北语15春《听说》(三)作业2满分答案 下载本文

15春《听说》(三)作业2 单选题

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. 第二次作业问题15 A. A radio announcer. B. A bank employee. C. A car mechanic. D. A movie actor.

-----------------选择:C 2. 第二次作业问题18

A. A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge. B. A professional diver. C. A telephone operator.

D. A guard on the Golden Gate Bridge. -----------------选择:A 3. 第二次作业问题6

A. Buy something for the picnic. B. Go for a ride around town. C. Go shopping with the man. D. Have a picnic.

-----------------选择:A 4. 第二次作业问题2

A. She is working in the city. B. Life in the suburbs is lonely. C. Jobs are easier to find in the city. D. It's less expensive living in the city. -----------------选择:A 5. 第二次作业问题4

A. The woman should be more careful next time. B. They try to think of a solution. C. The woman find a spare key. D. They come downstairs. -----------------选择:B 6. 第二次作业问题3 A. In a printing shop. B. At a publishing house. C. At a bookstore. D. In a library.

-----------------选择:C 7. 第二次作业问题17

A. He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot.