大学英语一homework2 下载本文

大学英语(一) homework 2 题目1

We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon. 选择一项: a. had left b. would leave c. Leaves d. left 题目2

- Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? - Do I have to take it? It ________ so terrible. 选择一项: a. is tasted b. has tasted c. tastes d. is tasting 题目3

Had you come five minutes earlier, you _____ the train to . But now you missed it. 选择一项: a. could catch

b. would have caught c. should catch d. would catch 题目4

The young _______ eaten up almost everything on the table. 选择一项: a. are b. has c. is d. have 题目5

I would rather _______ two weeks earlier. 选择一项:

a. you came here b. you come here

c. you must come here d. you should come here 题目6

The old lady is quarrelling as if she ______ mad. 选择一项: a. were b. are c. was

d. is 题目7

The young lady coming over to us _____ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! 选择一项: a. can be b. would be c. must be d. could be 题目8

My wallet is nowhere to be found. I ____ in the store. 选择一项:

a. must have dropped it b. must drop it

c. should have dropped it d. ought to have dropped it 题目9

When the railway is completed, we ____ get to town much easily. 选择一项: a. could

b. will be able to c. are able to d. can 题目10

He didn't pass the final examination. He _______ it. 选择一项:

a. should prepare for

b. ought to have prepared for c. must have prepared for d. ought to prepare for 题目11

Three-fourths of the homework ______today. 选择一项:

a. has been finished b. have finished c. has finished

d. have been finished 题目12

You _____do that, if you don't want to. 选择一项: a. mustn't b. needn't c. won't d. shouldn't 题目13

I wish everybody ______the meeting tomorrow. 选择一项:

a. is going to attend b. will attend c. would attend d. had attended 题目14

When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _______ dinner in the kitchen. 选择一项: a. cooks b. cooked

c. was cooking d. has cooked 题目15

At that time, she ______ on a journey with her friend. 选择一项: a. has been b. was c. is being d. is 题目16

Tom was watching TV when someone______. 选择一项: a. comes b. came c. come d. has come 题目17

There _______a basketball match this afternoon. 选择一项: a. is going to is b. is going to has c. is going to have 错 d. is going to be 题目18

The number of students of this school ______large. 选择一项: a. isn't b. Are c. are not d. aren't 题目19

Nobody _________to smoke in the cinema. 选择一项:

a. is allowed b. are allowed c. Allows d. allow 题目20

Every year thousands of lives ______ in road accidents because of careless driving. 选择一项: a. have lost b. are lost c. lose d. lost


It ________that they had no idea at the moment. 选择一项:

a. was seemed b. Seemed c. is seeing d. is seamed


- was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. - Oh, really? I_________. I ________ visit her. 选择一项:

a. didn't know; am going to b. haven't known; am going to c. didn't know; will go to d. don't know; will go to


It's time we ____ the lecture because everybody has arrived. 选择一项:

a. started

b. will start c. start d. shall start


--____I put my coat here? --Sorry, you ______. 选择一项:

a. May; can't b. May; mustn't c. Do; don't d. can; needn't


You ____ buy some reference books when you go to college. 选择一项:

a. must

b. will have to c. have to d. must to