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SOLUBLE SOLIDS (other than antibiotics) ¿ÉÈܹÌÌ壨·Ç¿¹ÉúËØ£©

Use for each medium not less than the quantity prescribed in Tables 2 and 3 of the product dissolved in a suitable solvent, such as Fluid A (Diluting and Rinsing Fluids for Membrane

Filtration), and proceed with the test as described above for Aqueous Solutions using a membrane appropriate to the chosen solvent.



Use for each medium not less than the quantity of the product prescribed in Tables 2 and 3. Oils and oily solutions of sufficiently low viscosity may be filtered without dilution through a dry membrane. Viscous oils may be diluted as necessary with a suitable sterile diluent such as

isopropyl myristate shown not to have antimicrobial activity in the conditions of the test. Allow the oil to penetrate the membrane by its own weight, and then filter, applying the pressure or suction gradually. Wash the membrane at least three times by filtering through it each time about 100 mL of a suitable sterile solution such as Fluid A (see Diluting and Rinsing Fluids for Membrane Filtration) containing a suitable emulsifying agent at a concentration shown to be appropriate in the validation of the test, for example polysorbate 80 at a concentration of 10 g per L (Fluid K) . Transfer the membrane or membranes to the culture medium or media, or vice versa, as described above for Aqueous Solutions, and incubate at the same temperatures and for the same times.

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Use for each medium not less than the quantities of the product prescribed in Tables 2 and 3.

Ointments in a fatty base and emulsions of the water-in-oil type may be diluted to 1% in isopropyl myristate as described above, by heating, if necessary, to not more than 40 . In exceptional cases it may be necessary to heat to not more than 44 . Filter as rapidly as possible, and proceed as described above for Oils and Oily Solutions.

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For prefilled syringes without attached sterile needles, expel the contents of each syringe into one or two separate membrane filter funnels or into separate pooling vessels prior to transfer. If a separate sterile needle is attached, directly expel the syringe contents as indicated above, and

proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions. Test the sterility of the needle, using Direct Inoculation under Validation Test.


SOLIDS FOR INJECTION OTHER THAN ANTIBIOTICS ³ýÁË¿¹ÉúËØÖ®ÍâµÄ×¢ÉäÓùÌÌå Constitute the test articles as directed on the label, and proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions or Oils and Oily Solutions, whichever applies. [NOTE¡ªIf necessary, excess diluent can be added to aid in the constitution and filtration of the constituted test article.]



Pharmacy Bulk Packages, < 5 g¡ª From each of 20 containers, aseptically transfer about 300 mg of solids, into a sterile 500-mL conical flask, dissolve in about 200 mL of Fluid A (see Diluting and Rinsing Fluids for Membrane Filtration), and mix; or constitute, as directed in the labeling, each of 20 containers and transfer a quantity of liquid or suspension, equivalent to about 300 mg of solids, into a sterile 500-mL conical flask, dissolve in about 200 mL of Fluid A, and mix. Proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions or Oils and Oily Solutions, whichever applies. Ò©·¿É¢×°< 5 g£ºÈ¡20¸öÈÝÆ÷£¬Ã¿¸öÈÝÆ÷¾ùÒÔÎÞ¾ú²Ù×÷½«Ô¼300mg¹ÌÌåתÒÆÖÁÒ»¸öÎÞ¾úµÄ500mL׶ÐÎÉÕÆ¿£¬ÈܽâÓÚÔ¼200mLÒºÌåAÖУ¨¼ûÓÃÓÚĤ¹ýÂ˵ÄÏ¡ÊͺͳåÏ´Òº£©£¬²¢»ìÔÈ£»»òÈ¡20¸öÈÝÆ÷£¬Ã¿¸öÈÝÆ÷¾ù°´ÕÕ±êÇ©ÉϵĹ涨ÅäÖÆ£¬²¢½«Ï൱ÓÚ´óÔ¼300mg¹ÌÌåµÄÒºÌå»òÐü¸¡Òº×ªÒÆÖÁÒ»¸öÎÞ¾úµÄ500mL׶ÐÎÉÕÆ¿£¬ÈܽâÓÚÔ¼200mLÒºÌåAÖУ¬²¢»ìÔÈ¡£°´ÕÕÊʺϵĹØÓÚË®ÐÔÈÜÒº»òÓͺÍÓÍÐÔÈÜÒºµÄ¹æ¶¨£¬¼ÌÐø²Ù×÷¡£

Pharmacy Bulk Packages, 5 g¡ª From each of 6 containers, aseptically transfer about 1 g of solids into a sterile 500-mL conical flask, dissolve in about 200 mL of Fluid A, and mix; or constitute, as directed in the labeling, each of 6 containers and transfer a quantity of liquid, equivalent to about 1 g of solids, into a sterile 500-mL conical flask, dissolve in about 200 mL of Fluid A, and mix. Proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions.

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Aseptically remove a sufficient quantity of solids from the appropriate amount of containers (see Table 2), mix to obtain a composite, equivalent to about 6 g of solids, and transfer to a sterile 500-mL conical flask. Dissolve in about 200 mL of Fluid A, and mix. Proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions.



For fluid products in pressurized aerosol form, freeze the containers in an alcohol-dry ice mixture at least at ¨C20 for about 1 hour. If feasible, allow the propellant to escape before aseptically

opening the container, and transfer the contents to a sterile pooling vessel. Add 100 mL of Fluid D to the pooling vessel, and mix gently. Proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions or Oils and Oily Solutions, whichever applies.

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DEVICES WITH PATHWAYS LABELED STERILE ¾ßÓе¼¹ÜµÄÒ½ÁÆÆ÷¾ß¹©ÊÔÆ· Aseptically pass not less than 10 pathway volumes of Fluid D through each device tested. Collect the fluids in an appropriate sterile vessel, and proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions or Oils and Oily Solutions, whichever applies.


In the case of sterile, empty syringes, draw sterile diluent into the barrel through the sterile needle, if attached, or th, rough a sterile needle attached for the purpose of the test, and express the contents into a sterile pooling vessel. Proceed as directed above.


Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium ÅàÑø»ùµÄÖ±½Ó½ÓÖÖ

Transfer the quantity of the preparation to be examined prescribed in Tables 2 and 3 directly into the culture medium so that the volume of the product is not more than 10% of the volume of the medium, unless otherwise prescribed.

If the product to be examined has antimicrobial activity, carry out the test after neutralizing this with a suitable neutralizing substance or by dilution in a sufficient quantity of culture medium. When it is necessary to use a large volume of the product, it may be preferable to use a

concentrated culture medium prepared in such a way that it takes into account the subsequent dilution. Where appropriate, the concentrated medium may be added directly to the product in its container.

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