【冀教版】七年级英语下册:Unit 5 I Love Learning English!全教案 下载本文

Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson25:A Phone Friend

Ⅰ.Learning aims:

1:Grasp main words.

2: Understand important sentences. 3: Can use important grammar. Ⅱ.Learning main points:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Key sentences and structures.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Can use important grammar.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. Ⅳ.导学环节: (一) self-learning:


(1) I always practice ---(learn)English. (2)They -- -- --(be going to) visit their friends. (3)This one is –(昂贵的),would you like that one.

(4)Look at the –(接着的) examples,and then find the answers by youself.


(1) Understand :v 懂得,理解,其过去式和过去分词均为 understood,eg:He understood its meaning at last.

(2) No problem. 没问题。用来表示同意和愉快的回答请求,也可回答感谢,意为“不客气”eg:---Thank you ----No problem.

(3)Could 的用法:

could 用作情态动词,意为“能;可能”是can的过去式,(1) 用来表示过去的能力:She could swim when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。

a. 表示许可:can和could均可用,但用could 语气更委婉, eg: Can/Could I come in? 我可以进来吗?

b. 表示推测:对现在或将来的推测,can和could均可用,但can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句,而could则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句,eg: You could be right. 你可能是对的。

另外:could 还可用于虚拟语气中, 构成could have done 结构表示因过去可以做的事情没有做而感到遗憾惋惜,或者 couldn't have done 表示过去本不该做的事情而做了感到遗憾懊悔等等。eg: I could have stopped them fighting. 我本来可以阻止他们打架的。


(1) Can you ---(理解) what I said to you.

(2) Would you like to help me with my English? -------(没问题)。 (3) Can you do it by yourself? I am very busy now. -------(没问题)。 (4) She ------ swim when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。 (5) You ------be right.(你可能是正确的)。 (二)展示交流: 小组展示:

Make a phone call with your group, then show it separately. (三)拓展提升: 反馈矫正:

(1) Would you like to make friends with -------(外国人)? (2)------(能)you speak it loudly.

(3) I am from ------(加拿大),so I am a -------(加拿大人)。 (4) Can you -------(理解) me? (5) You ------- be right. (四)课堂作业:

1:作业当堂清:做P67 习题。 2:挑战自我:

(1) She ------ be a good student, I guess.

(2) Can you speak it ------(大声地) ,I can not hear you clearly. (五)板书设计: (六)当堂反思:

Lesson 26: Online Phone Calls

Ⅰ.Learning aims:

1:Grasp main words.

2: Understand important sentences. 3: Can use important grammar. Ⅱ.Learning main points:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Key sentences and structures.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:

1: Grasp words and phrases. 2: Can use important grammar.

3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls. 导学环节: (一) self-learning:


(1) Can you ---(理解) what I said to you.

(2) Would you like to help me with my English? -------(没问题)。

(3) Can you do it by yourself? I am very busy now. -------(没问题)。

(4) She ------ swim when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。

(5) You ------be right.(你可能是正确的)。 2:互助释义:

(1). proud adj. 自豪的,常用语短语:be proud of“因……而自豪/骄傲;”eg:

I’m proud of my son. 我以我儿子为骄傲。

(2). such adj.那么的;这样的

固定用法:such +a/an+ 形容词+名词;such + 形容词+名词的复数/不可数名词,eg: He is such a clever boy. 他是如此聪明的一个孩子。

(3). Alicia is from Russia. 艾丽西萨来自俄罗斯。

be from=come from来自,eg: He’s from China.=He comes from China. 他来自中国。

(4). It’s all thanks to you. 这多亏了你。 thanks to sb. 多亏有某人

thank sb. for doing sth.感谢某人做某事,eg: Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

(5). You did all the hard work yourself. 你独自一人做了所有艰