(英语试卷22份合集)福建省厦门市2018-2019学年高二上学期期末英语试卷含答案 下载本文

all night to get home to his family.

Though the presents that year were wonderful, the best gift was not found under the tree. 28. At first, why did the writer’s Daddy think he couldn’t come back home? A. He lacked money B. He lost the way

C. He had a tight schedule D. He didn’t find a car 29. Why did the writer go to bed with a heavy heart? A. He had a quarrel with his sisters B. He worried about not receiving a gift C. He missed his Daddy on this special day D. He envied other families who can stay together 30. Which of the following is true?

A. The writer made up a story to make his mother happy B. Daddy borrowed a car and drove home on Christmas morning C. Daddy took a ride in a co-worker’s car and then walked home D. Daddy walked all the way from Galveston, Texas 31. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Christmas Spirits B. Daddy’s Special Love C. An Unforgettable Experience D. The Best “Christmas Gift”


Apple’s well publicized iPhone X finally went on sale in pre-orders last week. With a starting price of $999, the iPhone X has the highest-price of any iPhone ever offered. Yet Apple says its latest smartphone has so far been \

One of the most-talked about features of the iPhone X is the new Face ID recognition system, which replaces . the Touch ID on other Apple devices that used a fingerprint to unlock the phone. It works by projecting more than 30,000 dots on the face of users to create a kind of map. An infrared(红外线) camera then reads these marks to create an image that can be confirmed as having the same appearance. Apple says the system is also designed to continually learn. Each time the face is used to unlock the phone, it is supposed to note any changes, such as facial hair or the person getting older. The system can then remember the changes to keep recognizing the person over time.

A face can unlock iPhone X, but can it be fooled?

One fairly common failure was that the Face ID sometimes did not unlock the iPhone X if the user wore a certain kind of sunglasses. Not surprisingly, wearing any kind of disguise(化妆) – even one covering

just part of the face – caused Face ID to fail. It was found to work correctly when the user was wearing headphones or a hat.

Several attempts were made to trick Face ID into unlocking the phone with a photo of a person instead of a real face. Wall Street Journal reporter Joanna Stern tried something a little different. She went to a mask maker and asked for a recreation of her face to see if the iPhone X would be fooled. It was not.

However, Stern carried out another test involving 8-year-old identical triplets. In this case the phone was tricked. After just one of the boys registered his face, his two brothers were happily able to unlock the phone.

Apple has admitted that Face ID could fail when used with young people who look very much alike. The company says the phone can also be fooled by faces of children under 13 years old.

Apple says its research shows there is only a one in a million chance of another person being able to unlock someone else's iPhone X with Face ID. The company has promised the system will become \gold standard\

32. What does the underlined part “off the charts” in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A. far from satisfactory B. extremely successful C. surprisingly unpopular D. unbelievably disappointing 33. Which of the following is true of iPhone X’s Face ID system? A. It is a hot topic worth debating B. It works in the same way as Touch ID C. It is smart enough to continue learning

D. It can function well without an infrared camera 34. Under which situation can the owner unlock the iPhone X? A. When he or she wears a hat B. When he or she wears a mask C. When he or she uses a photo D. When he or she wears glasses

35. What’s Apple’s attitude towards Face system?

A. Doubtful B. Puzzled C. Positive D. Pessimistic 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


People give gifts in almost all societies. Gifts mark anniversaries, religious festivals and other important occasions. Sometimes there are even special ceremonies for gift giving. Some gifts are expensive,

or they may take months to create. 36 What do these different kinds of gifts and gift-giving occasions have in common?

___37 If you receive a birthday gift from someone, that person usually expects a birthday gift from you in return. A gift establishes or confirms a obligation(责任). In some cultures, there are complex rules about gift exchange. In Pakistan, for example, there is a rule for giving gifts on special occasions, such as a wedding. 38 It works this way: You give the wedding couple a gift, and they “repay” you with a gift of slightly higher value. Then you give the couple another gift. This one should be worth the difference between the first two gifts, plus a little more. The gift exchange continues, following the same pattern. Sometimes gift giving is a form of tribute(贡品). 39 In many ancient cultures, people made offering to their leaders to show their loyalty. The Nubians in ancient Egypt are a good example. They brought gold to the Egyptian pharaohs, or kings.

Today ambassadors, presidents, and prime ministers usually bring gifts when they visit a foreign leader. This tradition is different from the tribute system. Leaders bring gifts to strengthen relationships between countries, not to emphasize the power of the gift receiver.

Gifts can also send special message. For example, gifts can tell people that we are thinking of them and that we want them to feel special. 40 The gift keeps the memory of a special person and a special relationship alive.

A. Gifts can be a form of communication. B. This tradition is called “taking-giving.” C. Sometimes a gift reminds us of the giver. D. Gift giving is often a process of exchange. E. You should know some rules for gift giving. F. Others are of less value, such as birthday cards.

G. A tribute is a gift to a powerful leader or country from a less powerful one. 第三部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“U-S-A! U-S-A!” Jeremy Holst, 16, screamed from the sidelines as the clock counted down. The timer buzzed(发出蜂鸣声), and he and his teammates stormed the rink(溜冰场) to 41 their goalkeeper---but the next person Jeremy ran to was Kenny Kinsey, 17. “We 42 it! We won the bronze!” Jeremy said, giving him a high five.

It was March, and Kenny and Jeremy and 43 from New York City to Austria to 44 in the Special

Olympics World Winter Games as part of a floor hockey team that 45 students with and without intellectual disabilities. “Our paths might 46 have crossed if it weren’t for this opportunity to 47 together,” Jeremy says. __48 , he goes to private school at one end of New York City, while Kenny attends a 49 needs program at a public school all the way across town.

But the two boys got along very well the very first 50 . “We connected over our 51 of sports---and now we’re like any friends” Jeremy says.

And that 52 just might have helped them bring home the bronze. “In a team meeting, Kenny spoke about how Jeremy and other team members had 53 him even more than some of his schoolmates,” coach Joseph Stewart 54 . “That speech really brought the team together.”

The 55 in Austria was an unforgettable moment for all involved, but the biggest 56 these two athletes learned is more 57 than any award. “ 58 many differences among people, it just 59 that we can all find __60 to combine,” Jeremy says. 41. A. attract

B. support B. found

C. congratulate

D. help

42. A. proved 43. A. walked 44. A. fight

C. created C. called

D. did

B. traveled

B. compete

D. rushed

D. work

C. serve

45. A. combined 46. A. still 47. A. explore 48. A. At most 49. A. regular

B. compared C. exchanged B. ever B. play

C. never C. study

D. transformed

D. already D. perform

D. As usual

B. In short B. special B. show B. taste B. memory B. refused B. reminds B. trip

C. After all C. normal

D. similar

50. A. practice 51. A. expectation 52. A. agreement 53. A. accepted 54. A. repeats

C. speech

D. discussion

D. impression

C. love

C. respect

D. friendship

D. noticed D. responds

C. doubted C. recalls C. spirit

55. A. accident 56. A. lesson

D. victory

B. subject C. skill D. fact

D. valuable D. Although D. works out D. something

57. A. humorous 58. A. Despite

B. interesting B. Besides

C. reasonable C. Beyond

59. A. comes out 60. A. nothing

B. turns out C. makes out

B. everything C. anything
