and at the same time encourages more Chinese people to go abroad for visits. We are ready to develop extensive cooperation with other counties and contribute to global tourism growth.//

For many years, the World Tourism Organization has made active and effective efforts for the promotion of tourism prosperity旅游行业景气度 and development around the globe. The World Tourism Organization has become a specialized agency专门机构 of the United Nations. We would like to offer our sincere congratulations. We believe this WTO General Assembly session大会会议 will give a major push to the further prosperity and development of tourism in the world.//

Finally, I wish the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization every success. 最后,我希望届世界旅游组织第15届全体大会圆满成功。 Thank you.

世界旅游组织简介brief introduction of the world tourism organization

世界旅游组织是政府间唯一接纳旅游经营着的组织The world tourism organization is the only accepted tourism runs the intergovernmental organizations,它受联合国委托It is entrusted by the United Nations,在各国旅游业的宣传和发展工作中起着核心的作用。它成立于1975年,总部设在西班牙首都马德里。

世界旅游组织的宗旨purpose aim tenet 是促进和发展旅游事业,使之有利于经济发展、国际间相互了解International mutual understanding、和平与繁荣以及不分种族、性别、语言或宗教信仰religious belief、尊重人权respect for human rights和人的基本自由,并强调在贯彻这一宗旨时And to emphasize in carrying out this aim,要特别注意发展中国家在旅游事业方面的利益。 世界旅游组织的成员分为正式成员、联系成员和附属成员三类。A member of the world tourism organization is divided into three classes of formal member, contact members and affiliate members正式成员是指所有的主权国家sovereign state。联系成员指的是那些不必负责外交事务的地区Contact member refers to people who don't have to be in charge of foreign affairs。这些成员需要经过为他们承担外交责任的政府的批准。These members need to pass for them takes the responsibility of a foreign government approval. 附属成员的范围十分广泛,包括直接从事旅游业或与旅游业有关的组织和企业Organizations and businesses,如:航空公司以及其他运输公司、饭店、餐馆,旅游批发商和零售商Tourism wholesalers and retailers、金融界、保险公司、出版界等机构Finance, insurance companies, publishing and other institutions。 到2003年,世界旅游组织有正式成员full member

包括141个国家,7个联系成员和350个附属成员,它们代表着私营业者、教育机构、旅游协会以及地方旅游管理机构。Private companies, education institutions, tourism association and local tourism management agencies

现代化与文化遗产的保护(Modernization and protection of cultural heritage)