傅里叶级数及其应用 下载本文

毕 业 论 文

题 目:作 者:指导教师:职 称:院 系:专 业:班 级:日 期: 傅里叶级数及其应用 姜广辉 李博 讲师 理学院数学系 数学与应用数学 10级1班 2014年5月


摘 要:傅里叶级数是数学分析中的一个重要概念,具有较好的几何和代数性



Fourier series and its applications

Abstract:Fourier series is a mathematical analysis of an important concept,and

has good geometry and algebraic properties,along with the progress and development of technology,involving a lot of discussion and application of mathematical propositions,Fourier series of relevant knowledge has become a mathematical foundation for scientific research and engineering design and other technical personnel necessary. Through Fourier,Lagrange,Dirichlet, Riemann,who contribute in terms of Fourier series,Fourier series introduces the origin and development process,while the article in the graphic design and rail application passenger traffic forecast illustrates the value of the Fourier series. In the design of graphic design,the use of MATLAB software program written in the language of Fourier series,via a custom function,the preparation process of drawing functions,the excess part of the graphics processing,graphics,bold lines and other steps,then get the Fourier series pattern by the combination of the basic pattern of the Fourier series,the arrangement may constitute a rich patterns. Railway passenger traffic forecast,prediction model based on Fourier series to the railway passenger traffic volume of 2004-2009 data base,by the time series into trend and seasonal part,respectively,using the least squares method and fourier Fourier series prediction method for both fitting using MATLAB software,find the prediction model and predict the outcome of the prediction error by analysis showed that:Fourier series prediction method to predict the effect of China's railway passenger volume better. So to some extent,the Fourier series has been welcomed by many mathematicians.

Keywords:Fourier series;convergence;MATLAB software;graphic design;

prediction model

目 录

引 言 ............................................................... 1 1 傅里叶级数的起源 .................................................. 2

2 傅里叶级数的严密化 ................................................ 5

2.1 狄利克雷条件 ................................................... 5 2.2 黎曼引理 ....................................................... 5 2.3 吉布斯现象与一致收敛 ........................................... 6 2.4 连续傅里叶级数的收敛性 ......................................... 6

3 傅里叶级数的应用 .................................................. 8

3.1 傅里叶级数在图案设计上的应用 ................................... 8 3.2 傅立叶级数在铁路客运量预测上的应用 ........................... 14

3.2.1 傅里叶级数预测模型 ...................................... 14 3.2.2 实证分析 ................................................ 16

小 结 ............................................................... 19 致 谢 ............................................................... 20 参考文献 ............................................................. 21