重庆一中 七年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版 下载本文

重庆一中初 七年级英语下期期末考试

Ⅱ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)

( )21.It’s _________outside. People wear scarves.

A. cool

B. cold

C. warm

D. hot

D. with,

( )22.The girl __________long hair is _______a red skirt. A. with, in wears

( )23.-How ________your last weekend? -It ________terrible. A. is, is

B. was, was

C. was, is

D. is, was

( )24.I’d like___________ noodles.

A. tomatoes and beef B. mutton and cabbages

C. chicken and carrots D. onion and fish

( )25.He has no dog ______no family.

A. or

B. and

C. but D. /

C. decided to play D. decide to play

D.were lost

( )26. The weather was fine, so we _____________tennis. A. decide to played B. decided play ( )27. Yesterday my pen ________.

A. was lost

B. lose

C. lost

( )28.Old Henry sat down and ________the dog ______with the cat.

A. watched, played B. watch, played C. watched, to play D. watched, play ( )29. He is an _______________.

A. friendly people B. unfriendly person C. friendly person

unfriendly people

( )30. __________eat in the classroom. A. Not

B. Don’t

C. No

D. Doesn’t

( )31.-What do you think of the ________news?


A. sport, I love them.

B. sports, I can’t stand it

C. sports, I don’t mind them. D. sport, I don’t like it.

( )32.I enjoyed_________ your article and would like ________you my idea.

A. reading, to tell read, telling

( )33. -What does your sister like? - _____________

A. She is of medium build. B. She is tall. C. Math. D. She wears glasses.

( )34.______last Sunday morning, I asked students ________fashion.

A. /, to to

B. On, about

C. /, about

D. On,

B. reading, telling C. read, to tell



B. has, with

C. has, in

( )35.Mary is my good friend. She is ________heavy and she can speak _________English.

A. a little bit, a little B. a little bit, a little of C. a little, a little bit D. a little, many

( )36. -Who cleaned the house ? - Mike _________. A. does

B. was

C. did

D. is

D. stop to talk

( )37. It is time for class. Everyone _________.

A. stops to talk B. stop talking C. stops talking

( )38.I usually feel _______after a ________vacation. A. relaxing, relaxed

B. relaxing, relaxing

C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxed, relaxed

( )39. My English teacher often ________me do some reading.

A. help

B. wants

C. asks

D. lets

( )40. -What food do you want to_________? -I want to have some dumplings. A. order

B. sell

C. drink

D. think

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

My name is George .I ride a bike to deliver(送) letters to people every day. I ___41__ riding a bike. It is my hobby(爱好), ___42____I like my job.

When I was a child, I wanted to do a job in music. I wanted to be a ____43__.After I left(离开)school, I began to __44__letters to people .It is really _____45_____. I meet different people every day. When people get the letters, __46_____are happy. I feel ___47____when others are happy. It is the best part of my __48____. But sometimes it is a little ___49_____. There are always a lot of cars and buses___50_____on the roads. A few months ago, I had an accident(事故).It is the bad part of my life .But I still love my job. ( ) 41. A. stop ( ) 42. A. but

B. like

C. begin

D. dislike

B. for C. so D. or B. write

C. see

D. deliver D. quiet D. terrible D. dangerous

( ) 43. A. musician B. dreamer C. teacher D. doctor ( ) 44. A. sell ( ) 45. A. scary ( ) 46. A. you

( ) 47. A. great

B. interesting

B. all B. sorry

C. sad

C. tired

C. we D. they

( ) 48. A. study ( ) 49. A. exciting ( ) 50. A. playing

B. life C. job D. family B. boring B. running

C. hard C. showing

D. lying

第Ⅱ卷 主观试题 (60分)

Ⅴ. 口语应用,其中有两项多余。(每小题1分,共5分)

A: Carol, do you know the famous host of Hunan TV-He Jiong? B: Yes.________66_____________.

A: What do you think of his game shows?

B: I love all his TV shows. What about you?______67__________ A: No, I don’t. And I don’t like game shows . B: ________68_______________ A: I love talk shows.

B: _____69________ You know, I don’t like talking. A: What do you think of Animal World?

B: I can’t stand it. It’s for kids. I like Culture China. A: _______70_____________I learn a lot from it. A. Oh, I don’t mind them. B. He is a very funny man. C. May I ask you a question? D. What kind of TV shows do you like? E. Who’s He Jiong? F. Do you like him? G. I do, too.

Ⅵ. 词汇:

A. 根据句意和首字母填空。(每小题1分,共5分)

71. Too many people were in the shop. It was c_____________. 72. How did you s ______________your last summer vacation? 73. I v ____________the old man yesterday. He was so happy. 74. What s ________shoes do you wear? Small.

75. Wang Lin has a new l__________. His hair is not straight. It’s curly.

B. 用单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

76. He went ____________(shop) with his friends just now. 77. I found a small boy _____________(cry) in the corner. 78. It was time ________________(go) home. 79.That made me _____________(feel)relaxed. 80. Do you mind ______________(open) the window?

81. Molly _____________(write) a new song for us when she was in China. 82. My father read some books and ___________(have) some apples. 83. ___________(cook) is for moms.

84. Remember_______________(bring) your son here.

85.Can you please put my article in next_____________(month) magazine? Ⅶ. 句型转换(一空一词,含缩略词)。(每空1分,共10分) 86. He did homework at home. (改为否定句)

He ________ _______ homework at home.

87. The man worked under the tree. (对划线部分提问) _________ ________the man work?

88. He is practicing the guitar now.(一般疑问句) _________ he ____________the guitar now?

89. They see a talk show and study Chinese every day. (用yesterday改写句子) They ___________a talk show and ____________Chinese yesterday. 90. Would you like a cup of tea? (同义句转换) _______ _________a cup of tea?

Ⅷ. 完成译句(一空一词,含缩略词)。(每空1分,共10分) 91. 他不再戴眼镜了。

He ___________wear glasses any ____________. 92. 我的父母同意我的观点。

My parents __________ ____________me. 93. 他们正在寻找一只狗。

They are __________ _________a dog. 94. 你去哪儿度假了?

Where did you go ___________ ________________? 95. Mike只是个八岁大的男孩。

Mike is only _____________ _____________________boy. Ⅸ.短文填空。(一空一词) (每空一分,共10分)

Last year my father and I went to Chongqing. We ____96____a taxi to the hotel from the airport. During the taxi trip, the driver(司机) told us many interesting things _____97____the big city. We were happy.

When we arrived ___98_____ the hotel, I couldn’t ___99____my bag. But the taxi driver has got away.(离开).__100________I went to the police station for some help. There were three bags in the police station. One of them looked __101___my bag. But it wasn’t mine(我的).At that time, the driver came to the police station, __102_______. I was surprised he took a bag with him. Oh, it was my bag. I ___103_____him for returning(归还)my bag to me. Then I went __104____to the hotel. I thought(认为)the people in Chongqing were very ___105_______.

Ⅹ. 书面表达。(10分)


提示:1. 在课堂上学到了很多,老师帮助他学习。 2. 认识了很多新朋友。 3. 参加了英语俱乐部。 4. 成为了学校排球队的队长。

5. 在校庆日的时候为人们弹奏了小提琴。