论网购消费者个人信息的民法保护1 下载本文

学校代码: 10385 分类号: 研究生学号:1100209015 密 级:



The Theory of online consumers’ personal information

protection of civil law

作者姓名: 段珊珊 指导教师: 张国安 学 科: 民商法学 研究方向: 侵权法 所在学院: 法学院


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关键词:网购消费者 个人信息 信息安全



With the developing of computer technology, the information age was coming. Computer science and technology develop provides great convenience to people's life, but the personal information was leaked and the consequent abuse problems are becoming more and more serious. Spam and spam messages disturbing people's normal life ,Personal information leaked become a great public hazard to our society,This highlights the lack of integrity in modern society .Under this background ,the article discusses about how to protect personal information of consumers from the most serious Personal information leaked areas of online shopping .In this paper, based on the electronic commerce and the personal information protection law, then discusses how to protect consumers' personal information in the era of information security.

The first part of this article discusses the related concepts of consumer personal information protection, as well as the difference between the online consumer personal information protection and the rights of privacy.

The second part of this article discusses the current situation of the consumer protection of personal information from discourse The main subject of online consumer infringement of personal information、behavior of infringement、imputation principles of infringement and constitution、The civil liability and current legal protection of online shopping consumer personal information and the existing problems of our country.

The third part of this article discusses the extraterritorial protection mode of personal information protection for online consumers and analyzed and compared between the Legal protection mode and industry self-discipline mode. And determine what kind of pattern should be better to protect consumers' personal information security in our country.

The fourth part of this article is a comprehensive induction and a summary of the analysis of the above, aiming at the problems of online consumer personal