山东省2020年春节高三英语寒假作业天天练 练习(第4天)新人教版 下载本文


I. 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.It’s well worth considering what profession suits you best and____ a practical plan before graduating from college.

A. makes B. to make C. making D. made 2.--- Don’t play a joke on his height. He’s very . --- Oh, I see. A.active


C.conservative D.sensitive

3.---Have you read the novel The Moonstone? ---Who____ it?

A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. had written

4.---Sam asked me to take his glasses to him, but I can’t find them. ---Where ____he____ them?

A. could, have put B. might, put C .must, have put D. should, put

5.---Does the Notice say when the lecture begins?

---Yes, ____ of the accurate hour and minute, I’ll have to return to read it again.

A. make sure B. to make sure C. to be making sure D. making sure

6.After the meal, we hurried back to the lab to____ our experiments. A. stick to B. hold on C. insist on D. carry on

7.---How much do I owe you for shopping last weekend?

---____. It’s nothing .

A. That’s all right. B. With pleasure C. It doesn’t matter D. Forget it

8.The first time we had a sailing experience was____ we were visiting Qingdao 10 years ago.

A. when B. where C .that D. since 9.The problem is that there will be no one____ if you ask for leave. The company might get out of order .

A. in possession B. in charge C. in sight D. in place

10.Their school is situated in very pleasant____, with green trees and flowers in blossom all year round.

A. environment B. condition C. surroundings D. state

11.Many factors influence a student in his/her study, ____ I think are out of a teacher’s control.

A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that

12This year his family have earned____ as they did last year.

A. twice as big an income B. as twice big an income C. a big income as twice D. twice an income as big 13.The school regulations state that by no means____ the classroom during class.

A. a student should leave B .should a student have left C. should a student leave D. a student should have left 14.Please remain seated; ____ winner of ____ match will be announced soon. A .a, the B. the, a C .a, a D. the, the

15.Some students aim at Qinghua and Peking University, ____others make overseas universities their goals.

A .nevertheless B. however C. whereas D. despite II. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”你对这句话如何理解?读读下面文章,看看是否有新的体会

As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I pushed as hard for __16__ as they did.

A dramatic incident, ___17__, following a game in which I was appointed as a referee(裁判), __18__ my views on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York, between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was coached by Dan O’Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.

The gym was __19__ with audience, and the volume of noise made it _20__ to hear. The game was well played and _21__ contested. Yonkers was __22__ by one point as I _23__ the clock and discovered there were only 30 seconds left to play.

Yonkers, __24__ the ball, passed off — shot — missed. New Rochelle recovered — pushed the ball up court — shot. The ball __25__ around the rim and off. The fans shouted with disappointment.

New Rochelle, the __26__ team, recovered the ball, and tapped it in ( 拨进篮框) for what looked like victory. The noise of whistles, screams and shouts was _27__. I took a quick look at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn’t heard the final buzzer(终场哨声) because of the noise. I __28__ with the other official, but he could not help me.

Still __29__ help in this chaos, I approached the timekeeper, a young

man of 17 or so. He said, “Mr. Covino, the buzzer __30__ as the ball rolled off the rim, __31__ the tap-in was made.”

I was in the unpleasant position of having to tell Coach O’Brien the __32__ news. “Dan,” I said, “ Yonkers won the game.”

His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, “I’m sorry, Dad. The time ran out before the final basket.”

Suddenly, Coach O’Brien’s face __33__. He said, “That’s okay, Joe. You did what you had to do. I’m __34__ of you.

Turning to me, he said, “Al, I want you to meet my 35 , Joe.” The two of them then walked off the court together, shoulder to shoulder. 16. A. capacity B. entry C. victory honesty

17. A. therefore B. however C. moreover D. thus 18. A. changed 19. A. located covered 20. A. evident impossible

21. A. strongly B. closely C. successfully D. amusingly 22. A. leading

B. falling C. scoring

D. losing

B. important C. likely D. B. hold

C. share D. convey

C. crowded

D. D.

B. equipped

23. A. stared at B. glared at C. glanced at D. aimed at 24. A. in place of favor of

25. A. rolled B. centered 26. A. winning B. host

C. rocked D. hung

B. in possession of C. in face of D. in

C. champion D. guest

C. disturbing D. disgusting

27. A. deafening B. annoying