小学生英语听力竞赛题(1) - 图文 下载本文

10、Can you help me?

五、听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的译文。每小题读三遍。 1、Be quiet,please.

2、I go to school by bus everyday. 3、Ben is eating dinner.

4、Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. 5、The lions are stronger than the tigers.


A:1、He likes riding bikes.

2、My mother is going to the supermarket with me. 3、Lin Tao and Wu Bin are playing football. 4、She often reads books.

5、Their favourite sport is table tennis. B:1、I goes to the park by taxi. 2、Here is your birthday present. 3、Amy is singing songs. 4、Point to your nose. 5、Sam is in the library.

七、听短文,根据短文内容进行图文匹配,并将正确答案的编号填入题前括号内。短文读三遍。 1、On Monday I will help my mother.

2、On Tuesday I will play football with my friends. 3、On Wednesday I will go to park. 4、On Thursday I will do my homework. 5、On Friday I will go to school.


Jack is an English boy. He is twelve years old. He has got a pet dog. The dog has got long hair and big eyes. Jack loves it very much. He often plays with it. Jack can speak Chinese very well. He says he wants to visit China someday. He wants to have a pen friend in China. Would you like to be his pen friend?


Bill’s birthday came on a sunny day in June. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends. They were all in nice boxes. Bill got a football from his classmate Tim. Bill likes playing football very much, so he was glad to have it. They had a good time that day.



三、√×××√ √×√√√ ×× 四、AAACB BBBCA 五、AABCA

六、A:35142 七、BDECA

八、 5 2 9 3 7 九、 35412

B:13425 10 1 6 7 4