新人教版八年级上册英语Unit 6单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案) 下载本文

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seafood. M:That's great.

四、Betty and Helen are good friends.They are on their way to the shops.They are going to do some shopping.They are now talking about what they are going to buy.Helen wants to buy a birthday present for her grandpa and a few things for school.Betty wants to buy her father a pen and a pair of shoes.When they get there,they find the shops are closed.They have to go back home with nothing. 听力答案: 一、1-5:CEBAD 二、6-10:ABABC 三、11-15:CABCA 四、16-20:FFFTT

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分

五、21.C 点评:考查句子的时态。“in+时间段”是一般将来时的标志,leave等表示


22.C 点评:短语辨析法)。考查动词短语辨析。make sure of“确保”,一般后面跟名

词或者动名词词组;make sure“确保”,可以跟从句;make a decision“做出决定”,make plans“制订计划”。句意:这场音乐会剩下的票不多了,你最好确保今天订上一张票。所以选择答案C。

23.D 24.B 25.D

26.B 点评:语法判定法)。考查There be句型的一般将来时。A、C、D三项中have

与There be句型混用,故排除,所以选B。

27.C 28.D

29.B 点评:考查动词短语write down的用法。当宾语是代词时,要放在中间,排除


30.B 31.D 32.A

33.B 点评:grow up“长大,成长”;grow into“成长为”。句意:当她长大时,她会


34.C 点评:考查“五分钟的路程”用英语如何表达。分钟为复数,故minute加s, 因

此排除B和D两项;又考查名词复数所有格,故选C。 35.B

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六、36.B 37.D

38.C 点评:句意为“他打算不吃垃圾食品。” 39.C 40.A 点评:captain的意思是“队长”。 41.B 点评:由下文中的read English可知。 42.C 点评:get意为“得到,获得”,符合题意。 43.D 44.B

45.D 点评:后半句句意为:他认为照顾孩子很棒。 七、A 46.B 点评:由Arnold的答语“A police officer.”可知。

47.D 点评:由Wendy所说“But you'd better call me before 9:00 p.m.That's my



49.B 点评:由Wendy所说“My mom and dad went to the same college in Miami.So I

want to go there, too.”可知。


B 51.B 点评:阅读材料中寻找答案法)。根据短文的第一段第一句When Susan Chen

left high school, she wanted to go to university.可知答案。

52.C 点评:根据短文中句子She did not score very high marks, but she scored enough...



54.C 点评:根据短文中句子“Dad,” she said, “I've got my examination results.You'll

be so pleased.” “You've passed!” he exclaimed.可知。


C 56.D 点评:根据第二段I made an important decision when I was in Junior 3.可知,



58.C 点评:根据文中句子It took me what seemed to be ages to make the biggest

decision so far in my life...可知作者很认真地思考并做出了决定,故排除A项,选C。根据For the first time in my life I was asked to make my own decision. 可知,这是作者第一次被要求自己做决定,故排除B和D项。 59.B

八、(一) 60.scientists 61.violinist

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62.hobby 63.actor 64.team (二) 65.themselves 66.is going to be 67.driver 68.myself 69.beginning

九、70.C 点评:根据上句的句意“是的,中国梦是所有中国人的梦想。”可知,在谈


71.A 72.F

73.B 点评:根据答语“在我家乡的一所医院。”可知问题是有关在哪里工作的。故



十、75.London 76.two weeks

77.will find;easily 78.5804436 79.teacher 十一、范文:

I'm going to be a pilot

When I grow__up, I'm__going__to__be a pilot.I'm going to study hard from now on and write articles for magazines and newspapers.I'm going to find a__parttime__job and make more money for my education.I'm going to Peking University after I finish middle school.I want__to__travel to the moon and walk in space. 点评:①grow up长大。 ②be going to be...打算成为…… ③a parttime job一份兼职工作。 ④want to do sth.想要做某事。

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