Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering£¨»¯¹¤µ¥Ôª²Ù×÷£© ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

(5) in order to enhance heat transfer, what ways can be employed? Solution:

£¨1£© enthalpy balance q?m1cp1(t2?t1)?m2cp2(T1?T2) m1?4.187?£¨55-15£©=500?3.35?£¨90-40£© m1=500.8kg/h

(2) overall coefficient based on outside surface of tube:


(3) t1?15¡æ???t2?55¡æ


?t1?25¡æ ?t2?35¡æ

?tm?35?25?29.7¡æ 35ln25energy balance q?m1cp1(t2?t1)?UOAo?tm

500.8?4.187?103?(55?15)?224???0.18L?29.7 3600 L=4.64m (4) when t1?20¡æ energy balance

500.8?4.187?£¨t¡ä2-20£©=500?3.35?£¨90-T¡ä2£© t¡ä2=92-0.8 T¡ä2 (1)

??20)UA?tm?q?m2cp2(t2?? qm2cp2(55?15)UA?tmsimplifying the equation above

???20?tm?t?q?t2???m (2) q55?15?tm29.7???tm??(T2??20)90?t2 (3) ?90?t2lnT2??20combining equations 12 and 3

ln0.8T2??214.86?0.15T2?? £¨4£©

T2??2072?0.8T2?solving for outlet temperature of warm fluid by trial-error T¡ä2=50¡æ

Substituting this temperature into equation 1 gives t¡ä2=52¡æ

4.22 There are two same shell-tube exchangers (1-1 pass) in stock. Each one consists of 64 tubes with dimension ?27?3.5 mm and heat transfer area 20 m2. The saturated vapor with condensation latent heat 2054 kJ/kg at 170 oC goes through the shell and condenses to saturated liquid. Air at 30 oC passes fully turbulently through the tubes with mass flow rate 2.5 kg/s.

(1)If two exchangers are installed parallelly, mass flow rate of air (cp= 1 kJ/kg?K) is 1.25kg/s for each exchanger and heat transfer coefficient of air is 38 W/m2?K. If the flow pattern of air is fully turbulent, what are outlet temperature of air and vapor flow rate?

(2)If two exchangers work in series with air mass flow rate 2.5kg/s, what are outlet temperature of air and vapor flow rate now? The heat resistances of pipe wall and vapor and the heat loss are ignored.

(answer: 93.6oC, 0.077kg/s; 121.4oC, 0.11kg /s)

Solution :

(1)Write energy balance equation




T?t2mcpset Uo=hi because the thermal resistance from saturated vapor to wall of tube and resistance of wall are very small and negligible



170?t21.25?1000t2=93.8 oC

the rate of condensate for one condenser


2054?1000sum of condensate for two condensers in parallel mh=2mh1=2¡Á0.0388=0.0776kg/s

(2) two condensers operate in series

heat transfer coefficient between the air and wall of tubes


U¡ä38=66.12 W/m2?K. o=1.74Uo=1.74¡Á


??2AoT?t1Uo? ?T?t2mcpln170?3066.12?40??1.058 ?170?t22.5?1000170?30?2.88 ?170?t2 o


