(中学教材全解)九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Robots检测题(含解析) 牛津版 下载本文

meals from the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.

In the future,robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of human. They can,however,help us in a lot of different ways. 56. From the passage we can know the robots _______.

A. are not strange to most people B. were invented long,long ago

C. mostly work on the farms D. can help the people who can’t

see now

57. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. A European inventor invented the first robot.

B. Robots often do much dangerous,difficult or boring work. C. Robots will be able to help the blind in the future.

D. Now most people know robots very well,because they are used so widely. 58. The phrase “a guide dog” in Paragraph 2 means _______..

A. 机器狗 B. 幸运儿 C. 导盲犬 D. 领队狗 59. Robots can’t get lost in the hospital because _______. A. they walk after the doctors

B. they ask the people when they don’t know the way C. they take a map of the hospital in their hands D. their computer system can tell them 60. In the future,robots _______.

A. will work in different important fields B. will take the place of men C. can do everything

D. can’t do anything as bad people tell them


从方框中所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话。 A. I think that’s a cleaning robot. B. What are they used for? C. There are some kinds of robots made by the students in our school. D. How about the taller one? E. I’m proud of them. A: What’s in the room? B: 61 A: Really? 62

B: The one with blue eyes is a guide robot. She can show you around our school. A: 63

B: He is a cook robot. He can cook something nice for you. A: Oh, 64

B: Maybe you’re right. When he finds waste things,he’ll pick them up. He can keep our environment clean.

A: That’s wonderful! What good students! 65 B: So am I.




66. I’m busy. Could you (邮寄) the letter for me? 67. Tom,please throw the rubbish into the (垃圾桶).

68. You can’t see the words on the blackboard clearly. I can’t,e . 69. If you agree with me,n your head.

70. The students were s the floor when Mr Wu came in. (B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

71. Ten _______ (salesman) are needed in the supermarket.

72. You need _______ (get) up early and read English in the morning. 73. The robot can go _______ (shop) at the supermarket.

74. The students are looking forward to _______ (have) a school trip. 75. In order _______ (get) better grades,you have to study harder. Ⅶ.书面表达(15分)

你喜欢机器人吗?你的同学喜欢机器人吗?你理想中的机器人是什么样子的,它更像人还是更像机器?你希望它能帮你做什么?把你的想法写出来。 要求: 1. 词数70左右;

2. 想象合理,表达清楚,语句连贯。



Unit 2 Robots检测题听力原文及参考答案



1. W: I want to buy a robot to do homework for me. What about you, Daniel? M: I want to buy a robot too, but I want it to do the housework. 2. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?

W: The post office? Yes. Look! It’s just next to the museum over there. M: I see. Thanks a lot.

3. M: Good morning. The Great Wall Hotel!

W: Good morning! I want to book a double room for three days from June 10th to 12th.

4. M: Are we going to have dinner, mummy? I’m hungry.

W: Sorry, Tom. I’m busy washing. Ask Dad. He’s cooking. 5. W: I think the robot is designed to work as a waiter. M: No, actually, it’s designed to play football!

6. M: I usually spend two hours doing my homework every day. W: It takes me only half an hour to do it every day. 7. W: Oh, my camera doesn’t work.

M: Let me see. I think you need to change the batteries. 8. M: Is this robot made in the USA? W: No. It’s made in China.

9. W: You need to check your computer every month.

M: Must I? I checked it every three months in the past. 10. M: Was the teacher satisfied with your report?

W: I’m afraid not. He thought my report was too short. B)听对话和短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案。(读两遍) 听第一段对话,回答11~12小题。

W: Were there any interesting robots at the exhibition centre last Saturday? M: Yes, a Japanese robot called SDA-Ten was shown there. W: What does it look like?

M: The robot is one hundred and thirty-five centimetres tall, weighs two hundred and twenty kilograms, and has two arms. W: What can it do?

M: It can cook meals, such as pancakes. 听第二段对话,回答13~15小题。

W: Do you know there will be a robot exhibition in our city, Daniel? M: Really? What exciting news!

W: Maybe we can go and have a look.

M: I can’t wait for it. When will it be held, Millie? W: It starts this Saturday. It will last for four days. M: Where will it be held?

W: It will be held at the International Exhibition Centre.

M: I will go there. And it would be great fun if we could buy a robot. How much do you think it may cost?

W: I’ve no idea. But I want to buy one for my little brother too. He can’t go with us. If the price is high, we can just enjoy watching the robots.


M: You’re right.


Lucky-1 is the robot produced by our company. It is designed to work both in the hospital and in your house. It is strong enough to lift patients off the ground without hurting them. It can also pick up and hold very tiny things. The robot can help the growing population of old and weak people who live in their own homes. What else can Lucky-1 do? It can clean floors, and look after patients. Our next task is to make it safer and let it do more things for its owner. We hope that Lucky-1 will go on sale in ten years. But people who want to buy the robot should start saving money now. The price will be about two hundred thousand dollars! 1~5 BCBAC 6~10 ABBCA 11~15 ACCAC 16~20 ACCBB Ⅱ.21. C 由语境可知选C,a little water一点水,表示肯定。

22. D ask, teach和tell后都接带to的动词不定式作宾补;have后接省略to的不定式作宾补。 由cook前没有to可知选D。

23. C 本题考查enough的用法。enough修饰形容词或副词时,enough要后置,所以排除A、 D。由语境知空格所在处句意为“她足够大能自己穿衣服了”,故本题选C。 24. B 本题考查现在进行时态。由look“看”可知,本句要用现在进行时态。句意为“看!一些孩子正在河里游泳。让我们加入他们吧”。故选B。

25. B in order to表示目的,意为“为了”,后接动词原形。 26. B 主语computers与谓语use是逻辑上的被动关系,所以只能考虑B、D两项;in the future是表示将来的时间状语,应用将来时态,故只有B项符合题意。 27. C 答句句意为“我也不喜欢它”。否定句中“也”用either表示。

28. B 此题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序,排除A、D两项。live为不及物动词,后接宾语时需带介词。故选B。

29. C 此处句意为“这个机器人需要一个月检查一次”。need doing sth.用主动形式表示被动含义,故选C。

30. C forget to do sth.“忘记做某事(表明还没做)”;forget doing sth.“忘记做过某事(表明已经做了)”;take sth. with sb.随身携带某物。句意为“不要忘记随身带把伞,天要下雨了”。

31. B need to do sth.需要做某事。 32. D 本题考查情景交际用语。由题意:“你的旅行怎么样?”“棒极了,我希望再次去那


33. B 第一个分句主语是事,用interesting修饰; be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故选B。

34. B (not)as...as结构中,两个as之间用形容词或副词的原级。

35. C neither...nor连接两个并列主语时,其谓语动词的单复数遵循就近原则。 Ⅲ. 36. B 由句意“机器人能帮助做家务和一些令人十分不愉快的工作”知选B项。 37. C however意为“然而,不过”。

38. D take作“花费”讲时,常用it作形式主语。由句意“……他们一致认为这可能需要花费数百年的时间”知选D项。

39. A look like “看起来像”;look at “看”;look for “寻找”;look up “查询”。句意为“科学家们正努力使机器人看起来像人,并和我们做相同的事情”。故选A项。

40. B 由but知詹姆斯·怀特不同意上述观点。disagree 意为“不同意,不赞成”。 41. B 空格处所在的句子与下句“对一个孩子来说……是容易的”形成对比关系,比较机器人与人类的不同,故选B项。