新目标大学英语1教案Unit 2 下载本文

Unit 2

教研室: 大学英语教研室 教师姓名:

课程名称 College English 授课专业及班次 授课内容 Section A Students will be able to: 目的要求 授课方式及学时 讲授 2 学时 1. have a further understanding different competences of entrepreneurs 2. understand ways of making comparison and contrast 1. Express one’s own opinions about different competences of entrepreneurs 重点与难点 2. Analyze the structure and rhetorical features of the text 1 Warming-up activity: 20 minutes 讲授内容2 Related Information: 15 minutes 及 3 Text Analysis: 35 minutes 时间分配 4 In-class Discussion: 20 minutes 教 具 New Target College English, Book 1; Blackboard; Chalk New Target College English: Teachers’ Book 1 Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary 参考资料 Necessary On-line resources

Text A Gaining a Foothold in the Business World

1. Warming up activity

1.1 leading-in

Running a business start-up like the one founded by Parker Maroney needs the, willingness to take risks, a passion towards a goal, and a clear vision on the part of the 13-year-old. But they are not enough for a successful entrepreneur. Bo Peabody, a well-known venture capitalist and founder of several quite successful companies, demonstrates through his interesting “A-students vs. B-students” theory that a partnership between a target-driven business starter and a perfectionist manager may even be more important and rewarding.

1. 2 Listening:

Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with what you have just heard.


Managers and entrepreneurs are perceived as two groups of professionals, each having unique traits. For example, entrepreneurs envision new enterprises, while managers may see opportunities for expanding the scale and scope of existing business.

They also differ in terms of competence, where entrepreneurial competence is comprised of six elements: time and energy spent looking for products / services that provide real benefits to customers; accuracy in perceiving customers’ unmet needs; identifying products / services customers want; seizing high-quality opportunities; strong internal drive to see their venture through; and ability to develop technically superior products / services.

Managerial competence is characterized by proper resource allocation, organizing and motivating people, coordinating tasks, ability to supervise, influence and lead people, ability to delegate effectively, and keep the organization running smoothly.

1.3 Speaking

What qualities do you think a person should have to become an entrepreneur or a manager? Discuss with your partners and share your opinions in class. . Tips:

1) For a professional manager:

Knowing how to properly allocate resources

Knowing how to effectively delegate the task to the right people

Knowing how to supervise, influence, lead, organize, or motivate people Knowing how to coordinate tasks 1) For a professional manager:

Knowing how to keep the organization running smoothly

Knowing how to decently cope with social and interpersonal relationships (celebrities, journalists, the public, etc.)

Knowing how to build and lead a team

Knowing how to change or adapt during a transition Knowing how to avoid mistakes

2) For an entrepreneur

Capable of identifying products / services customers want Capable of seizing high-quality opportunities

Having strong internal drive to see their venture through

Having ability to develop technically superior products / services Having the ability to spot opportunities Having self-confidence

Having clear vision and taking actions

Having courage to defy some conventional wisdom

2. Related information

1) Entrepreneurs and business managers

Entrepreneur is a loanword from French defined as an individual who organizes or operates a business or businesses. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator — a generator of new ideas and business processes.

Entrepreneurs are leaders willing to take risks and exercise the initiative, taking advantage of market opportunities by planning, organizing and employing resources often by innovating new or improving existing products. Management skill and strong team building abilities are often perceived as essential leadership attributes for successful entrepreneurs.

A business manager is a person who drives the work of others in order to run a major

business efficiently and make a large profit. He or she should have working knowledge of many areas, and may be a specialist in one or more, such as sales, marketing, public relations; statistics, finance, and personnel.

The outstanding list of world-renowned entrepreneurs in the 20th and 21st century includes, for instance, Sam Walton, Henry Ford, Bill Gates,

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

3. Reading and discussing

3.1 Reading skill focus: Scanning for specific information

Understanding comparison and contrast

By comparison and contrast, the writer brings together two subjects in order to show their similarities and differences, or highlight the essential characteristics of one or more subjects. Readers may understand comparison and contrast relationship in a passage by:

identifying synonyms or antonyms used in the passage

identifying connectives indicating comparison and contrast relationship

distinguishing between point-by-point and subject-by-subject patterns in presenting comparison and contrast relationship Point-by-point pattern:

the author examines two things at the same time, discussing them one point after the other. Subject-by-subject pattern:

the author examines one thing thoroughly and then starts the other.

The author may choose one or both of the two patterns to achieve variety in his writing. Successful Entrepreneurs, A-Students or B-Students?

Read the title and Paras.1-2 of Text A, and then share your answers to the questions in class: 1) Who are likely to become successful entrepreneurs, A-students or B-students? The answer varies.

Why did Bo’s mum’s think that he would be a B-student? He probably has the character traits of a B-student.

3. 2 Text organization

1) Main idea: By presenting comparison and contrast relations between B-students and A-students, entrepreneurs and managers, the author puts forward the idea that B-students are more likely to be entrepreneurs while A-students _are more likely to be managers He also holds that A-student managers and B-student entrepreneurs should understand and appreciate each other so that they can cooperate productively.

2) Text organization