神学院的一些考题示范 下载本文

( )15. My uncle will go to visit London next week.

A. sometime B. some times C. some time D. sometimes ( )16. Her grandfather is university teacher. He is old teacher. A. a...a B. an...an C. an....a D. a ...an ( )17. As he had no plate, he used a basin . A. too B. instead of C. instead D. also

( )18. The doctor said to the man, \ A. must get B. must be got C. must being get D. must got ( )19. Don't they smell ?

A. nice B. nicely C. well D. terriblly

( )20. The story about Lei Feng is very instructive. It's worth . A. hearing B. listening C. to listen D. listening to

( )21. Don't forget to your English-Chinese dictionary with you when you come to class tomorrow.

A. get B. take C. bring D. carry ( )22. When we got there, the snow . A. had been disappeared B. had disappeared C. was disappeared D. were disappeared ( )23. She made mistakes in her exercises. A. any B. a little C. another D. no

( )24. The sun can ______________form the east in the morning. A. be seen rising B. see rising C. be seen risen D. be raised ( )25. They do ________________ important and necessary _____________. A. an ...work B. / ...work C. a ...job D. / ... job

四、用所给动词的正确形式填空,词数不限。(共12分, 每空格1分)

1. Something ___________ (be) wrong with your bike. You'd better _______ (have) it ____________(repair).

2. Oh, you ____________ (work) for several hours, Stop _______________(have) a rest, or you _____________(be) too tired.

3. Once a famous singer _____________ (invite) to sing for a rich woman's friends. But he ____________(ask) to have dinner downstairs with her servants. After dinner he _________(sing) several songs for the servants. When the rich woman asked him _________(go) upstairs and sing for her friends, he ___________(refuse )to do so , because he _________(sing) already that night. 五、改写句子。(共12分,每 空格1分) A. 按要求完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。 1. Both of them are musicians. (改成否定句)

______________of them _________________ a musician.

2. I didn't finish reading the book. So I didn't return it to the library. (改成复合句) I didn't return the book to the library _________________ I _________ finished reading it. 3. \改成间接引语) The boy ________________ Mary to lend ___________ some money. B. 完成下列句子,使每小题内两句句子意思相同。(每空格限填一词) 1. The meat has gone bad. It sends out a terrible smell. The meat has gone bad and ____________ ___________. 2. He fears nothing.

He ________________ ___________ of nothing.

3. Joe Hill was tall and good-looking. He had fair hair and blue eyes.

Joe Hill was a tall, good-looking _____________ ____________ fair hair and blue eyes. 六、阅读理解,阅读下列(A)和(B)两篇短文,然后做短文后的题目。(共18分) (A)A Teacher and Her student

A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't tanswer any of them. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions so that he could get a few right. \

The student thought for some time and then answered, \\战

役), \she asked, \总统) of the United States?\

The student thought for a long time, but didn't say anything. Then the teacher got very angry and shouted, \

\ght you called the next student. \

根据短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,对的在括号内写\,错的写\。(每小题1分) ( )1. The teacher asked the student a lot of questions. ( )2. The questions were too easy for him to answer. ( )3. Bunker Hill was the name of an airport.

( )4. The student knew who the first president of the United States was. ( )5. The student gave the right answer, so the teacher let him go back to his seat. ( )6. The teacher asked another student after the boy couldn't answer the questions.

(B) Is Learning Language Easy?

Have you ever noticed advertisements which say \money back!\f course, it never happens quite like that. The only language that is easy to learn is the mother tongue (母语). And, think how much practice (实

践) that gets! Now speaking the foreign language is what most people want. Every year many mi

llions of people start learning one. How do they do it ?

Some people try at home, with books and recorders; some use radios or television programmes; others go to evening classes. If they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will take a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to learn the language in the country where it is spoken. However, most people cannot do this, and for them it is not necessary. They need the lnguage in order to do their work better. For example. scientists and doctors need to be able to read books and reports in the foreign language. Whether the language is learnt quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and good books will help, but they cannot do the student's work for him.


( )1. The advertisements say it is easy to _____________. A. learn your mother tongue better B. get your money back

C. learn a foreign language fast D. spend more money on learning a language ( )2. These days most people want to learn ________________.

A. something about foreign countries B. a foreign language in 6 weeks C. to speak a foreign language D. to write in the foreign language ( )3. It's easier to learn the language in the country where it _____________. A. speaks B. is spoken C. speaks itself D. spoken it ( )4. To learn a foreign language, it's not necessary to ____________. A. spend a lot of time on it B. use the language very often C. go to the foreign country D. learn your mother tongue well ( )5. People need the language in order to _____________.

A. speak the language B. see the film C. watch TV D. do their work better ( )6. The main (主要的)idea of this passage (短文)is ___________.