综合英语4 Book 4 unit 1 下载本文

4 [ transitive ] to look at someone or something for a period of time in a way that shows you are thinking : He contemplated her with a faint smile.

de?fi?cien?cy / d??f?? ? nsi / noun ( plural deficiencies )

[ uncountable and countable ] formal

1 a lack of something that is necessary SYN shortage deficiency of

a deficiency of safe play areas for children iron/vitamin etc deficiency

Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.

2 a weakness or fault in something deficiency in

There are deep deficiencies in this law.

de?fi?cient / d??f?? ? nt / adjective formal

1 not containing or having enough of something : Women who are dieting can become iron deficient. deficient in

patients who were deficient in vitamin C

2 not good enough :

Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

im?ped?i?ment / ?m?ped?m?nt, ?m?ped?m?nt / noun

[ countable ]

1 a physical problem that makes speaking, hearing, or moving difficult :

a speech impediment

2 a situation or event that makes it difficult or impossible for someone or something to succeed or make progress impediment to

War is one of the greatest impediments to human progress.

in?te?grate AC / ??nt?ɡre?t, ??nt?ɡre?t / verb [ intransitive and

transitive ]

1 if two or more things integrate, or if you integrate them, they combine or work together in a way that makes something more effective

integrate (something) into/with something Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text.

Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy. computers of different makes that integrate with each other

2 to become part of a group or society and be accepted by them, or to help someone do this

integrate (somebody) into/with something

We’re looking for people who can integrate with a team.

Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools.

3 especially American English to end the practice of separating people of different races in schools, colleges etc SYN desegregate OPP segregate 取消种族隔离,使获得平等对待

in?te?grat?ed AC / ??nt?ɡre?t?d, ??nt?ɡre?t?d / adjective

an integrated system, institution etc combines many different groups, ideas, or parts in a way that works well : an integrated public transport system a racially integrated community

in?teg?ri?ty AC / ?n?teɡr?ti, ?n?teɡr?ti / noun [ uncountable ]

1 the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right

personal/professional/political etc integrity a man of great moral integrity

2 formal the state of being united as one complete thing : the territorial integrity of the country

lest / lest / conjunction literary

1 in order to make sure that something will not happen : She turned away from the window lest anyone see them.

2 used to show that someone is afraid or worried that a particular thing might happen

worried/concerned/anxious etc lest ... He paused, afraid lest he say too much.

She worried lest he should tell someone what had happened.

pro?fi?cient / pr??f?? ? nt / adjective

able to do something well or skilfully proficient in/at

Martha’s proficient in Swedish.

There’s only one way to become proficient at anything – practice! a proficient typist

— proficiently adverb

prom?i?nent / ?pr?m?n?nt, ?pr?m?n?nt $ ?prɑ?- / adjective

1 important :

a prominent Russian scientist

play a prominent part/role (in something)

Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC. The World Cup will have a prominent place on the agenda.

2 something that is in a prominent place is easily seen prominent place/position

The statue was in a prominent position outside the railway station.

3 something that is prominent is large and sticks out : a prominent nose

— prominently adverb :

Her photo was prominently displayed on his desk.

stampede 2 verb

1 [ intransitive and transitive ] if a group of large animals or people stampede, they suddenly start running together in the same direction because they are frightened or excited : a herd of stampeding buffalo

Children came stampeding out of the school doors.

2 be/get stampeded to be made frightened or worried so that you do something too quickly, without thinking enough about it be/get stampeded into

Don’t get stampeded into any rash decisions.

Text appreciation Qestions:

1. How are the three statuettes described by the boy and what do they symbolize? What effect do the boy’s descriptions have? 2. Please summarize the characteristics of the three grades of thinking.

Thinking Characteristics Examples

Sentence paraphrase Writing devices