常见的英语同义词50组(下) 下载本文

阳光家教网 www.ygjj.com西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最大找家教、做家教平台 excursion: It emphasizes a temporary departure from a given place and specifies a return to it. It can point to a sea or land tour or to a short outing a short journey made for pleasure usu by several people together.

voyage: A long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft.


grasp: To take hold of something firmly usu using the whole hand. Grasp all and lose all.

He grasped her by the hand.

clasp: To hold something firmly and tightly with one's arms or hand round.

The child clasped his doll protectively.

clutch: To grasp something quickly and greedily.

It suggests eagerness or an anxiety in seizing or grasping and may implies less success in holding.

The mother clutched her baby in his arms.

seize: To take hold of suddenly with force. The animal seized its prey.

to seize sb by the hand/to seize something from sb.

snatch: To grasp something quickly and suddenly sometimes secretly

It suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than seize.

The thief snatched her purse and ran away.

阳光家教网 www.ygjj.com西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最大找家教、做家教平台 grab: (infml) It implies more roughness and rudeness than snatch. She grabbed his arms and pulled him out of the room.

grip: To take a very tight hold of something esp. with your fingers or with a tool.

He gripped the nail and pulled it out.

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see: To experience with the eyes and it does not depend on what you want to do.

look at: To use your eyes on purpose and with attention.

watch: to look for some time at something that may move.

gaze: To look long and steadily, often with the implication of

wonder, admiration.

stare: To gaze intently esp. with wide-open eyes as in amusement,

admiration, wonder, deep thought, anger or fear.

glance: To look at something quickly and briefly.

glimpse: To see by chance, just for a moment.

glare: To stare angrily, fiercely.

It emphasizes hospitality or fear.

peep: To look quickly and secretly or from a hiding place.

阳光家教网 www.ygjj.com西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最大找家教、做家教平台 peer: To look sharply and curiously with a narrowing of the eyes

often a movement of the head forward.

gape: To look hard in surprise, esp. with the mouth open.


quiet: Without any sound. A quiet person is not noisy or loud. A quiet street may have little or no traffic on it.

still: Without any movement.

An engine is still if it is not running.

silent: Without any words.

calm: Peaceful. A calm person is relaxed. He doesn't get excited easily.

peaceful: (something) Gentle and restful and calm.

It is very peaceful in the country.


destroy: To damage it so much that it is completely ruined.

The enemy soldiers destroyed everything in sight when they captured the village.

damage: To hurt or lower the value of something.

The car was damaged in the accident.

阳光家教网 www.ygjj.com西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最大找家教、做家教平台 ruin: To destroy gradually, little by little. An object that has been ruined has lost all its value or usefulness, which can't be repaired or fixed.

Moths ruined good woolen clothes by eating holes in them.

spoil: To ruin something so it can't be used.

Milk will spoil if it is not kept cold.

demolish: To destroy big or substantial things such as buildings

Many buildings had to be demolished before the new highway could be built.

exterminate: To destroy in a big way or in large amount.

wreck: To break it, destroy it, or spoil it completely.

It usually refers to vessels or vehicles.


result: The most general one.

What happens because of something else.

It indicates a strict causal link between the two events.

The word may often suggest an earlier action

deliberately taken to gain a particular goal. It suggests a unique or unpredictable one-time action.

consequence: (fml) Something that follows from an action or condition.