冀教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语3月考卷D卷 下载本文

四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)

18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 B

Preparation is the key to successful travel. In order to have a pleasant trip, you must prepare well before you start off. The most important thing you should do is to pack(把东西装入) your bags with useful things.

About all, ★. For example, if you travel to another country, you must remember to take your passport with you. You should also take clothes that are suitable for the climate, such as a sweater, a swimsuit, a raincoat and suitable shoes. One more thing, never forget to take some medicine with you in case (以防) you get sick.

In addition to these things, you should remember to take a camera so that you can take pictures of the places you visit. To keep in touch with your family and friends, you should carry a cell phone, too. It would also be good to carry a directory with all your family's and friends' telephone numbers in it. That way, if something goes wrong with your cell phone, you can still get in touch with them by using a public telephone.

(1)Which of the following is the best to put in ★? A . find out as much information as you can

B . you must choose the right place before you start off C . pack your bags with the necessary things

D . there are some other things that you may want to take (2)What does the underlined word “directory” mean in Chinese? A . 旅游手册 B . 地图册 C . 便签簿 D . 电话簿

(3)This passage is most probably from a . A . storybook B . grammar book C . dictionary D . travel magazine

(4)From the passage, we can know that . A . We need a good plan and preparation before travelling

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B . The most important thing is to take a camera with us C . We don't have to take any medicine with us if we are healthy D . We can pack our bags with as many things as we like (5)What's the best title of the passage? A . Why to travel B . Where to travel

C . Things to take when travelling D . Be careful when travelling abroad 19. (4分)

Teaching is one of the most rewarding(有回报的) jobs. It is also one of the most stressful. If you want to be a teacher, you should have a passion(激情) for young people. If you are thinking about going into teaching for any other reason than this, you need to find another job.

Teaching is difficult. Students can be difficult. Parents can be difficult. If you do not have a passion for the young people that you teach, you will burn out quickly. Passion is what keeps an excellent teacher going. When students have trouble understanding what is taught, it is what drives him to spend long hours trying to think out how to help them. If you do not have enough passion for your students, you might last a year or two, but not long. Passion is a must-have quality(品质) for every good teacher. Teaching can be rewarding, but you shouldn't expect that reward to come easily. Teachers who search out better and new methods are the ones who will make it. A good teacher needs to be able to work with everyone. All teachers face stress. It is important to be able to deal with everything that is thrown at you when you walk through your classroom doors. There are so many chances for stress within a classroom that an excellent teacher has to be able to bring it in control. If you cannot manage stress quite well, then teaching may not be the right job for you.

(1)According to the passage, if you want to be a teacher, ____________. A . you'd better ask the writer for advice B . passion is the most important C . you will be best rewarded D . you have to be young enough

(2)According to the passage, if you want to be a teacher, ____________. A . you'd better ask the writer for advice B . passion is the most important C . you will be best rewarded D . you have to be young enough

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20. (10分)


Estelle, Saturday, 5th June

I hope you’ re well and not working too hard! I’ ve been revising for my exams now for the last two weeks. That’ s why I haven’ t written for such a long time.

Since the beginning of this year we’ ve been doing a project called ’ World Class’. Have you heard of it.’? Not everyone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chooses a ’twin school’ (姊妹学校) in a different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda. They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, I’ve written to a girl called Louisa, who is the same age as me.

It’ s been more interesting to hear about her life. She’ s told me all about her school and described her daily (日常的) life. I can’ t believe that her School doesn’ t. have any electricity. She goes to ’school from eight o’ clock in the morning until six. O’clock. in the evening. I can’ t believe how lucky we are here! She’ s also told me that she often can’ t go to school because she has to look after her baby brother and sister. She’s tried to teach me some of her language and it’ s really difficult. I love it because it’ s the first time I’ ve thought about what life must be like somewhere else. I can’ t believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for us. I think more people should help out with projects like this. At the weekend we’ re going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the school. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa myself--who knows?

Lots of 1ove, Suzanne

(1)Suzanne hasn’ t written to Estelle for long because she is . A . travelling in Uganda B . getting ready for her exams C . busy doing a project D . choosing a ’ twin school’

(2)Suzanne felt_______ to take part in the project ’World Class’. A . excited B . surprised C . thankful D . lucky

(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Louisa’ s school? A . It is a world class.

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B . The school day starts at six o’ clock. C . It has no electricity.

D . It is smaller than Susanne’ school.

(4)From the passage we know that . A . Louisa lives a poor life

B . Louisa has stopped going to school C . Louisa is older than Susanne

D . Louisa and Suzanne have the same interests

(5)By doing the project ’ World Class’, Susanne learns to . A . communicate with others B . write in a foreign language C . treasure what she has

D . know the importance of friendship

五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)

21. (1分)Don't regard the ________(敌人) as your friends. He said in a low voice.

六、 翻译 (共1题;共7分)

22. (7分)根据中文提示完成句子。


She has a good________ ,and she goes to work even after________ ________ (2)虽然我很高兴看见她每天忙着工作,但有时候我感到孤独,因为她不能常来看我。

I'm happy________ ________ she's busy________ every day,but sometimes I feel________ because she can't come to see me often.

七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

23. (5分)回想你的英语学习历程, 丰富多彩的英语课堂活动一定给你留下许多美好回忆。以 \should we do in English class?\为题, 谈谈在英语课堂上学生应该怎样做才能使英语学习更有效。

提示:1. Listen to the teacher. 2. Take part in activities. 3. Be confident in ourselves. 词数:80字左右

参考词汇:take notes, work in groups….., never be afraid of…… What should we do in English class?

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