PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册全册教案(教学设计) 下载本文

computer board fan light

This is my computer.

That is your computer.

Fourth Lesson

Specific vocabulary: gym, TV room, art room, computer room, washroom, music room.

Specific target sentences: Where is the...? It’s on the... floor.

Specific function exponent:能询问各功能室的位置并说出各功能室所在的楼层。

Source of material: 1.教师可自己制作该部分的挂图。




Assumption and Anticipated problems: 学生在part A Let’s learn 中已经学习了新句型:Where is the canteen? It is on the first floor. 本节课继续学习此句型,并在应用句型的同时学习本节课的新单词。

Step 1.Warm up

Ss sing the song 《Our school》with computer.

Step 2. Presentation

1. T: Boys and girls, do you like our school?

Yes, our school is so big. Look,this is a map of our school .Let’s see

2. 多媒体猜出示学校的地图并介绍学校各功能室。(让学生带着问题听介绍两次。)

Eg: Hello, welcome to our school. This is the music room .We can sing the song in the music room. This is the gym. We can play sports in the gym. This is the TV room. They are on the first floor. That is the art room. That is the computer room. They are in the second. Oh, where is the washroom? It’s on the second floor, too.

3. 听完介绍后,让学生尝试说出各功能室的名称。老师并用此句子问学生:Where is the ....’s room ? 学生尝试回答:It ‘s on the second\\first floor.

4. 教师出示单词卡片(出示单词卡片时,把单词卡片的书写部分用卡纸挡住),教授本节课新单词。

5. 让学生根据单词的读音猜猜新单词的书写形式。(板书新单词)

6. 学生听录音、跟读、模仿。

Step3 Practice


(1) 教师示范:T: Where do we play Ping Pong?

S1: In the gym.



2. 教师把一副教学楼的框架图贴在黑板上,让两名学生站在讲台前。

T:The washroom is on the second floor .让学生在讲台上选出washroom 的单词卡,并将它贴在正确的位置。速度快的可为本小组加一分。

3、把贴在黑板上的六张图片分别翻过来并打乱顺序,问学生:Is this the music room? 让学生回答。猜对的可为本小组加分。

Step4. Story time

1.出示story time 第四幅挂图让学生猜:Is this the computer?\\Is this the teacher’s office?



4.再看动画,引导学生注意Is this \\that 句型在什么情况下用。


Step 5 Consolidation

Finish let’s learn .Part B. Activity Book.

Step 6. Homework

1. Listen to the tape and read after it .(p7. p13 )

2. 四人小组根据课本第10页设计自己理想的学校。

【板书设计】 Unit 1 Our school

Part B Let’s learn

art room computer room washroom

music room gym TV room

Fifth lesson

Specific vocabulary :

Specific target sentences: Is this the art room? Yes , it is .

Is that the TV room? No, it isn’t.

Specific function exponents:

能正确识别句型Is this…和句型Is that …。的不同用法并在真实情景中的正确使用能较好的完成Let’s check 部分的评价活动。

Source of materials: 1.教师准备该部分的挂图。



Assumption and Anticipated problems: