雅思模拟测试题2 下载本文

LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6

Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.

1 What does the woman need to join the library? A to write down her name and address B to show some kind of identification C to show something with her old address

2 What’s woman’s problem? A There is no address on her letters. B Her bankbook is old.

C Everything she has now has her old address.

3 How is the woman finally able to join the library? A by showing her husband’s driving licence B by showing her air ticket C by showing her passport

4 How many records can she take out? A four B two C five

5 Where is the catalogue? A to the right B around the comer C on the second floor

6 How long can she keep the books? A three weeks

B four weeks C two weeks

Questions 7-10

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Application Form Name: 7_____________________ Telephone No.: 8_____________________ Address: 9_____________________, Hanwell Passport No.: 10_____________________

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-14

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Notes People think the process originated from 11__________ about 8,000 years ago. The two main kinds of cheeses were called 12__________ and cheeses. 13____________ were great pioneers in cheese-making. The new skills began to spread between 14 __________ and __________.

Questions 15-20 Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Time People’s Knowledge About Cheese-making ___________. 19th century At present The knowledge about 16___________ increased. It was possible to 17___________ the process. Cheeses began being made largely in 18___________, but 19___________ still plays an essential role. Despite the scale of production, 20___________ and can still develop.

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-30

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 21 What’s John’s problem?

A He cannot take notes on listening to lectures. B He cannot concentrate on the lecture all the time. C He feels frustrated when listening to the lecture.

22 The tutor thinks inferring is very important because A the student cannot identify the words in speech.

B the student cannot stop the lecturer to check unfamiliar words and patterns. C the non-native speakers have severe strain when listening to lectures.

23 According to the tutor,

A inferring is always done successfully. B the failure of inferring is discouraging.

C it’s likely to focus on the important points to understand the lecture.

Early stage It was known cheeses’ tastes were related to 15___________ and

24 Why is the title of the lecture important? A because it’s printed or referred to beforehand

B because the student has no doubt about the meaning of the title C because it covers the main points of the lecture

25 According to the tutor, the sentence “this is, of course, the crunch” is A an implicit expression of the important points.

B a symbol of friendly relationship between the lecturer and audience. C a colloquial style to indicate the main points.

26 Non-native students have difficulty in understanding such saying as “crunch” because

A they cannot take the main points. B they are not used to the colloquial style. C they don’t make enough efforts.

27 Which one of the following is NOT indirect signal of the important points? A using colloquial expressions B speaking slowly and loudly C using different intonations

28 What does the tutor suggest John should do to write quickly and clearly? A to sort out the main points

B to select those words with the greatest possible information C to write one noun on each line

29 How to show the connections between the different points? A by visual symbols like spacing or underlining. B by lengthy statement in words C by seeing the framework of the lecture