如何将MEGA构建的系统发育树上传到Treebase 下载本文

1. Use MEGA to export the alignment as NEXUS. 2. Use MEGA to export the tree as NEWICK 3. Open the NEXUS file in Mesquite.

4. Do “Include file” from the “File” menu to import the NEWICK tree — you will be asked to specify the format, so choose “Philip (Trees)”.

5. Use Mesquite to edit the taxon labels. Use spaces instead of underscores. Taxon names should be written out in full; any special codes should be suffixes not prefixes.

6. Use Mesquite to edit and reorient/reroot the tree so that it looks like the figure in your publication. Do “Store tree” from the Trees menu to commit any changes. 7. Have Mesquite save the file. This can be uploaded to your submission.