人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3教案 下载本文

Ask,How are you and your mother/father different? Ask some Ss to answer. ★Step 2 Pre-task

Page 19,Grammar Focus.

1.Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to read the sentences to the class. 2.Write the phrases “more outgoing than”.Say,When you compare things using words with three or more syllables,you use the word “more”.

3.Call attention to the word “friendly”,circle “y” and say,When a word ends in “y”,change “y” to an “i” and add“-er”.

4.Practice reading the sentences in the chart. ★Step 3 While-task Page 19,3a & 3b.

1.Call students' attention to 3a.

2.Make students complete the tasks individually. 3.Choose Ss to give their answers. 4.Correct the answers. 5.Practice reading.

6.Turn to 3b.And choose a student to answer the five questions according to the example.

★Step 4 Post-task Page 19,3c.

1.Ask students to read the sample conversation in the box. 2.Have students work in pairs to complete the chart. 3.Ask some pairs to present their dialogues. ★Step 5 Homework

1.Compare one of your best friends with you. Write down the same and different things between you two.

2.Do the exercises on Page 16 in students' book.

Board Design 板书设计

Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. The second period Section A(GF-3c)

1.Target language:

①A:Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?

B:No,she isn't. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. ②A:Are you as friendly as your sister? B:No,I'm not. I'm friendlier.

③A:Does Tara work as hard as Tina? B:Yes,she does.

④A:Who is smarter,your mother or your father? B:I think my mother is smarter than my father. 2.Answers to 3a.

第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)

Teaching Goals 【教学目标】

Key words & phrases: talented,truly,care,be talented in,the same as,be good at,care about,make sb. laugh

Key sentences: 1.I think a good friend makes me laugh. 2.Molly studies harder than her best friend.

Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】

The vocabulary: talented,care,care about,be talented in Target language: I think a good friend makes me laugh.

For me,a good friend likes to do the same things as me. Yes,and a good friend is talented in music,too. That's not very important for me...

Molly studies harder than her best friend. Well,Mary and her best friend are both tall.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

Use the target language to talk with your classmates about your opinions on what makes a good friend.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】

An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware.

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

★Step 1 Leading in

1.Show a maxim to Ss:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2.Ask,What kinds of things are important in a friend? ★Step 2 Pre-task Page 20,1a.

1.Read each description to the class and ask the Ss to repeat.

2.What kinds of things are important in a friend?Rank the things below 1—7(1 is the most important).

3.Ask different Ss to copy the seven phrases on the board. Then read the phrases together.

★Step 3 While-task Page 20,1b.

1.Say,Now make your own statements about friends using the phrases in

Activity 1a.

2.Ask some Ss to tell the class what they look for in a friend. And say,Who is your best friend?

Page 20,1c.

Play the recording and check the answers. Page 20,1d.

Play the recording and check the answers. ★Step 4 Post-task Page 20,1e.

1.Say,Now work with your partner. Make a conversation using information in the chart.

2.Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class. ★Step 5 Homework

Do the exercises on Page 17 in students' book.

Board Design 板书设计

Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.

The third period Section B(1a-1e)

1.Key vocabulary:truly,be talented in,the same as,be good at,care about,make sb. laugh

2.Target language:

A:Molly studies harder than her best friend. B:Well,Mary and her best friend are both tall.

第四课时 Section B(2a-2e)

Teaching Goals 【教学目标】

Key words: serious,mirror,kid,necessary,both,though,grade,should,saying,reach,hand,touch,heart,fact,break,arm,laugh,share,loud,similar

Key phrases: as long as,be different from,bring out,the same as,care about,in fact,be similar to

Key sentences: 1. I'm quieter and more serious than most kids.

2.I don't really care if my friends are the same as me or different. 3.Huang Lei isn't as good at tennis as Larry.

4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】

The vocabulary: serious,necessary,both,though,should,reach,touch,break,laugh,share,loud,similar,as long as,be different from,the same as,in fact,be similar to

Target language: I'm quieter and more serious than most kids. That's why I like reading books and study harder in class.

In fact,she's funnier than anyone I know.

I know she cares about me because she's always there to listen.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】 Talk about the famous sayings about friends.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】 An English textbook,CAI or courseware.

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

★Step 1 Leading in 1.Greetings.

2.Ask,Should friends be the same or different?Choose 2 or 3 students to talk about their opinions. Say,Today we'll read about what these people think.

★Step 2 Pre-task Page 21,2a & 2b.

1.Project some famous sayings about friendship on the screen. Ask Ss to guess their meanings and think of more.

2.Project these new words on the screen or write them on the board and teach the new words. Ask students to repeat them. And make sure everyone knows the meanings.

serious adj.严肃的;mirror n.镜子;necessary adj.必需的;both adj. & pron.两个;though adv.不过,可是 conj.虽然;should modal v.应该;reach v.到达;touch v.感动,触摸;fact n.事实;break v.(使)破;laugh v.笑;share v.分享;similar adj.类似的;as long as只要;be different from 与??不同;bring out 使显现;the same as和??相同;in fact事实上;be similar to与??相像的

3.Make students scan the three articles first. Ask students to put a mark in contents that are unfamiliar to them. Then the teacher lead Ss to learn them. Pay attention to the new words and phrases on the screen.

4.Practice reading. ★Step 3 While-task Page 22,2c & 2d.

1.Make students read 2b again. Then judge if the eight statements in 2c are true(T)or false(F).

2.Choose students to give their answers. 3.Check the answers.

4.Ask,How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article?Choose a student to talk about it with five sentences.