ansys10.0 安装完毕后出现The desired vendor daemon is down问题
ansys10.0 按照操作说明进行安装完毕,进入主程序,ansys10.0 output窗口打开后,有时会出现以下错误提示信息:
Product: ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl')
Checkout failed for the above product. FLEXlm error message:
The desired vendor daemon is down (-97,121)
Servers/license files searched: 1055@cai(本机名)
(For additional licensing debug details, set the ANS_FLEXLM_DEBUG environment variable to '1' before running this product. For
maximum licensing debug details, set this environment variable to '2'.)
1、license.dat 第二行开头,将DAEMON改写为VENDOR 2、查看网络地址是否有误,请使用本机地址而非网络地址
3、在ANSLIC_ADMIN_Utility中,用install the license file重新装入许可证license.dat 4、FLEXlm_LMTOOLS_Utility中,暂停服务器再重新启动, 5、此时重新进入ansys主程序。