2020版高考英语精准备考一轮浙江专用版讲义:Book 8 Unit 3 含答案 下载本文

biggest retailers(sellers) to rethink their business models,and finally changing the way people shop.

Jack Ma (China)

As a child,Jack Ma was bad at math but fascinated by English.He traveled to the United States in 1995 as a translator to help a Chinese firm recover payment.The attempt failed.But a friend in Seattle showed Ma the Internet,and an idea began brewing.In 1999,Mr Ma gathered 17 friends and founded Alibaba in his apartment in Hangzhou.Alibaba’s model was simple:allow small and medium-sized Chinese companies to find global buyers they would otherwise only be able to meet at trade shows.It works brilliantly.Alibaba’s sales are now more than those of eBay and Amazon combined. 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了开创网购新模式的三位创始人的故事。 18.What do the three people have in common? A.They are all foreigners. B.They were all inspired by others.

C.They are all pioneers in the online shopping field. D.They all founded an online shopping website. 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。迈克尔·奥尔德里奇最早通过电话线将电视与实时多用户交易电脑连接起来;杰夫·贝索斯是世界上第一个创办网上购物的人,正是他改变了人们的购物模式;马云建立了阿里巴巴网络购物平台,使得网购发生巨变。由此可知,他们都是网购领域的创始人。 19.Who invented the World Wide Web server? A.Tim Berners-Lee. B.Michael Aldrich. C.Jeff Bezos. D.Jack Ma. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据文章Jeff Bezos (the USA)部分中的“Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web server and browser in 1990.”可知,正是蒂姆·伯纳斯·李发明了万维网。 20.What can NOT be concluded from the passage? A.Michael Aldrich invented online shopping. B.Amazon operated in 1995 in urban Seattle. C.Alibaba’s sales are now more than Amazon’s. D.Jack Ma’s trip to the USA as a translator was a failure. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据文章Jeff Bezos (the USA)部分中的“On July 6,1995,Bezos launched Amazon.com,which operated out of the garage of his two-bedroomed home in suburban Seattle,Washington.”可知,亚马逊是在1995年7月6日于西雅图郊区贝索斯的家中创办的,故B项错误,urban Seattle与suburban Seattle不符。

话题:科普知识 难度星级:☆

A paper clip,made of steel wire bent into a looped(环形的) shape,is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together.This common device is a wonder of simplicity and function.But where did this simple,cheap and practical invention come from?

In the late 19th century,the most common way to hold papers together was by using a pin.Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily removable,it would leave holes in the paper.Later,as steel wire became more common,inventors began to notice its elastic(有弹性的) feature.With this feature,it could be stretched and twisted into various clip-like objects.In the years just before 1900,quite a few paper clip designs appeared.The name most frequently associated with the paper clip invention is Johan Vaaler,a Norwegian inventor.However,Vaaler’s clips were not the same as the paper clips currently in use.Specifically,they did not have the inside loop we see today.The familiar looped design was invented by Gem Manufacturing Ltd.in England.This clip is therefore sometimes known as the Gem clip.

Because of Vaaler,the paper clip played an important historical role in Norway.During World War Ⅱ,Norway was occupied by the Nazis.Norwegians were prohibited from wearing any symbol of their national unity(团结),such as buttons with the initials of their king.Thus,in protest,they started wearing paper clips to show their unity.The reason for doing this was simple:Paper clips were a Norwegian invention whose original function was to bind together.After the war,a giant paper clip statue was put up in Oslo to honour Vaaler—even though his design was never actually produced.

语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一件日常用品——曲别针,它的发明过程、构造、主要功能以及在历史上的特殊影响。 21.According to the first paragraph,the paper clip is . A.made of paper B.shaped like a pin C.inexpensive and useful D.for holding clothes together 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段的“But where did this simple,cheap and practical invention come from?”可知,曲别针便宜、实用。故选C。

22.One way the paper clip is better than the pin is that . A.it is cheaper B.it is simpler

C.it can be removed more easily D.it doesn’t damage the paper 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily

removable,it would leave holes in the paper.”可知,大头针会在纸上留下洞,而曲别针的环形构造不会破坏纸张,这弥补了大头针弄坏纸张的缺点。故选D。 23.Which of the following best shows what the Gem clip looks like?

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段首句和第二段最后四句“However,Vaaler’s clips were not the same as...known as the Gem clip.”可知,瓦勒发明的曲别针是由钢丝弯成的一个环状物,其内部没有环,这和现今的回形针的构造不太一样。由此可知,它的内部有环。再结合我们现今使用的曲别针可知选A。

24.What is the last paragraph mainly about? A.How Vaaler’s clip became a national symbol. B.How widely Vaaler’s clip is used. C.How the Nazis ruled the Norwegian people.

D.Why Norwegians had the initials of their king on their buttons. 答案 A

解析 段落大意题。根据最后一段可知瓦勒的曲别针在二战时期有着特殊的影响,曲别针成为了一个国家的象征。故选A。 Ⅳ.七选五


Tiny Tomatoes

Tomatoes come in a variety of sizes,shapes and colors.And the little tomatoes are some of the most fun to grow and are perhaps the most rewarding.

Little tomatoes are classified into plum,cherry,grape or currant(醋栗) tomatoes. 25 Plum tomatoes are the largest of the groups listed,and currant tomatoes are the smallest.There are also differences in color,flavor and skin thickness,but these differences are more relative to specific varieties. 26

Plum,cherry and other small tomato types are fun to grow because they always produce abundant crops of flavorful fruit.They are fun to snack on while working in the garden or while daydreaming about working in the garden. 27 They are typically sweeter than large tomatoes,and little tomatoes contain less juice and fewer seeds than large tomatoes.

To grow little tomatoes,select a site that receives at least six to eight hours of full sun per day.Use a large container set in a sunny spot if a sunny planting site is otherwise unavailable. 28 You could also plant seeds,but already-started plants will provide fruit much more quickly.Water infrequently to help plants grow deep roots before the heat of summer arrives.

Harvest fruits when they are ripe.They will generally slip from the plant at this point. 29 Store

harvested fruit indoors and unrefrigerated as cool temperatures change the flavor. A.The best time to grow tomato plants is March. B.Differences in size matter most commonly here. C.They are also influenced by growing conditions. D.Then select plants from the garden center or farmers. E.All of them are delicious and almost of the same size. F.These are good additions to salads and cooked dishes. G.But they should feel firm in your hand at the same time.

语篇解读 文章详细介绍了小西红柿的种类、区别、吃法、种植和收获的注意事项。 25.答案 B

解析 上句讲小西红柿被分成许多类,下句讲各类大小的区别。B项(大小的差别最普遍)连接前后句,故选B。 26.答案 C

解析 上句讲这些种类在颜色、口味和皮厚度上有不同。这些差异相对于特定的品种来说更为重要。C项(这些受种植条件的影响)是上句造成不同的原因,故选C。 27.答案 F

解析 本段讲小西红柿的产量和吃法,上句讲当零食生吃,F项(这些都是沙拉和熟食的好补充)与上句连接,符合本段内容。故选F。 28.答案 D

解析 根据下句“You could also plant seeds”可知本段讲小西红柿的种植方法,D项(然后从花园中心或农民那里选择购买植物)与上句衔接,故选D。 29.答案 G

解析 本段讲小西红柿的收获,上句讲有时它们会自己掉落,但是我们拿在手里会感觉到它是硬的。G项表达了此意,故选G。