毕博-管理咨询工具方法—SME 实用手册 下载本文

SME Operations Manual



Corporate Identity




A trademark is a symbol, name or piece of artwork that is used to distinguish one business from another. Trademarks are extremely valuable. The business has a number of trademarks as detailed below: 1. [输入商标的详细资料]

[Enter details of trademarks] 2. 3. 4.


All team members are responsible for ensuring that these trademarks are only used for authorised business use and that the following guidelines are followed: 1.使用精确标准的企业标记,不得作任何改变和扭曲。

Always use our logo in the precise and standard form, without any variation or distortions. 2.不改变标志的比例、颜色或表现形式,或者标记中的任何其他部分。

Do not change the proportions, colour or appearance of our logo, or any other part of it. 3. 不缩写企业使用的任何口号,或者对其作任何添加。

Do not abbreviate any slogans we use, or add any words to them.

4. 不在未授权的任何产品上使用企业的标记或商标。

Do not use our logo or trademark on any products, which are not authorised.


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SME Operations Manual


Strategic Marketing


Strategic Marketing Plan



A Strategic Marketing Plan is prepared annually for the business to ensure that the marketing and promotional activities of the business are aligned to the goals

and objectives of the business.


Each functional area of the business is consulted in the process of documenting the Strategic Marketing Plan.


Where appropriate, management and team member input is sought in this process. 请参阅:

Please refer to:


“Marketing Strategic Plan Template.”


Marketing and Promotions Calendar

每年,作为年度战略计划的一部分,企业会准备一个市场营销和促销日历。该文件详细列出了该年度内的营销活动。这份文件对所有员工开放。要鼓励所有员工经常参阅此文件,以便获取最新的企业市场营销活动。 Each year as part of the annual strategic planning process the business will prepare a Marketing and Promotions Calendar. This document details the marketing activities of the business for the year. This document is available to all team members. All team members are encouraged to frequently review this document in order to have current information on the businesses marketing

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SME Operations Manual

activities. 请参阅:

Please refer to:


“Marketing and Promotions Calendar”


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SME Operations Manual


Public Relations


Press Releases


From time to time the business will issue press releases to the local media. These releases will generally be on topics such as technology or product development, expansion plans or general success stories.

如果你认为有一个话题有向媒体发布的价值,请与你的经理讨论。 If you believe you have a topic which could form the basis of an interesting press release please discuss the matter with your Manager.


If your Manager approves your idea they will work with you to develop the Press Release. 请参阅:

Please refer to:


“Creating A Press Release Checklist”


Once you have completed the press release it must be forwarded to the

Marketing Department for review, approval and release to the local media. The Marketing Manager will review and approve the press release. 请参阅:

Please refer to:


“Pre-Release Press Release Checklist” 关于企业的报道文章副本要装祯,并展示在整个经营场所中。

Copies of press articles about our business are framed and displayed throughout


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