广东省湛江二中2013届高三第一次月考英语试题 下载本文

problems and may not develop mentally as quickly as their peers.

Other research by the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center has found that more than 80 percent of child patients in the center live in a smoke-filled household, where one or both parents smoke.

“Though doctors have stressed the harm of passive smoking over and over, it is still hard to reach a totally smoke-free home,” said a pediatrician named Zhang Yiwen, noting that parents are often

tempted to smoke even though they have learned the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

China has 540 million people suffering from passive smoke, 180 million of them younger than 15.The age of smokers is also getting lower, earlier reports said.

“There are more young smokers than before. You can see young people wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag light a cigarette on the street. Some of them are even female students,” said Jing Xingming, a professor of children’s developmental behavior at the center.

“Children like to imitate adults, especially their parents. If parents often smoke at home, it is very likely children will develop a smoking habit, which can cause a vicious circle,” Jin said.

Reports from the Ministry of Health said China has about 350 million smokers, of whom 15 million are underage smokers. Also , around 40 million of the country’s 130 million children aged between 13 and 18 had tried smoking, and 15 million had become addicted to tobacco.

36.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.About half of the youngsters are suffering from second-hand smoke.

B.Experts are calling for more protection for youngsters from smoking. C.More and more youngsters are picking up the habit of smoking. D.Smoking does great harm to the health of the youngsters.

37.What kind of the youngsters most possibly develop a habit of smoking? A.Children of non-smoking mothers.

B.Children of non-smoking fathers.

C.Children of heavy smokers.

D.Children from some smoking centers.

38.Which of the following disease may not be connected with second-hand smoking?

A.Cancer. B.Behavioral problems. C.Sore throats. D.Coughs.

39.The underlined word ―vicious‖ in the eleventh paragraph most probably means ________. A.complete B.simple C.great D.bad

40.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.About 80 percent of the children in the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center smoke heavily. B.About 45 percent of children suffer passive smoking in the Shanghai Children’s Medical


C.About 540 million people are heavy smokers in China.

D.Children aged between 13 to 18 are more likely addicted to smoking.


The Best of Alaska

Nothing evokes(唤起) Alaska like a whale exploding out of the water or an eagle pulling a silver fish from the river. Combine these images with high mountains, brilliant icebergs and wonderful meals and you really do have the Best of Alaska! Join us for an unforgettable 7-day excursion(远足) to the

last frontier!


JUNEAU: Juneau, the state capital, is rich in culture and scenic beauty. It is here that we start and end our trip.

HAINES: Haines is a small community located along the fjords(海湾).The natural beauty and expansive wilderness found here have made Haines a premier center for adventure in Alaska.

ALASKA INDIAN ARTS: Alaska Indian Arts is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation and continuation of traditional native craft and culture of the Northwest Native Tribes. We spend a few hours learning carving, native beading and culture from these master artists.

SKAGWAY: Skagway is a lively town, which still reflects its gold rush roots and contains colorful shops. n Skagway, we stop by the Klondike Gold Rush National Park Visitor’s Center and ride the White Pass Yukon Route Railway.

GUSTAVUS: Gustavus is the gateway to Glacier Bay National Park. We’ll stay at a comfortable lodge here for two nights. This will be the base for both the whale-watching excursion and a full day

cruise in Glacier Bay.


2011: May 15, June 17, July 16, August 14.

7 days—$3500, including lodging, all meals, excursions, guides, park fees, sales taxes, and transportation between Juneau, Skagway, Haines, and Gustavus. Not included: Alcohol, personal items, airfare to and from Juneau.

Contact: E-mail: Call: 1-800-766-3396

Write: Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School P.O. Box 1081, Haines AK 99827

41.You can feel the history of the local place at ________.

A.Juneau B.Skagway C.Haines D.Gustavus

42.You can watch a whale exploding out of the water at ________.

A.Glacier Bay National Park B.the Klondike Gold Rush National Park C.the White Pass Yukon D.the fjords

43.According to the advertisement, the participants of the excursion ________. A.will spend one day experiencing the local culture at Alaska Indian Arts B.can contact Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School by e-mail or fax

C.are able to experience some adventurous activities in Haines D.can get lots of traditional native artwork free of charge

44.Which of the following is a participant required to pay additional fees?

A.Going from Gustavus to Juneau by train. B.A full day cruise in Glacier Bay.

C.Having the last supper at Juneau. D.Flying from Juneau to his hometown.

45.It is known from the advertisement that ________.

A.the native culture of the Northwest Native Tribes is dying out B.Juneau, as the state capital, is much more beautiful than Haines C.Skagway was the richest town of Alaska in the past

D.Alaska is famous for its culture, history and natural beauty

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按



A. Pasta House – new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious

inexpensive meals. It also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. It’s always crowded so be ready to order take-away (可带走的熟食) or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.

B. A Taste of India – famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian dishes using chilli. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if you’re planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance. Open noon to midnight.

C. Paris Match – this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in

luxurious (非常舒适的)surrounding. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m. Booking essential(必要的). D. Mountain Dinner – not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes. Countryside

location surrounded by forest. It’s at least an hour’s drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. E. Owl Café – open 24 hours a day the café has a large selection of set breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee.

F. Greek Bistro – a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music

played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.


46. Bill – was late getting up today so hasn’t had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up

something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time. 47. Julie – works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesn’t want anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she

wants to avoid anything containing meat.

48. Sally – has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants

to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun. She is a university student so doesn’t have a lot of money and doesn’t like her food too hot.

49. Albert – is a businessman who will meet an important European client (客户)for a business dinner

next week. He wants to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings.

50. Robert – is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food. Robert doesn’t like arranging things in advance (预先) so he hasn’t booked a table.

第五部分写作 :

第一节:基础写作 (满分:15 分)


下面是中国学生李华与美国学生John 的对话:


答:发现中国很多人,很拥挤。但重要的标识都有中英文对照,到处逛逛,也很容易。 问:你认为中国的城市怎样?

答:城市发展差别不大,例如,上海、北京、广州。 问:觉得这里的天气与美国有何不同?

答:我非常奇怪这里圣诞节与新年,都没有雪,在美国1—3月通常下很多雪。 问:目前你印象最深的事情是什么? 答:参观历史古迹,特别是长城。 [写作内容]

根据上述对话,以John的身份写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 1. 介绍对中国的初次印象;

2. 介绍中国城市发展的现状; 3. 介绍中美天气差别;

4. 介绍对中国印象最深的事情。

[写作要求] 只能使用5句话表达全部内容;短文的开头已给出,不算入总句数内。 [评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。



It is reported that each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the country - 274 deaths a day. Not only did the disaster happen in traffic, but also other aspects, such as, drowning, stampeding, ect.

Here are some reports about some accidents happened in 2009. On May 16, t*he death of 25-year-old Tan Zhuo, crushed by a speeding sports car in the hands of a 20-year-old college student Hu Bin in Hangzhou, is arguably the most high-profile road accident in recent times. On October 24, three 19-year-old college students from Yangtze University in Jingzhou, Hubei province, sacrificed their lives to save two boys who had been swept away by strong tides along the riverbank of the Yangtze River. On December 8, Eight students died, 26 injured in Hunan school stampede on Monday night in the city of Xiangxiang, Hunan province.

These cases are only three among several hundreds horrible accidents that take place around us every day. There is nothing we can do to bring back the lost lives, but there is something we can and must do to prevent similar disasters. Chinese Education Ministry has called on all schools nationwide to give lessons on safety in times of emergency every term.



1. 以约30个词概括以上短文内容;

2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的观点,并包括以下要点:


(2)举例说明你或者你同学发生的一次事故,并从中得到什么启示; (3)呼吁中学生提高人身安全意识。


1. 在作文中可以使用别人或者自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,
