2019-2020学年人教版八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题及答案 下载本文

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your sincerely, Li Hua

听 力 材 料 及 答 案



听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 Text 1. Who’s that girl under the tree? Text 2. How do you go to the zoo? Text 3. What’s in the red bag? Text 4. Which is Jim’s bike? Text 5. When are you going home?


听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 Text6

M: How are you feeling now, Mary? W: Much better, thanks. Text 7

W: Excuse me. Do you know Bill’s phone number? M: Let me see. 85658976. Oh, no. It’s 85658977. Text 8

W: Would you like to go to my room to have some tea? M: I don’t want to stay in. Why not go for a walk? Text 9

W: May I help you, sir?

M: Yes. I'd like to have a look at the fruits. Text 10

W: The football ball game last night was so exciting. M: Oh, really. Text 11

M: Come swimming with me?

W: I want to, but I must finish my paper.

Text 12

M: We are going to do shopping this afternoon. W: Are you? Can I go with you?

第三节 (共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)

听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第下面一段材料,回答第13至第15题。 M: Do you work or study, Kate?

W: Well, I study. I’m an art student. But I also work at a small restaurant at the weekend. M: And your hobbies?

W: Um…I listen to music, and I like dancing..

M: You are very busy then. And what about languages? Do you speak any foreign language? W: Well, I speak French and a little German. M: Do you like traveling and working with people?

W: Yes, I do. I’ve got friends in America, France and Germany. 听下面一段对话,回答16至18三个小题. M: Hi, Lily!

W: Hi, Steven. I’m going to London by train. Come with me! M: But it’s cheaper by bus.

W: I’ve got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it. M: That sounds good. How much does it cost? W: A card for six months is sixteen pounds. M: So how can I get one?

W: You need some photos — one for the card and one for the form. M: I don’t have to show my ID card, do I?

W: That’s right. You only need a letter from your school.

M: I’ll ask my teacher for one. Next time you go to London, I’ll come, too. 听下面一投对话,回答19至22四个小题.

M: Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

W: I’d love to, but I can’t because my friend Lucy is leaving and I want to buy her a present. M: What are you going too buy for her? W: I’m thinking about buying a book.

M: A book? That may be difficult. Do you know what kind of book she likes? W: It’s hard to say. Maybe she loves cartoon books, but I’m really not sure. M: Why don’t you buy her a watch?

W: No, she doesn’t like the things that cost me too much. M: What about a sweater?

W: A sweater? No, that’s too expensive. M: A cap?

W; Sounds like a perfect present. She likes wearing caps. Thanks for your advice.

M: You’re welcome.


John Brown and Mary Smith went to a dance last Saturday. John and Mary had a very good time. The dance was held at school. The school was crowded with people. John and Mary left the dance at 10:00. Mary was tired and asked John to take her home early. Mrs. Smith was still at home when they arrived. Mrs. Smith, John and Mary started talking about the dance. Suddenly John looked at his watch and saw it was midnight. Then they went to bed.

试 卷 参 考 答 案


1——5 BABCA 6——10 AACBB 11——15 ABB CB 16——20 A B B A C 21——25 C B C B A


26——30 A B C C D 31——35 A C A C B 36——40 C B C D B


41——45 A C A B C 46——50 D A A B B 51——55 D D B B D


56——60 C C D B A 61——65 D C A B C 66——70 A B D B C


71、mean 72、yourselves 73、bring out 74、used to 75、blind


76、finish 77、future 78、outgoing 79、be/ become 80、different 81、how 82、like 83、set 84、singer 85、decide

七、书面表达 Dear chairman,

I’m Li Hua from Class 6 Grade 8. I would like to be a volunteer. I hope to help the old in some ways. I have a lot of experience of being a volunteer. Last summer vacation, I visited the Old People’s Home with my classmates. We helped them to clean up their rooms,and we also sing and dance for them to cheer them up. Finally, they told us stories about the past and how things used to be. We worked so hard and listened so carefully that they could feel love and care from us.

In my opinion, we should care for the old people more. We’re all going to be old one day. The more we help the old, the happier we will be.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your sincerely, Li Hua