安徽省六安市新安中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(9-23班) Word版含答案 下载本文



(9班----23班)最新试卷多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。温馨提示:多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。高考保持心平气和,不要紧张,像对待平时考试一样去做题,做完检查一下题目,不要直接交卷,检查下有没有错的地方,然后耐心等待考试结束。 发奋的拼搏写就出孜孜不倦,辛勤的汗水洒落处点点花开,寂静的无人处蕴含着丝丝心声,完美的画卷中展现出似锦前程,胜利的号角在耳边回响,六月的骄阳似火绽放着无悔激情!

考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节


1. What will the woman do this weekend?

A. Go swimming. B. Camp in the mountain. C. Go hiking. 2. Who catches the fish?

A. Jason. B. The man. C. The woman. 3. How many people will go to the park? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.

4. What is going to be cleaned?

A. The toilets. B. The bedrooms. C. The living room. 5. What will the man buy?

A. Nothing. B. A computer. C. A cellphone. 第二节

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。

6. What's the man's father?

A. A scientist. B. A businessman. C. A travel agent. 7. What does the man probably like most now? A. Science. B. Business. C. Travel. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. How soon must the speakers finish lunch?

A. In an hour. B. In 45 minutes. C. In half an hour. 9. Why won't the speakers go to Dave's?

A. It is closed today. B. It is too far away. C. It is usually crowded. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10. What does the man show to the woman?

A. A toy car. B. A new phone. C. An alarm clock. 11. How is the new product different from others?

A. It can ring and talk. B. It can roll and jump. C. It can sing and move. 12. Who doesn't need the new product?

A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman's nephew. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。

13. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a shop. B. In a travel agency. C. At the seaside. 14. What does the man plan to do?

A. Go traveling. B. Book a ticket. C. Buy new sunglasses. 15. What will the man do first?

A. Learn to swim. B. Learn to surf. C. Surf the Internet. 16. Why is May the best time to visit Hawaii? A. The expenses are the lowest. B. The weather is pleasant.

C. The sceneries are the most beautiful. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。 17. Why does the speaker give the talk? A. To announce some changes.

B. To apologize for an accident. C. To inform passengers of leaving.

18. From which platform will the train to London leave? A. 3. B. 6. C. 9.

19. When will the train to Bristol leave? A. At 10:15 am. B. At 10:55 am. C. At 12:20 pm. 20. What do we know about Mr. Green? A. He is traveling to London. B. He works in the luggage office.

C. He lost his computer at the railway station. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;毎小题2分,满分30分)



Mr.Harris used to work in Dover,but then he changed his work,and he and his wife moved to another town.They did not have many friends there,but they soon met a lot of interesting people,and after a few weeks,they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses.

Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband,“We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses,and now we must invite them to our house,mustn’t we?”

“Yes,certainly,” answered her husband.“A big party will be the easiest thing,won’t it? Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”

So Mrs.Harris said,“Yes,I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.”

“How many will that be?”Mr.Harris asked.“Don’t invite too many.” Mrs.Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing,“Party: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.”

“That isn’t very nice,is it?”he said.“You’re telling our guests that they

must go at 8:30 p.m.”So Mrs.Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

A lot of guests came,and they all had a good time,so they did not go home at 8:30 p.m.In fact they were still there at midnight when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived.He said,“You must stop making noise,because someone has complained.”

Mr.Harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman,so everyone went home.They were sorry to have to go.

When Mr.and Mrs.Harris were alone again,she said to him,“That surprise,wasn’t it? Who complained about the noise?”

“I did,”Mr.Harris answered in a tired voice.

21.Why did Mr.Harris and his wife move to another town?( ) A.They wanted to make some new friends.

B.They wanted to meet a lot of interesting people. C.Mr.Harris changed his work.

D.They enjoyed going to parties and visiting other people’s houses. 22.What made Mr.and Mrs.Harris hold a party at their house? ( ) A.They had gone to other people’s parties many times. B.It was easy to hold a big party at home.

C.They could ask people to dinner in small numbers. D.They liked making friends with others.

23.How long would Mrs.Harris like the party to last?( ) A.From the morning till night. B.About fourteen hours. C.Till midnight. D.About two hours.

24.When did the party end that evening? ( ) A.At about 8:30 p.m. B.About twelve o’clock.

C.When the policeman talked with Mr.Harris on the phone. D.When someone telephoned the police station.

was a


Dear Sir,

I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport.Two buses travel along their route(路线): the number 49 and number 16.But by the time the number 16 bus reaches Souk Road it is always full, so I can’t get on it.I have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it.

The timetable says that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes.If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?

The regulations (规章) say that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting.Why do the half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers.Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport.I counted the other passengers as they got off.There were 129 of them.

It is clear that our bus companies break the regulations and think little of their passengers.Can nothing be done to make your service better?


Tired passenger

25.The writer has to take Bus No.49 because . A.it has fewer seats on it B.it arrives on time C.it travels faster D. it is not always full

26.How long does the writer usually have to wait for a bus?( ) A.Ten minutes. B.Half an hour. C.One hour. D.Nearly a day.

27.The regulations say that each bus may carry passengers at most. A.20 B.60 C.129 D.40 28.From the passage we can see that . A.the bus service was poor B.no passengers took their buses

C.no buses except the No.49 bus passed Souk Road