内圆电解磨削装置设计 毕业设计 - 图文 下载本文




Internal Grinding Electrolytic Devices Design

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电解磨削工件内圆时,工件作为阳极与直流电源的正极相连,导电磨轮作为阴极与直流电源的负极相连,两者之间保持一定的磨削压力,凸出于磨轮表面的非导电性磨料使工件表面与磨轮导电基体之间形成一定的电解间隙,同时向间隙中供给电解液.在直流电的作用下,工件表面金属由于电解作用生成离子化合物和阳极膜,这些电解产物不断地被旋转达到磨轮所刮除,使新的金属表面露出,继续产生电解作用,随着工件材料不断的被去除.从而达到磨削的目的。电解磨削适合于磨削各种高强度、高硬度、热敏性、脆性等难磨削的金属材料。用电解磨削可磨削各种硬质合金刀具、塞规、轧辊、和模具平面等 。电解磨削的效率一般高于机械磨削,磨轮损耗较低,加工表面不产生磨削烧伤、裂纹、残余应力、加工变质和毛刺等。


关键字:电解 内圆 磨床



Electrolytic Grinding at the Inner Circle , Workpiece as anode and the cathode DC Power Linked ,Grinding Wheel as a cathode and the anode DC Power Linked , Must be struck between the grinding pressure ,Wheel protruding from the surface of the non-conductive so abrasive grinding wheel and the workpiece surface conductive matrix between certain gap electrolysis, Meanwhile clearance to supply electrolyte. The role of the DC, workpiece surface as metal ions generated electrolysis role compounds and anodic film, These electrolytic products has been continuously rotating grinding wheel reached by curettage, new metal surface exposed, and continue to produce electrolysis, With the workpiece material to be removed continuously. So as to achieve the purpose of grinding. Electrolysis is suitable for grinding grinding of high strength, high hardness, heat-sensitive, such as the brittle metal grinding hard materials. Electrolysis can be used grinding various Carbide Tool Grinding, the Cypriot regulations, roll, and the other plane die. Electrolysis grinding efficiency is generally higher than the mechanical grinding, grinding wheel wear and tear lower surface not produce grinding burn, crack, Residual stress, processing, such as degeneration and Burr.

In these conditions, this round was conducted within the electrolytic grinding device design. Throughout the design process, relying mainly on the traditional mechanical design methods and ideas, through access to a large number of library materials, conduct market research and to collect large amounts of data, visits to some typical Internal Grinder entities with the action principle, and so on, Machine completed the structural design. The final design for the machine tool grinding Internal electrolysis devices.

Key word: Electrolysis;Internal;Grinder