英语人教版七年级上册Unit5 复习教案 下载本文

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Review《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?》

Periods One Teacher Zhang jianfen Class Class2,Grade7 Knowledge Objective: (1).Key words: soccer ball, baseball, tennis ball, basketball. (2).Key structures: let sb. do sth. , it’s easy for sb.to do sth.. (3).To master the present tense to have. Teaching Ability Objective: (1).To make sentences with the structures. aims (2).To master the present tense to have. (3).To improve students speaking and writing skills. Emotional Objective: Doing sports are good for our health. Important points: Important (1).Master key words and structures. points (2).Master the present tense to have. & Difficult points: Difficult (1).To make sentences with the structures. points (2).To improve students speaking and writing skill. Teaching Power point Totally periods preparation One Periods One Step 1:Warming-up 1. Greet the students as usual. 2. All students read words in unit5 together. 3. Choose two or three students do reports. Step 2: Review words&the present tense to have Teaching 1. Show the teaching aims. procedures 2. Review the words of the sports. 3. Review the present tense to have. 4. Show the sentence patterns, and ask students to make sentences. 5. Fill in the blanks with have or has. Step 3:Review the phrases 1.Show the phrases to students, let students make sentences in class. Step 4:Exercise 见导学稿 Step 5:homework: Talk about the sports with your classmates after class. Review-- Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Have 的各种句式: 肯定句:1.I/They have ... 2.She/He has ... 否定句:1.I/They don’t have ... 2.She/He doesn’t have ... 一般疑问句: 1. Do you/they have ...? 肯答:Yes, I/They do. 否答:No, I/They don’t. 2. Does she/he have ...? 肯答:Yes, she/he does. 否答:No, she/he doesn’t. Homework Talk about the sports with your classmates after class. Blackboard Design